

Whhatttt are you doing?

I was lying on the floor next to my bed and I could feel a slight pain in my left cheek as if it was hit by a hard object.I regained my conscience,

"Oh..yeah… last night I slept with Rei…well it's not like I didn't expected this outcome"

"You perverted man, what do you think you were doing in my bed sleeping next to me". She shouts.

I'm sitting on the floor with my legs crossed since it would be a hassle to explain to her and it's not that I could tell her that she grabbed me to sleep like that.

"Sorry… I could explain later but we should go to work, I believe you won't like to be late on the first day of work and how about we have dinner outside" I tried to turn the question.

"Fine then but you better remember that promise" Her mood was completely changed as if she completely forgot about what she was talking about, also before she didn't look angry but frustrated somehow.

I am looking at the mirror just to check if everything is alright, I am wearing a weird outfit that Rei chose for me yesterday, a black cargo and a plain white T-Shirt.

"I think my hairs are a bit long, they cover most of my forehead, maybe it's time for a cut or something like that. "

I hear the sound of the door opening, I turn back to find Rei standing in front of the door, she turns back and gives a smile to me, I smile back.

She is in a casual outfit, a long frock type dress of white color with her hairs tied at the back. and she looks surprisingly cute.

"cute" I say, I couldn't control my emotions.

"What did you say?" She asks, although it looks like she heard it clearly but wanted me to say it again. Whatever, it's not wrong to compliment something you find beautiful.

"Um… I was saying that dress really suits you.. "

That's my first time complimenting a girl, who will think that this could be so difficult. I turn my face in another direction to hide my expression so that she doesn't find out that I am flustered.

"Thankyou" Saying this she moves outside.

I am following her as always.

"You also don't look that bad" She says while waiting outside the door.

That started me a bit as this was the first time someone complimented me. I don't think I look good , but it probably made me a tiny bit happy.

"Um… Thanks"

I can't think of anything else.

We leave the house and go to work.

"Why do we have to work so early in the morning.." She looks quite frustrated because of waking up so early in the morning.

"Give your best today… and always behave politely to the customers even if they are a bit rude" This was the first thing that the shop lady told us when we were wearing our waiter dress.

Maybe people in these types of cities are rude or something because we actually never met anyone like that. Although everyone looks so weak that it seems as if they would die in a single blow.

"Why would I have to listen to people who don't respect me" I murmured

"... Because otherwise you would be fired" I hear Rei's voice from behind.

"Well yeah, I know that." I say

"Thank you for coming… please come again." I said to the last customer of the shop."

The shop owner closed the shop and I and Rei were walking home. Suddenly she increased her pace and turned back in front of me with her hands at back and leaning a bit forward.

"I hope you remember your promise." She says

"Oh… yeah..of course"

Well I actually forgot that

"So let's go then, I know a good place nearby"

"So what should I order" She say

We entered a restaurant and now Rei is sitting in front of me with a menu in front of her face.

"Hey, Arata… don't you think you should go to a school or something." She says while her face still covered with menu"

Well I never thought about that because at our house all the teachers used to teach us at home so I never went to a school. I wonder what the atmosphere is like.

"Well, I will think about that."

"Hey… I also searched for an apartment near our work and it's cheap, we are shifting there on Sunday." I say.

Rei put the menu down. She is having a huge smile on her face. How can anyone be so happy just for an apartment?

"Yeah.. Now I'm out of that junkyard." She shouts forgetting that we are not at home. We at last eat the same thing and leave the place.

Three days have passed since then and tomorrow we have to move to the place. It's already evening because we spent all day buying the stuff. I am lying on the crouch with Rei already asleep.

"I wonder if it's really fine for me to go school even when I'm not like others."

Well I don't want to think much.

"Hey… Arata.. Wake…Up… it's time…go take a bath"

Rei is standing near me with all ready.

"She was really excited" I think.


"Let's go."

We leave the house with Rei all excited for the new place.

"So… this is it.. I think."I say while pointing at the apartment in front of me.

"Woah.. It's big." She shouts.

We enter the room and Rei jumps on the bed. This is a lot bigger than that house. It has room for two people.

"Fine, I'm going to sleep.. I need to change first."

She opens the door of the bathroom.

"Wh..wha.. What?"

She comes out wearing a small T-shirt which barely covers his body and on top of that she is not even wearing anything inside.

"Hey… Arata are you embarrassed?" She says walking towards me with a smile.

"Huh.. What"

She stepped on the water on the floor and slipped. I close my eyes

"Ahhhh" We shout together.

I open my eyes. We were in the same position but this time Rei was on top of me. I look at her face, it's all red the same as mine.

We quickly get up and Rei went to sleep covering herself completely with a blanket.

"By the way, your opening ceremony is tomorrow." She says while still inside the blanket. I am also lying on the ground all confused.

"Wh.. What.. Can't you tell before" I shouted although there was no response. So I just ignored it and went to sleep.


I am standing at the door of Futaba high school with Rei next to me.It is really weird to go to school for the first time.

"Can I ask why you are here?" I ask Rei who is standing next to me.

"Hey,I know you are really happy to have me drop you." She says with a smile on her face.

This is something for which I can't do anything so I can only ignore her.

"Well,bye.....by the way I can't come to pick you up so don't feel lonely." She says with a smile on her face.


I moved inside the school and it was really a new experience for me. There were many students of the same age as me standing near the stage and a man was standing on the stage.

Maybe he was about to give a speech. I also move and stand in between the crowd.

"....hope you all have a great year and get along well." The headmaster says and leaves the stage.

Everyone starts moving towards their class and so I.

"Looks like this is 1-A"

I enter the room and take the last corner of the class waiting for the day to end. Everyone gradually entered the class and soon the room was filled completely.

A girl named Kyoko is sitting next to me, well it's not that I care because I don't intend to interact with anyone.

"Um...Good Morning...I'm Kyoko Tachibana...hope we get along well" She says with a gentle smile on face.

"Oh...yeah" I say, however it really started me that students can become friends on the first day of meeting. It took me two years to get along with Rei.

The periods passed and finally the day was over and I am packing my stuff.

"It sure was a rough day" I muttered.

Suddenly I hear the sound of the door opening, it was Kyoko but what does she need? Everyone had already left the class and we were all alone. She is walking towards me.

"Hey..Arata let's go home together." She says while her hands are at the back.

"Oh...Yeah..of course."

We leave the school and walk towards our home. Maybe her house is also in the same direction. Suddenly she stops, I turn back.

"Arata....do you know what is the most painful feeling in the world?" She says with a mysterious smile on her face.

I am really confused about what that means.

"what is it??" I ask

"It's losing someone very dear to you"

I do not know what does that mean,what is she talking about and why is she telling this to mean.

"Well,Never mind....I'm sure you will realize it soon." She says and then runs towards another direction.

"I wonder what it really is and how will I react to it......whatever, I just need to go home now."


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