
Chapter 189: Spring Princess

"Ha... Ha... Ha...."

Breathing heavily, a woman with dark skin and black hair looked in complete disbelief at the man beside her.

She was defeated, her body so sensitive that a simple touch would drive her crazy. Her body was sweaty, and her hair sprawled out. Needless to say, all the stress she had vanished as if by magic.

(This was easy.)

Sitting at the edge of the bed, Yuki recalled his past when he had to seduce women to kill them or extract information. Although he no longer had the need to do so, Yuki still maintained the habit.

"Well, darling... Did you enjoy it?"

Smirking arrogantly, Yuki looked at the breathless amazon.

"You... Are... the best."

Closing her eyes, the woman could take no more. The pleasure she experienced was beyond what she had imagined, not to mention that this guy was an expert, targeting her weak points, causing her to climax multiple times with his fingers.

Even in her wildest dreams, she never thought a simple massage would take her to heaven and let her experience something forbidden.

(Now that I recall, her name was Lena Tally?)

Looking at this woman, Yuki had even forgotten to ask her name. If it weren't for Rasiel, maybe he would never have known.

"Well, I'm glad you enjoyed it."

Sighing, Yuki stood up. Even without sex, Yuki could still please a woman and come to this district; it was like paradise for someone like him.

(Well, time to go.)

Leaving satisfied, Yuki could see something very good. Although he initially wanted to sleep with this woman, in the end, he didn't. There was no need to do so; this woman wouldn't be enough to please him, and his goal was to entrap them in a net.

"It's a shame; I haven't had fun yet... Hm?"

Looking for the next Amazon, Yuki's steps halted.

After all, he saw something very pleasant. His eyes were drawn to a particular young woman.

"Wow, didn't expect to find someone like her in this place."

With a smile on his face, Yuki chose his next target.


(Another night...)

Muttering to herself, a girl with sad eyes looked at the many customers walking the streets.

And although many of them were interested in her, in the end, they just shook their heads and continued on their way.

This girl is very beautiful, like most women in this place, but there's something that makes her stand out.

And that is that she is not human, nor is she an Amazon. She is a Renard.

Being a rare race, she attracts a lot of attention, and how could she not? Her beautiful blond hair, along with her fluffy ears and long golden tail. Plus, her green eyes matched her attractive face and her beautiful kimono.

As a bonus, her green eyes matched her attractive face and her beautiful kimono.

But despite all this, no men were willing to request her services.

"Haruhime, always remember to smile, just like you are now; no one will request your services otherwise."

Approaching her service room, a woman with black hair covering part of her face and bronzed skin, an Amazon, sighed and looked at her with one eye before taking one of the wooden bars.

"Yes, Aisha-san."

Lowering her head, Haruhime smiled slightly. After all, this woman in front of her was her superior as well as a friend.

"Well, it doesn't matter anyway."

Shaking her head, Aisha sincerely hoped that no one would request Haruhime's services. Living the life of a prostitute is not easy, especially for someone delicate and pure-hearted like her.

However, those were her wishes, but in the end, she couldn't interfere with her family and let Haruhime lead this life.

"See you later, Haruhime. Always remember to smile."

"Hm! I will."

Looking at the sad smile on her friend's face, Aisha didn't know what to say, but in the end, she could only sigh and walk away; she, like everyone else, also had work.


But as she walked away, she saw an adventurer heading towards Haruhime.

"A client?... Heavens, another complaint."

Sighing again, Aisha stopped in her tracks, deciding to see how this would end. After all, Haruhime had a reputation, but not a good one, and she didn't want anything to happen to that Renard.


"Hello, beautiful lady."

Approaching the wooden bars, Yuki smiled at the woman inside the room.

After all, he was very surprised by the woman in front of him. Having a Renard in a brothel was unthinkable, considering how rare they are.


Turning her head, Haruhime looked at the man who spoke to her. His face wasn't handsome, and he didn't seem strong either. However, a strange aura surrounded him, as if the whole world were embracing him.

Closing her eyes slightly, Haruhime looked at the man again. But like an illusion, the aura around him had disappeared, leaving only his gentle smile on his face.

"Why so lonely? A beautiful lady like you shouldn't be alone, especially on such a beautiful night."


Confused, Haruhime could only tilt her head. This was the first time someone tried to seduce her. All her clients would look at her with lustful eyes before paying and going to the room.

No one had approached her with sweet words. This confused her a lot.

"My name is Arce. Could I have the pleasure of knowing the name of such a beautiful lady?"

With a gentle smile on his face, Yuki looked into her eyes, at the same time extending his hand, like a gentleman inviting a beautiful lady to a dance.


Haruhime's eyes and cheeks reddened. The 'Seduction' ability was in full force. Taking her hand off the wooden bars, Haruhime unconsciously placed her hand on top of Yuki's.

"Haruhime... My name is Haruhime, sir."

Widening his smile, Yuki placed his other hand on the delicate and white hands of the Renard.

"Haruhime... 'Princess of Spring'? What a beautiful name. It's perfect for such a beautiful lady like you."


With flushed cheeks, Haruhime turned her head. She was terribly embarrassed, and she wanted to withdraw her hand. However, the man's gentle caress and sweet compliments made it difficult for her to pull away.

"Sir, please don't mock me. I'm not any princess. For someone like me, this name is too much."

"No, it's perfect. Please don't belittle yourself. Even if you're in this place, the fact that you're a lovely flower is unquestionable. You're very beautiful, so... Would this Arce have the privilege of having a charming night with such a beautiful princess?"

Affectionately holding her hand, Yuki brought one hand to his chest, gazing steadily into Haruhime's eyes, who, in response, was trembling. This proposition was too much for her; no one in their right mind would say such embarrassing words to a prostitute like her.

However, she didn't hate these compliments; rather, her heart was pounding strongly. Looking at the adventurer's face, devoid of any hint of lust, it was as if he was looking at her—Sanjouno Haruhime—and not just a prostitute.


Unconsciously accepting his proposition, she placed her other hand on top of Yuki's.


TN: Dies of cringe.... don't revive me

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