
Sealing Scroll

- 3rd Person Pov -

The Leaf headband were glistening on Iruka's table, the sun showing their sharp features to the students that gulped whenever they looked at them. To become a Ninja... That was the whole point of coming to the Academy and this was it... The final year!

They submitted their answer scripts to Mizuki who took them with a smile and then went back to their seats, their hands shaky. The written test just held a 40% of the entire test, It was the Clone Jutsu segment that held over 60%.

The feeling of doubts crept up in their hearts but Naruko was determined, She was determined to pass, After all, Kai would pass and she wouldn't want to be separated from the only other person her age that ever talked to her without being angry or looking at her as a setback, No Kai was different.

It was finally Naruko's turn and the air was tense, Naruko felt nervous as she stood up but then she looked at Kai and found he was staring right back at her, his smile bringing a warmth to her heart as she went to Iruka's table.

She made a handsign and focused her Chakra into it, the swirling blue energy surrounding her like a sea, making her tension go away.

'I can do this!' She exclaimed inwardly.

"Clone Jutsu!"

Naruko stared at her goal, To have that headband around her head, To finally be known as a Ninja, To take her first step to becoming the next Hokage... and her chakra became more intense, the rushing excitement seeping deep into her bones as a thick smoke was produced.

Iruka couldn't believe his eyes and the same thing happened with Mizuki, The students were able to make an average of 3-5 doppelgangers but Naruko had made 10, Even more than the prodigy himself who had made 8... Iruka felt proud.

The clones vanished and Naruko raised her hands into the air, excitedly.

"Yes, I did it!"

"Even when I passed..." Naruko muttered to herself as she sat on the swing alone, No one was with her and her headband was in her hands, Sure there was excitement at passing but the others had been celebrating with Friends... something she didn't have.

Kai was nowhere to be found, It seemed he had gone home after the scores were announced, He had graduated as the Strongest Rookie with the top marks in the class and Sayuri was right behind him. The Uchiha clan were monsters and Naruko had realized this.

Someone appeared beside her and she turned to the person, maybe it was Kai but no it was Mizuki.

"Mizuki-sensei," Naruko said and Mizuki smiled at her.

"Naruko, How does it feel to finally pass the Academy?" Mizuki asked.

"It feels... sad," Naruko said, "and happy, I'm happy I made it to the Top 5 but I guess that's low since I wrote the Exam three times in a row,"

The two of them suddenly vanished, leaving the swing in the dust.

Iruka stared at the ceiling of his apartment, Naruko had finally passed the Exams and it was all so sudden and strange for him, He didn't want her to repeat, It was just that having her around was a little bit amusing.

Suddenly, His moment was ruined by a fellow chunin that knocked on his front door.

"What is it?" Iruka asked.

"It's Naruko, The Hokage has summoned all Konoha Chunin to his office," The chunin replied.

Iruka sat up and his eyes were wide with shock, It didn't make sense, Naruko had become a Ninja, any thing she did against the Hokage could result in her headband being taken away.

Iruka didn't think he heard properly, The Sealing scroll, An ancient forbidden scroll with powerful Jutsu had been stolen by Naruko? It didn't make any sense, Only a rogue would do that.

"This is not just a prank, This is a serious offence!"

"That scroll contains Secrets that were sealed by the First Hokage, Secrets known Only to our Village!"

"If it falls into the wrong hands, It could destroy our entire way of Life!"

Iruka's mouth was dry, He had nothing to say...

"Alright Bring Naruko here at once!" The Hokage ordered and the Chunin jumped into the air, separating at once.


"And can you tell me why you were here again?" Kai asked the blond haired girl who was holding an Oversized scroll, "You know that's the scroll of sealing and secrets sealed by the First ever Hokage are inside that scroll,"

Naruko stared at Kai whose face had a smile as he took the scroll from her.

"In other words, The Jutsu here are Forbidden Jutsu," Kai said.

Naruko blinked and then her blue eyes widened.

"Forbidden, That means it's Illegal to hold that right?" Naruko asked.

"Exactly, and you stole it from the Hokage's office," Kai replied.

"No Mizuki-sensei told me it was an extra curricular activity for more marks, I wanted to get third place in the class," Naruko said while looking at the ground, "I guess that was stupid of me,"

"No... It was Mizuki's fault," Kai said as he brought out a hand, he wanted Naruko to hold his hand and Naruko did as he wanted only to get pulled into a hug.

She took in his smell, The manly scent of Kai messing with her senses as she felt defenseless against him.

"What are you doing to Naruko??!!!" Iruka screamed out.

'I think he's in god mode,' Kai thought and looked at Iruka's face, his eyes were blank and red.

Iruka sprung forward, his chakra shooting to his feet as he landed on the ground and made a sprint for the both of them.

Kai was really impressed at the current strength of Iruka, It was sad that the anime had really pictured him a bit weak in the First episode of Naruto but here his Chakra control and perception were at an all-time high.

He separated from Naruko and she landed on her butt, looking up at Kai with a red face.

"Umm... I like hugging you," Naruko mumbled causing Iruka to pause in his steps.


Author's Note:

Phew... Done with another chapter!

Next chapter