
unexpected events.

The extensive search conducted by James Johnson not only revealed the contraband circulating within the correctional facility and some prohibited sharp objects, albeit not many, but it also exposed errors in the organization of the prison.

Superintendent Charles, who was about to leave, was notified of a hospital transfer case; the paperwork was done, and the nurse in charge would resolve it in less than five minutes. However, the Chief of Guards was a man who followed protocols to perfection.

Austin, seeing the Superintendent's angry expression, shrank. His plan was an unforeseen mistake, and now he could only face the consequences. All belongings were confiscated, and first, the instigators were called. A rigorous process? Yes, a process that adheres to a strict script, is necessary for such correctional facilities.

-We need the story of Mr. Billy Carson. With the complete story, we can determine what happened and punish those who deserve it, - Superintendent Charles said.

James frowned but couldn't refute the Superintendent's words.

-Very well. I'll call the hospital, and see when young Billy will be discharged, - James said. He glanced at the clock; it was 9:10 PM, time for everyone to rest.

-Tomorrow, we'll settle scores with all the kids. For now, Nicolls is the culprit. Rest up and renew your shift, - James said, grabbing the bag of confiscated items. - I'll take these and file the corresponding reports at the police station. Have a good day. -

The Superintendent smiled, but inwardly, he was gritting his teeth at the confiscated items, a flaw he couldn't afford to show. - Well, if there's nothing else, everyone has a workday tomorrow, and the day starts early, -Charles said.

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Pov Charles - Superintendant:

On the first day, that kid Carson was asleep, and Charles decided to leave. He had to get to work to sort out the pending arrangements with the people around him.

The nincompoop Spencer arrived in the room, with his fat double chin and stupid eyes, starting to ask all sorts of questions about his new student. What could a man who only wanted to make money do?

-Spencer, you should visit him in the hospital. The young one must be awake by now, - said Charles, but a quick thought passed through his mind. - You know what? We could go together. I don't think you'll find the hospital so easily. Wait for me; we'll leave at 5:00 pm to take notes. -

-Yes, thank you, Charles. Billy is a good kid; he plays the piano with remarkable skill, - said Spencer.

Music, nonsense thought Superintendent Charles. Music is useless; only a few musicians can be considered rich.

-That's good. Music is something so beautiful and alive, Charles. Try to straighten these abandoned souls. They can't find opportunities. We're guides, Spencer, I've always liked your talent, - said Charles.

Spencer's flushed cheeks were a sign that he had won the argument and wouldn't ask anymore.

-Thank you, Charles. I think I'll talk to Jeffrey. I'm sure he'll receive my choir policy once he sees Billy's talents, - said Spencer, happily.

A donation, very good, thought Charles.

-We all have a lot to do. I hope to see you at the end of the day to visit poor Billy, - said Spencer, leaving the room. His oversized pants nearly reached his chest, and his woolen jacket looked comical.

-Good day, Spencer, - said Charles, bidding him farewell.

-Yes, yes, - said Spencer, waddling out like a penguin.

Charles lifted his eyes from the documents, took a deep breath, and reviewed Austin's file. The small scapegoat who, unfortunately, would have to be dispatched, paying for two mistakes. This one was unforgivable; the approval for the correctional facility in Arizona had already been granted, and he wouldn't have to deal with the troublesome kid again.

Working through the profiles, he wanted to send all these kids to Arizona and refresh them with new ones, small ones not accustomed to the environment already provided by Charles. The sin of these kids was not following the correct rules, and for that reason, he thought of many ways to calm the waters for these kids. Nicolls, Ira Berkeley, and Austin were to go to Arizona.

The day passed quickly, and there was Spencer at exactly 5:00, waiting. Charles saw him through the window, staring ahead, lost in vain thoughts.

How annoying, thought Charles, seeing all these brats so happy. They were in for a treat.

Here came Spencer with his disheveled appearance and stupid look. Charles felt the urge to hit him, but he stopped to think about the consequences and decided to forget the transgressions. No one made him wait for five minutes and got away with it.

-Spencer, good to see you. Come on, we have to visit our dear boy in the hospital room, for the father, I hope he's okay, - said Charles, with a fake smile. But seeing Spencer's stupid nod, he didn't bother saying more.

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-Billy was talking with old Joseph, who, after a recent while, mentioned how much he hated being away from his grandchildren.

-Grandpa, how old are you? -said Billy.

-Ahhh, what a childish question. I'm 83, a sad age to be born. In those times, we lived well, but everything was devastated by the '29 crisis. My father took me and my brothers to work in the fields because there was food. -said Joseph.

-Wow, a long time ago. -responded Billy in amazement. - What happened next? -

-Nothing relevant. I enlisted in the war in '39 with my brother. We landed in Africa and rode to Italy, where my brother fell in love with a woman who had just lost her husband. On the contrary, I returned to work in the factories. -said Joseph.

Summarizing his story roughly, as those were tough years, and he could hardly remember everything. James Johnson arrived exactly at 4:00 PM, anticipating Superintendent Charles, as he wanted to know the whole story firsthand, wanting to uncover the superintendent's dark side.

-Entering with his usual formality and harshness, he greeted the young man, with a black eye, swollen nose, and a neck brace covering his chin. There was a Jurassic Park suitcase - Maybe his mother has already come," thought James Johnson. - He paused to think.

-Good morning, sir. Good morning to you, young man.-said James. As if it were something usual, he took out a recorder.

-I'm James Johnson. Your mother has permitted me to take your statement. Below, I would like to know what happened last night, April 23, 2000. -said the officer.

-An interrogation, sir? -asked Billy.

-Just a statement of the events. -said James.

Joseph tried to make a raspy sound but failed.

-Ahh, yes, of course. But I don't have much idea of what happened, sir. Pablo told me that Austin had put drugs in my bed, which is partially true. We checked the bed, but I think they got the wrong bed, sir. Cara de Perro arrived, and we argued. He added that I was from Austin's gang, that we had broken the agreement or something which I don't know about. Cara de Perro was furious about something.-said Billy.

-Is Nicols the culprit, then? -asked James.

-No, sir. It was a fight between two people, but the instigator, in my opinion, was Austin. He has tried to recruit me into his gang, but I have vehemently refused his recruitment. -said Billy.

James paused the recording.

Gangs in prisons are like the scourge of the wind, they return regularly. Joseph's tired and poor appearance made him invisible to James's eyes, who pondered over Billy's words - a plan too complex for children, no... perhaps it was just a mistake, a coincidence. The worn-out look of the boy, along with his innocent hazel eyes, only brought more sorrow to poor James, who had read the boy's file - six months in correctional, until the end of the academic cycle, along with visits to the psychologist and a counselor.

-"To finish, anything else to add?" -asked James.

-"Well, even though they are bad kids, I don't think they deserve more than a punishment. For my part, I've already forgiven Cara de Perro. He's just foolish and acts without thinking. But Pablo says he's a good friend when you get to know him. He's a good guy." -said Billy, with regret. After seeing his mother and talking to Joseph, he felt sad because he was fortunate to have a second chance at life and lucky to have such a beautiful mother. Even Joseph couldn't help but mention that his mother was like an angel who loved him very much.

-James, on the other hand, was completely surprised by Billy's words and wanted to say more than just a simple scolding. But once again, the innocence of the child disconcerted the police officer, who left behind the sensational formalism he used for most of his life. -Thank you, kid. -said James, taking a seat on a small stool next to Billy's bed.

-In seconds, Superintendent Charles arrived, followed by Spencer. Both were talking happily, but it was Teacher Spencer who couldn't show his enthusiasm. He advanced with his lack of protocols, unaware of reading the room, which was frozen under the gaze of James and Charles, crossed by a kind of flame and unspoken reproaches, as both had much to criticize about each other.

-Kid, I'm sorry not to have you in music class, and I brought the songs we'll practice this week.-said Spencer, handing him sheets of songs from the opera.

-This one here, you already know 'La donna è mobile.' I wanted something simpler, so 'The Barber of Seville' is the second song we'll work on. -he paused. - I don't know if you can sing, but you can memorize them. -said Spencer.

-Thanks, teacher. There's something I've wanted to tell you, but I'll practice my skills while I'm in the hospital. -said Billy.

-There's a small music room on the first floor. -said Joseph.

-Really? -questioned Billy and Spencer at the same time.

-Yes, there is. You can use it. -said Joseph.

-No need to worry. Billy has already told the facts. I am particularly positive about this version of events. I'll call the administration to take action on this matter. Tomorrow or the day after, we'll have answers. -said James.

To which Charles could only clench his jaw. -Yes. Very timely, Johnson.-said Charles.

-I like to be timely when the situation requires it. -said James Johnson, cutting through Charles's sour mood, challenging him to be consistent.


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