
DA : Chapter 124: Temptations II

( Noon, Raven POV )

A soft knock announced her presence as she looked at the simple door separating her from her newest friend and possible future teammate. Raven's ears picked up the light shuffling of feet as the former daughter of Aphrodite came to the door on the other side and after a few seconds, slowly opened up.

"Hello," Piper greeted softly with a small smile.

"Hey," Raven said with a returned gesture before Piper allowed her in.

Piper had been staying at small hotel, one of the first opened up in the city, close to the gates leading to the third sector of the mountain where the gods worked in their temples with their domains. Over the last few days Raven had taken to showing Piper around the city, letting the demigoddess adjust and come to terms with the possibilities available to her should she decide to agree and swear her loyalty to Raven's mom. Granted Piper was still iffy about the whole thing, especially when Raven went into more detail on what some of her duties entail.

Gory though it may be, but necessary to protect Love and Innocence. There was a reason that they hunted specifically after the Black Listed, things no longer deserving of the moniker 'person' or 'human' anymore. Sick, twisted things that didn't just perform heinous crimes against other living beings but relished in that pain and harm, didn't feel the slightest hint of regret or even apathy during their acts. They couldn't and wouldn't ever stop until put down. However, it was one specific argument that brought Piper around to really consider the offer.

Where once she refused to assist in the rescue of demigods, mostly because she didn't believe tossing them into an army, filling their heads with all that bull about glory and sacrifice was worth it.

To her it felt more like she was giving a false hope before wiping her hands of them, having only delayed their deaths. That and she'd just wanted peace and quiet after the war's end which contrasted to what Jason, still a duty bound Roman, wanted. That led to their gradual distance which both Zeus and Aphrodite happily took advantage of and lead only to further pain.

But if Piper joined Raven in her task, it wouldn't be just demigods that needed help but mortals as well and it wasn't for the purpose of joining an army of any sort. It was to actually save lives and cut down the internal plagues humanity tried to ignore about itself. She would be doing something other than remain stagnant as her father's agent. And looking at the adult demigoddess, Raven could tell that such thoughts had been crossing her mind repeatedly in the last few days.

"So … how are you feeling?" Raven asked after taking a seat next to the bed while Piper sat on it, her gaze only idly taking the rather simple but comfortable room in.

She knew Piper was still shaken after what happened with Jason and Raven had done her best to keep the two separate while each managed themselves. Hell, even she had been rather scared when Jason's aura had flared up like that and she knew she wasn't the one in danger.

"I'm okay," Piper replied with only a slight hint of hesitation.

Raven just stared at her silently, using just the slightest trace of her abilities to easily tell that answer wasn't completely honest. It didn't take long for Piper to cave though, ducking her head slightly as she looked away. Then, ever so softly she mumbled out, "Okay … I'm a little scared."

"Of?" Raven asked, already knowing where this was going.

"Jason," she replied in a near whisper before looking at Raven. "I mean, back there when he almost … exploded. I swear it was like all the pressure of the sky just fell on me and even trying to look at him stung." She then paused as she took a shuddering breathe. "I felt so small and insignificant but at the same time it was all my regrets just came back. I was just utterly helpless and what made it worse was knowing it was Jason looking at me like that … just like on that day."

Raven sighed as she ran a hand through her hair, thinking up ways to calm Piper down. She knew there was still quite a bit her uncle and Piper would need to hash out, otherwise they would be walking circles around the issue and that simply wouldn't do if Piper became a servant of Raven's mother.

Granted she knew her uncle had far more anger to deal with considering that it was only a relatively small part that had to with Piper. At the end she had been the means used against him but not intentionally on her part even if she did give in to Apollo's advances and her mother's word. Friendship was likely out of the question between the two, but some sort of closure and civility were hopefully within reach.

With that in mind Raven watched the demigoddess carefully, wondering how exactly she could go about helping Piper speak to Jason in a hopefully civil setting…


( Andromeda POV )

That Evening 

The goddess sighed as she made her way to a familiar hall containing her current ward or in other terms, prisoner. Honestly a part of her didn't want to do this but there was no other way. Gods like Athena were as proud as they were stubborn, especially after going millennia without anyone pointing out their flaws without the chance of retaliation.

Now though she had Athena with her back against the wall and it was time to face the music otherwise … well, plenty of deities were still of a mind to make her fade rather than put in the effort to try and help her.

Still, her king had voted in favor of Andromeda's plan and so managed to move opinions enough to give Andy her chance to do this. Besides, Andy understood that while killing Athena outright might give Medusa and Arachne some closure, it would still fall short in the end. Now at least the two pseudo-goddess had left Athena's room with an almost lighter step to them, having gotten countless years of grief and sorrow off their chests. Andy had also been right when she checked both guardians and saw that neither truly had the desire to kill the goddess.

Maybe at one point they did but after years of support and growth, they were almost free of that trauma from so long ago. Shaking her head of those thoughts she moved beyond the hallways leading to the primordial offices and instead went on to the throne room. Once past the actual doorway her every step echoed as she grew in size.

Soon toping 100 feet in height she went towards her throne and sat down with the grace that only a deity could. Upon connecting she was swamped with all sorts of information from the world. Love being born or dying, in every type and variety, from the most innocent to the obsessive and vile. Desires that mortals would link to the sins so feared throughout the ages along with pure and benign intentions.

New life like little candles springing forth only to match each life snuffed away. It was a constant struggle of push and pull on her godly mind, something that would have ripped apart anything lesser. She gave an irritated sigh as she rubbed her temple, stemming down the flow of information and wondering just when she could prepare to send Raven out again. It weighed heavily on her mind, sending her own daughter out to see and face such filth but that was curbed by knowing that her daughter was also akin to an angel for those she rescued from their fates.

Still, she hoped that one episode with the trade ring was just that a hiccup but then again that was the risk with creating life through their own blood; new and unexpected changes. She already figured out more or less what abilities she would grant within her own blessings to pass on if Piper accepted, though Raven's shadow travel abilities, senses, and increased strength during the night would be exclusive to her as Percy's daughter.

Although, if she managed to 'marry' before swearing Piper in, then as a consort and wife of the Primordial of Night and so forth, she could give a limited degree of those same abilities to her guardians.

The thought of marriage though got her distracted as she started to squirm slightly in her throne as a slight heat built up within her. Over a month had passed since her 'punishment' began under the watch of Rhea and Hestia. Several sessions of spanking, being denied the chance to consummate with Percy, and even having to listen in once while being chained to her own bed so she couldn't relieve herself. It was maddening!


Don't forget to throw some power Stones, to keep the story going.


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