
how to go crazy

April 2004.

Billy invited the entire cast of Harry Potter to formalize their roles in the movie, and although it might not have seemed like it, the age limit was set at 12 years. However, others could attend with the help of an adult.

-I think it's fantastic, - commented Rupert Grint, the biggest rock band enthusiast among them.

On the other side, Emma Watson was drawing Tom Felton's attention, but he merely smiled and joked about this and that. Daniel Radcliffe was more than nervous; his hands were sweating. Not far away were all the women from the cast, many of whom were older than him, and they were all beautiful.

-It is fantastic, - Daniel said.

-I think it's wonderful that we've been allowed to be here, - Maggi Smith remarked. They all needed to behave, and each of them smiled, along with Daniel's father, who chuckled at Maggi's admonition, sounding very much like a teacher.

-With you here, we don't need Marcia, - Alan Radcliffe, Daniel's father, commented.

-Not at all; it's just that everyone is very anxious, - Maggi said, glancing at those around her. The closeness of everyone felt alive; the Harry Potter cast was truly a place filled with immense affection.

One hundred people gathered in a VIP box among the 70,000 attendees in the stadium. Every one of them was energized by a crowd that roared with inhuman strength. This energy surprised the parents while the young ones settled into their spots, many of them whispering joyfully. Two light screens illuminated Billy's stage, and from there, the grand lighting was ready to project a vibrant image of Billy, who stood at the front of the stage. Billy Carson took his position, and his smile lit up the stadium as 40,000 people erupted in a thunderous cheer.

-Thank you all so much! Can you believe that with people like you by my side, listening to my songs, this is my first time in London with such a large audience? I feel incredibly fortunate, and thanks to the London venue for allowing us to use this stadium. Thank you, Chelsea... for now, this song is for you. -

A piano began to reverberate. The song was "Incomplete" by the Backstreet Boys, and Billy's melodious voice captivated everyone—young, old, and everyone in between. They were all astonished, and for good reason; his vocal prowess reached a level where every word was heard with clarity and power, followed by a force that established a clear identity, his tone unmistakable.


Billy Carson.

Singing:(12/4200) level 10: guru

Piano: (1/1024) level 7: veteran

Guitar: (1204/2048) level 8: expert.

Violin: (34/64) Level 4: semi-professional

Rating: worldwide.





Empty spaces fill me up with holes

Distant faces with no place left to go

Without you, within me I can find no rest

Where I'm going is anybody's guess

I tried to go on like I never knew you

I'm awake but my world is half asleep

I pray for this heart to be unbroken

But without you all I'm going to be is, incomplete


One person felt the song had generated a reaction of understanding. The words were powerful and so discreet that they sounded like the very reality of dawn itself.

A storm, a whirlwind of emotions gave them a vivid pleasure of multiple paths. It was the life of birth itself, so characteristic of a notion of arrangement. It was pure anxiety. They could only create an image born of astonishment. Tears streamed from their heart, nourishment for the soul. These were the things, that released an idea of gestation, seven months of different ideas, every one of them numbered by months and months of fear, in a dark birth. The entire outpouring of emotions began with a song.

-You're crying, - their spouse asked.

-It's so good. It gave me a rebirth, - they replied.


Voices tell me I should carry on

But I am swimming in an ocean all alone

Baby, my baby

It's written on your face

You still wonder if we made a big mistake

I tried to go on like I never knew you

I'm awake but my world is half asleep

I pray for this heart to be unbroken

But without you all I'm going to be is, incomplete


Billy infused the song with emotions of nostalgia and resilience, all tinged with his deep feelings in search of acceptance. It was a therapy that allowed 50,000 people to give a clear direction to their baptism of life.

Rupert shouted from the side, singing along; he knew at least 40 of Billy's songs inside and out. Experiencing it live at such a young age gave him a wealth of new knowledge that felt like a rebirth; it was something different.


I don't mean to drag it on

But I can't seem to let you go

I don't wanna make you face this world alone

I wanna let you go (alone)

I tried to go on like I never knew you

I'm awake but my world is half asleep

I pray for this heart to be unbroken

But without you all I'm going to be is, incomplete


-Daniel, I told you. He's the best singer in the world, - Rupert remarked.

-Surprisingly, it's a great song, - Daniel murmured.

The next song elicited a few screams, a shout that provided a strong sense of awakening, and with that awakening, he could marvel at the birth of something new.

-He has better songs, - Rupert commented, with a challenging air. He was a true fan, one of the few who didn't hold back, bringing an astonishing energy that surpassed all conversation.

-I think... we should listen a bit more, overall, - Daniel suggested, not wanting to give a definitive yes or no; he was simply surprised.

Emma, on the other side, tried to speak, but no one paid attention. She decided to listen to Billy's songs attentively.


-He's doing wonderfully, - commented Jerry Wrexler, who was listening to the cheers from a small VIP booth. Next to him was the CEO of Burberry, observing Billy from a distance. There, he showcased one thing: power. From talent to beauty, strength, and confidence, it was a risky venture, but Billy Carson would attract all those who wished to be like him. Jon Pearce saw the potential; he was one of the most magnificent singers in every sense.

-If he continues with our brand, he must meet certain requirements. If we can reach the wealthy American class through him, we will establish a broad profile, - Jon Pearce commented, sharing some insider secrets.

-There's no better market than Billy. You've seen the statistics, and without them, you wouldn't give a thumbs up. He's the best singer of the moment, - Jerry Wexler replied, emphasizing the star power. Entering Burberry could give him a significant boost; he already had Vans as a sponsor, along with Nike, Rolex, and now Burberry. If he could establish a partnership with Motorola, it would be perfect for Billy.

In addition to this, his recent entry into Burberry, the image of the unattainable, brands like Hugo Boss, Armani, or Dior could be the next targets... for perfumes and cosmetics, Montblanc. The idea of signing with such brands was a key thought for Jerry. From there, success could only breed envy among those who built their narratives around Billy, the man who had it all—the desirable man, strong, intelligent, and skilled.

-I believe the meeting is more than satisfactory, - Jerry whispered, so softly that the music covered his voice.

-I can see that he awakens the emotions of millions of people, - Joe managed to say, somewhat overwhelmed. The songs reached his heart, even though it wasn't connected to him.


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