
Chapter 2- Well That Happened

The last part I couldn't hear that well. But I think Aura did because I heard her growl softly and then ask, "Can I kill Dream?"

My response was "Not in public."

Aura smiled and asked in a happy voice "So, I can kill him?"

I smile then say "Yes, yes you can Aura."

Aura jumped as high as she could and then yelled "YES!!" from excitement.

I saw Aura flinch slightly so stopped walking and turned around. Aura was glaring into the darkness. My thoughts just decide land on, 'eh this is normal'. "Hey Aura, we got to go home," I say calmly.

Aura turned back around and said "I know… I just felt something" looking behind herself.

I look the same way but up and see a flash of pink. "Just a hero passing by again," I say dully.

I hear Aura heave and sigh then say, "Let's continue then." I just start walking away. I heard Aura start to walk after but stop again so I stopped and turned around only to hear a thud. So, I stepped toward Aura wrapped her in a scarf, and threw her on my back. "Uhm… what are you doing…?" I hear her ask.

"Making sure you don't die cause of lack of sleep *****" I spoke out without thinking.

I then hear Aura say "…Huh?".

My thoughts go '**** I'm an idiot' "Nothing!" I say quickly. Then I started walking again but with Aura on my back and to scare her started to run at full speed randomly.

I felt claws in my back "What the hell are you doing?!" 

"Getting us home faster," I say still running and dogging the other vigilante on the street 'wait vigilante on the street' my mind said after seeing and dogging the vigilante in the middle of the street and speeding the **** up. 

When we got to our apartment, I turned into an alley started up the stairwell to our window through it into our apartment then set down Aura on the couch. "Goodbye, I'm going to my room," I say then turn to my room door and start heading there.

'Alone time at last I can get ready for work.' At that, I take off my mask, earpiece, boots, jacket, cargo pants, and long-sleeved turtleneck top. I put on a black shirt and pants. Then grabbed my bag shoved my uniform in it and headed out of my room. Only to see Aura on the ground by the window. Sigh "Again" I go up to them pick them up then put them in their bed. "Bye *****," I say as I leave the room. Then I headed to the kitchen and grabbed bread. Then headed out of the house to the café I work at called The Demon Cat Café.

 When I got to the café I swapped with the person who was working the night shift so I could do the morning shift. After a few minutes my least favorite regular came through the door Enji Todoroki the number two hero. 'Wait a minute is that someone with him oh it's just the chicken nugget hawks number three.' "What the **** Do you want Enji," I say annoyed and glaring at him. "Oh, hi Chicken Nugget man," I say to Hawks.

"Hey, don't be rude I just want a coffee" Enji says sternly. 'You'd think he was scolding his child if you were looking from another point of view' I think to myself.

"I like this kid," Hawks says butting into our conversation I'm happy he did it changed the attention to him and not me.

"Shut up bird brain and order," Enji says quickly I almost laughed at the insult but didn't.

"Whatever I would like Rosemarie tea thank you" Hawks spoke out quickly.

"Are the two of you paying together or separate?" I say to them with a flat expression.

Enji then says with haste and speed "Together."

In my head, I think 'Wow didn't know the number two hero was gay but okay'. I then paused looked at him and said, "Ok if you say so *****" but the last word was under my breath, yet the thought in my head was 'bird man seems to have heard it and is now holding in a laugh'. "Name for the order then Enji," I say with a small hint of sarcasm in my voice.

Enji paused and then said "Enji Todoroki" he was somewhat loud but I got a name to call for the order even if I was not gonna wright it on the cups.

"Okay are you paying with cash or card today Enji" I say to the man with annoyance stitched into my voice.

He then said "I'll pay with a card" with a grunt of annoyance afterward as he swiftly pulled out his credit card to pay for their drinks.

"OK Enji and Hawks your orders will be done soon," I say while picking up the cups and wright flaming trashcan on them. Then get to work on making the drinks for them. When I was done making the two idiots their drinks I screamed "ORDER FOR ENJI TODOROKI!!!" I laughed when I saw Hawks fall off his chair and Enji flinched.

"OKAY ***** GIRL!!" he says as he looks up from his phone which he was probably trying to get his son to answer the phone because he was glaring at it the whole time while Hawks was sleeping with his head on the table before he fell on his face after I yelled the flaming trashcans name.

"Get your mother****ing Drinks," I say. Then the two of them came to the counter and grabbed their drinks.

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