
DA : Chapter 34: Goodbye II

"Let's get Frank too before I explain anything," he said before a slight frown marred his face. "A lot of things have happened in the last few days so this will take a while."

"And Piper?" Hazel asked as she looked around for said daughter of Aphrodite. "I take it this is more than a casual stop on one of your trips to rescue demigods,"She missed Jason's grimace but he didn't let it show for long before sighing. "Let's just go inside first."


Hazel gave him a worried look before nodding, picking up a rag to clean her hands along the way as they went to a door inside the garage and leading into the house.

As soon as they entered Andromeda could smell dinner cooking and she couldn't help but drool slightly. Whatever it was, it definitely involved barbeque judging by the smell.

They walked into a rather stylish kitchen and adjoining dinner table separated by a long island with a few utensils, cook books, and a small basket filled with fresh breads.

The insides were fashioned from a finer wood for the table, chairs, kitchen cabinets, and floor while the kitchen top was granite with a gas burning stove.

Andy glanced to the side to see a similar living room with a currently burning fireplace making the atmosphere nice and toasty.

She then looked back into the kitchen and spotted Hazel's husband, Frank Zhang, currently tossing a salad while wearing an apron that said 'big boy eats' on it making her chuckle.

The noise was enough to get his attention and allowed Andromeda to get a good look at him. He stood as tall as her brother at 6 foot'4 with a bulkier build and neck like a bull. Dark brown, nearly black eyes looked at them in slight surprise before he gave a huge grin as he set the salad bowl down.

He quickly got around the island before giving Jason a bear hug to end all hugs. She was pretty sure she even heard Jason's spine crack from it while she and Hazel giggled at the face he was making. Soon enough Frank set Jason down before looking at her.

"Hello there, Frank Zhang," he introduced while offering a handshake which she graciously accepted. "And you are?"

"Andromeda Jackson," she replied, smirking again at his predictable reaction at hearing her name. "I know, I'll explain in a moment."

"There's a lot to explain though," Jason added seriously as Frank got a proper look at him and had the same face as Hazel when she noticed his changes.

"A lot is right," Frank muttered before turning back to the kitchen, Andy following his line of sight to see several pots stewing on the stovetop. "But, you know the rules of the house."


"No buts Grace," Frank interrupted while crossing his arms. "We get visitors, we have a proper dinner and then talk about business."

Jason stared at him for a few seconds before sighing in defeat. "Fine, I can't get you to change your mind anyways … stubborn shapeshifter."

Frank grinned at him before clapping Jason on the shoulder. "Great! Then help me set up the table and we'll open up some cold ones while Hazel gets cleaned up. Andromeda, you're free to join us or if you're of the finer tastes, I can bring out some wine."

"That sounds lovely,"' Andy agreed as the group split up to do just that.

It didn't take long for Hazel to return, dressed in a simple cream dress reaching her knees and her hair set free. They soon got to dinner, a lovely meal of Mongolian BB'Q, stir fry, and the salad.

Throughout the meal Andromeda couldn't help but constantly smile at the warmth and openness the Zhang's displayed making Jason smile and laugh.

She could feel the love in this home, between Hazel and Frank as a happy couple and then Jason with the pair as siblings with bonds forged through hardship.

'I wish I could have seen what the original seven were like before everything broke apart,' she thought sadly as she looked at their smiling faces.

But maybe someday they could return to this, after their war was finished even if the original seven would probably never be gathered again.

She kept her thoughts on the matter to herself though as the dinner concluded before they transitioned to the living room, the couple sharing a loveseat while Andy and Jason sat on a couch facing them.

"So," Hazel started, "What did you come to talk to us about?"

Jason and Andromeda shared an uneasy glance before looking at the couple again, the tension building by the second.

"Jason …" Hazel said in a worried tone as she looked between the two. "… What's going on?"

Jason sighed before speaking softly, "It's a long story …"

And so, they told them. Everything starting with the murder of Percy's parents and the intentions of the gods to what happened just a few days ago without necessarily mentioning which immortals were already allied with them.

Hazel had cried faintly when she heard about the incident with Piper and gave Jason a brief hug but they had to continue on soon.

After hours they sat silent, Andromeda staring at her feet nervously as she waited for the couple sitting across from them to say something, anything. After what felt like an eternity Frank sighed, making the other three look at him.

"So," he started in a thick voice, as if there was something in his throat. "What is it that you came to accomplish? I know there had to be more than just coming to tell us this stuff. Hell, Nico knew and could have come any time so why now?"

Jason ran a hand through his hair before answering, "Honestly … nothing."

At their confused expressions he continued on. "I don't want anything from you two. I don't even want you to be involved in this coming war.

You've done your part, you've already saved this world once and that is enough. I know you're both loyal romans at heart but please," Jason said pleadingly.

"Don't fight this time around … I don't know if I could bear the thought of having to fight either of you."

Frank and Hazel stared at him in shock as Jason actually got on his knees and bowed to them, his voice coming out choked, "Please … I don't want to lose any more family to war."

"Jason…" Hazel said as tears built up in her eyes as she got down and hugged him to her chest as the ex-son of Zeus sobbed softly while embracing her back, all the pain and inner turmoil from the last two days finally catching up to him.

Frank soon joined in, engulfing both in his massive arms protectively. Andromeda for her part had tears running down her cheeks as she watched this union of friends, of family.

This was the kind of love that she wished to protect and nurture, especially when tough times were approaching.

Just in the few hours she'd gotten to know these two heroes, she'd already grown to love them and wish that they lived out the rest of their partially immortal lives in peace.

After several minutes Jason calmed down enough to pull back slightly and look at Hazel. She gave him a soft smile as she wiped away the last of his tears before kissing him on the forehead.

"Don't worry," she said gently as she looked at him. "We won't fight this time around."

"You won't?" Jason asked hopefully as he looked between the two.

"No … there would be too much at stake now," Frank replied as he wrapped an arm around Hazel, his hand resting right over her belly.

It took Andromeda a moment before her eyes widened in understanding, suddenly realizing that Hazel never once touched an ounce of alcohol throughout the night and even had a slight bump that had been well hidden by her dress.

"Hazel y-you're …" Jason trailed off as he numbly pointed a finger at her as she blushed while smiling.

"We're expecting!" Frank and Hazel said gleefully making Jason suddenly crack a smile bright enough to make Apollo flinch.

"That's incredible!" he shouted as he shot up and picked up Hazel before giving her a tight hug while Frank laughed and Andy even got up to join the hug, too giddy to resist.

She was pleasantly surprise to feel Hazel bring her into it before Frank again engulfed them all together and actually picked them up. After the hug Jason stepped back while looking relieved at the couple.

"So how far along are you?" Andy asked excitedly.

"Two months," Hazel replied while Jason clapped Frank on the shoulder and told him good job with a wink making the huge man blush up a storm. Hazel noticed and giggled for a moment before she cleared her throat to get Jason's attention.

"So Jason … now that you know and all, me and Frank wanted to ask you something."

"What?" Jason asked curiously as he looked between the couple.

"Well … we were wondering if …" Frank started but Hazel beat him to it.

"If you'd want to be the godfather?" she asked anxiously.

Jason looked at them, stunned beyond words for a minute at least before he smiled even brighter and hugged Hazel again while shouting, "Of course! I'd be honored!"


Don't forget to throw some power Stones, to keep the story going.


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