
Chapter 2: Night of the Comet

Day Later

Naruto was covered in sweat, while he was punching, and kicking a heavy bag, and in a combination of strength, and speed together threw a backfist sending the heavybag hurtling toward the wall, where it exploded

With a sigh he walked over to his table and grabbed a blood bag, but paused as he looked at his daylight ring which he didn't need anymore. Naruto used to hang with witches a lot in his day, and one of them came up with an idea, after his daylight ring had been stolen by an older vampire who thought that the ring would protect him from the sun, but it didn't, on his right shoulder sat a glyph; it was the Shiki Fujin seal that held the Nine tailed spirit in him during his first life.

The glyph was spelled to protect him from the sun, and he agreed with her to keep it a secret as the spell was put into her grimoire and the fact that any vampire with a daylight ring, would come looking for a daylight tattoo as he come to call it, so that is the only reason he keeps the ring

The past day had been good, after Elena had invited him into her home, they had talked, and Naruto could tell that while Elena looked like Katherine she was absolutely nothing like her, his plan had been to find that out, and leave, but he actually had some feelings for the girl, and he knew for a relationship to work she needed to know about him, and for a vampire with his history that would surely run her off, considering depictions of his ripper days had been used to make the Dracula legend more popular,

Slipping on the ring, Naruto began to get ready for the day,


Naruto in a gray v-neck, black jeans and some black Air Force One's was sitting on a lunch table, listening to Elena and Matt who were talking about Vicki "They're keeping her overnight to make sure there's no infection, but she should be able to come home tomorrow." Matt said

"That's good news." Elena said

"Yeah." Matt said

"Did you get in touch with your mom?" Elena asked

"Called and left a message. She's in Virginia Beach with her boyfriend, so. . .we'll see how long it takes her to come rushing home." Matt said with a little bitterness in his voice

Ignoring the bitterness in Matt's voice, Elena said "Vicki's lucky that she's ok."

"I know, and now there's talk of some missing campers." Matt replied

"Did she say what kind of animal it was that attacked her?" Elena asked

"She said it was a vampire." Matt said, causing Naruto to narrow his eyes

"What?" Elena asked incredulously

"Yeah, she wakes up last night and mutters "vampire" and then passes out." Matt said

"OK, that is weird." Elena replied

"I think she was drunk." Matt said before he saw Naruto "So what's up with you and the new guy?"

Looking over at Naruto, before she turned back to Matt Elena said "Matt, the last thing that I want to do is hurt you."

"You know, I'm...I'm actually gonna go back to the hospital. I want to be there when Vicki wakes up, get the real story about last night." Matt said with a frown before he walked off

Elena sighed and turned to see Naruto gone


Naruto walked into Vicki's hospital room, to see she wasn't in bed, and frowned before he heard Matt approaching, and when Matt entered Naruto was gone

Matt looked around, before he made to leave but jumped when he saw his sister Vicki standing there in a daze "Whoa! Vick. Vicki, hey. Vick, it's Matt. Hey, what's wrong?" he asked touching her shoulder causing Vicki to freak out

"No! No! Get off! No! No! No!" Vicki screamed pushing Matt off of her,

"Nurse!" Matt screamed running out to look for a doctor, when a red fox kit, came from under the seat and lunged and Vicki turning into Naruto who grabbed her and sat her on the bed

"It was an animal that attacked you. It came out of the night and jumped you. You blacked out. It's all you remember." Naruto said compelling her

"It's all I remember." Vicki repeated in a daze

"No go to sleep." Naruto ordered before he sped out of the window just as Matt and a nurse came in


Salvatore Boarding House

Elena arrived at the Salvatore Boarding house, with the intention of seeing where she and Naruto relationship stood.

As she walked to the front door and knocked, the door opened and she entered "Naruto?" she called walking inside, she saw Naruto's bag and turned around when she heard a noise "Naruto?" she called again walking to the door when a crow flew into the house. Gasping Elena turned around and froze as Damon was standing there.

"I-I'm sorry for barging in. The door was" turning she saw the door closed "open." she muttered before turning back to Damon

"You must be Elena. I'm Damon, Nathaniel's brother." Damon introduced

"Nathaniel?" Elena asked

"Oh, right, well our father named him that, he hates it, but his birth name is Naruto, we just call him Nathaniel, Nathan, Nate whichever suits you." Damon smiled

"Nice to meet you." Elena smiled politely keeping that in mind

"Please, come. I'm sure Nate will be along any second." Damon said motioning her further inside

Elena walked into the living room and looked around in awe "Wow. This is your living room?" she asked

"Living room, parlor, Sotheby's auction. It's a little kitschy for my taste." Damon said looking around as well "I see why my brother's so smitten. It's about time. For a while there, I never thought he'd get over the last one. Nearly destroyed him."

"The last one?" Elena asked surprise

"Yeah. Katherine, his girlfriend?" Damon asked seeing Elena's face said "Oh, you two haven't had the awkward exes conversation yet."

"Nope." Elena sighed

"Oops. Well, I'm sure it'll come up now. Or maybe he didn't want to tell you because he didn't want you to think he was on the rebound. We all know how those relationships end."

"You say it like every relationship is doomed to end." Elena said

"I'm a fatalist. Hello, Nathan." Damon said with out looking at away from Elena who turned to see Naruto with a knife, cutting up a apple

"Elena. I didn't know you were coming over." Naruto said ignoring Damon

"I know. I should have called, I just. . ." Elena started

"Oh, don't be silly. You're welcome any time. Isn't she, Nathaniel?" Damon interrupted with a smirk as Naruto sighed "You know, I should break out the family photo albums or some home movies. But...I have to warn you. He wasn't always such a looker." Damon said

"Unnecessary." Naruto said looking at Damon, before he turned to Elena "Want to take a walk?"

"Sure." Elena nodded walking up before she looked back to Damon who covered up a grunt with a cough "It was nice to meet you."

"Same here." Damon smiled as Naruto and Elena left, Naruto suspiciously missing the knife he had, as Damon form wavered and he now had the knife in his abdomen, which he pulled out


Naruto, and Elena were walking around the property, "He didn't seem that bad.' Elena said

"Him bringing up my ex-girlfriend wasn't accidental, Elena." Naruto said with a sigh "Like I said last night, Damon has a knack for trying to cause me misery."

"But why?"

'Well, we don't share the same father, and our mother died a few years after I was born, I think he blames me for it. I tried to reach out to him, but things came to a head, when I caught him and Katherine together."

"She cheated on you?" Elena asked surprised

"Yeah," Naruto nodded before he looked to her "Admittedly you bare an uncanny physical resemblance to her, it's scary, but your personalities are completely different."

"Is that a good thing?" Elena asked

"The best." Naruto smiled, which she returned "So what did you come over for?"

"Um, I wanted to know if you wanted to watch the comet with me." Elena said causing Naruto to give a fake gasp

" , are you asking me out?' Naruto asked causing Elena to smile

"Yeah, I don't want to talk myself into back pedaling." Elena nodded

"I'd love to join you." Naruto smiled

Elena, and Naruto would spend the next hour or so talking before he walked her to her car, and with a kiss they promised to meet at Town Square

Naruto walked into the house, after Elena left to see Damon waiting for him "Great gal. Whoo. She's got spunk." Damon smirked as Naruto sighed

"Did you really just sit here, waiting for me to come back inside?" Naruto asked

"Well, I was wondering how was your trip to the hospital." Damon said as Naruto walked into the living room "Well, were you successful? Did the powers of persuasion work? Remember, if you don't feed properly, none of those little tricks work right."

"Blood bags, and vampire blood seem to keep me in top form." Naruto said causing Damon to frown

"What?" Damon asked

"Oh that's right, you still think I sustain myself on animal blood. Well sorry to burst your bubble, but a blood bag a day keeps me in top form, and I've learned to live off of the blood of vampires that have drawn my ire over the past 90 years." Naruto said walking up to Damon "You tried to sabotage my relationship with Elena, you're pathetic."

"Careful." Damon advised with a frown

"Or what? Your going to kill me." Naruto said as Damon looked him in the eye "I've always been the better vampire Damon, you coming here, and dropping bodies, is very cliche. I've had plenty of opportunities to kill you, and the only reason you still live, is because of her."

Damon looked over to the drawn portrait of his mother, "We made a promise before your bastard of a father sent her off, that we'd protect each other, and unlike you, I still intend to honor that vow. So I won't kill you, but you get in my way, I'll starve you, then bury you in the artic." Naruto said before he pushed past Damon

Damon frowned as he looked to Naruto who left, before he glanced back to the photo of their mother, and walked off

Next Day

Elena and Bonnie are handing out pamphlets in the town square, "Tonight, night of the comet! Would you like a program?" Bonnie said before handing a pamphlet to some civilians before she turned to Elena "He didn't call, huh?" Bonnie asked

"Or text. But I realized we never even exchanged that stuff. We've never gotten to the texting part." Elena said

"That's an important milestone in any relationship." Bonnie said

"Isn't it? I mean I want to give it to him but what if he doesn't think we are there yet?" Elena sighed as she continued to hand out pamphlets

"It's going to be a leap of faith, Elena." Bonnie said looking at Elena

"You think I'm ready, Bonnie?" Elena sighed

"Only you know when you are ready. Don't let fear hold you back." Bonnie said as they turned around only to bump into Naruto who looked at them with a smile

"Hey." he greeted

"H-hey," Bonnie said with a small blush "God he's so hot." she thought

"Want to see something adorable, Bonnie?" Elena asked with a smile, as Naruto gained a frown

""Sure." Bonnie said before Elena she brought a hand up, to Naruto's whiskered cheek, but he caught her by the wrist

"I told you that in confidence." Naruto said before Bonnie began to rub his cheek, causing a purr to come from the man before he backed up as Bonnie looked at him in surprise, while Elena smiled

"That is so cute." Bonnie said causing Elena to giggle before they walked forward to continue to rub Naruto's sensitive cheeks, but Naruto dodged their attempts and backed away and they followed after him giggling

Naruto spent the afternoon, with Bonnie, and Elena talking, he and Bonnie both shared a love for music, that made it easier for them to get to know one another, Elena had also noticed an attraction Bonnie had for Naruto, and wasn't really bothered by it, for as long as she has known her best friend, she has never had a serious boyfriend, or talked and laughed with any boy like they both did with Naruto today.

During the time they watched the comet, before they retreated to the grill, where everyone had dinner but Vicki went missing and Jeremy who was her date showed up


Naruto sat with, Bonnie, and Elena, "So you were born Nathaniel Salvatore?" Bonnie asked

"No, my stepfather was abusive to my mother." Naruto said causing the girls to frown "When he went off to war, she had an affair with a drifter. She named me Naruto because the night I was born it was a stormy night, and my birth father is Japanese so she named me Naruto, meaning Maelstrom. When my stepfather got back he didn't suspect a thing, and when he found out my name was foreign he wanted something more local, so he tried to change my name to Nathaniel, but Naruto stuck, and the only ones who ever called me that were my brother, and him."

"What was she like?" Elena asked realising that she had told Naruto a lot of stories about her own parents and she knew nothing about his own, only that his mom died of cancer

"I loved her with all my heart. She was so kind, and caring, I remember and cherish every moment I had with her." Naruto smiled softly as Bonnie and Elena both instinctively placed a hand on top of his, before they removed it just as Jeremy walked over

"Hey, has anyone seen Vicki?" Jeremy asked

Tyler who was walking by with Matt stopped and said "You're her stalker. You tell us."

Ignoring him Jeremy said "I can't find her."

"She probably found somebody else to party with. Sorry, pill pusher, I guess you've been replaced." Tyler replied

"What's with the pill pusher?" Elena asked

"Ask him." Tyler said smirking at Jeremy

"You wanna do this right now?" Jeremy asked glaring at Tyler

"Are you dealing?" Elena asked shocked, and upset

"She's never gonna go for you." Tyler said

"She already did." Jeremy snarled causing everyone to raise an eyebrow "Over and over and over again."

"Yeah, right." Tyler said

"You slept with Vicki? I mean, Vicki slept with you?" Elena asked weirded out

"There's no way." Tyler scoffed

"And I didn't even have to force her into it." Jeremy said glaring at Tyler getting Matt's full attention

"What the hell is he talking about?" Matt asked looking at Tyler along with everyone else

"Nothing, man, just ignore him, he's a punk." Tyler said as

"How about all of you shut up, and help me find my sister." Matt said

"I'll check the bathroom." Bonnie said walking off, and meeting Caroline on the way

"I'll check the square." Naruto said walking with Matt outside and splitting off, as everyone began move, but Elena grabbed Jeremy before he could leave, and took him home

Naruto, began to listen out for the girl, and Damon who no doubt had something to do with this, and heard "You really have to stop screaming."

"No, please, stop. Don't..."

"Shh. I got you..."

Naruto jumped onto a roof, and began to jump across them, and in a blur of speed, grabbed Vicki from Damon who fell with a broken neck, before he fell off the ledge into the alley

"You wandered off in a drug haze, I found you, now your going to go to the grill, and forget when he grabbed you." Naruto said before he watched her leave, and jumped down to see Damon's incapacitated and broken form, before he grabbed his brother and tossed him into a dumpster and walked off, whistling a happy tune


Mystic Grill

Caroline, and Bonnie, weresitting at a table watching Matt fuss over Vicki, "Ugh, it's just so much drama. Ever notice how the druggies are the biggest attention whores?" Caroline asked

"Yeah." Bonnie said as Naruto walked up

"Hey." Naruto greeted the girls who looked up at him, and smiled

"Hey." Bonnie smiled

"Um, have you seen Elena?" Naruto asked

"I think she went home. I'm gonna give you Elena's cell number and her email. She is big on texting, and you can tell her...I said so." Bonnie said writing down the information on a napkin, along with her own

"Thank you." Naruto smiled as Bonnie handed him the napkin, when their thumbs touched and a powerful feeling rushed through Bonnie, before she pulled her hand back

"You ok?" Naruto asked with a raised eyebrow

"What happened to you?" Bonnie asked before she blinked "That's so rude. I'm sorry. Excuse me." Bonnie grabbed her things and left

Naruto watched her leave before he turned back to Caroline "Yeah, she kind of wigs out. It's like her thing." Caroline said as Naruto nodded

"I knew it." Naruto thought before he told Caroline bye

Unknown House

Naruto walked onto a porch and knocked on the door, and after a moment a woman answered

Flashback, 1950,

Dear Diary, I can't believe I actually did it. I ram away from home to go to the Woodstock Festival. My mom wouldn't let me go, but I'm almost 14, for crying out loud! I know I'll have to deal with it when I get back, but it was SO worth it.

A young African American woman, stood in the crowd of hippies who were holding up peace signs while a band played on stage,

Everyone here is amazing, and they're so tapped into what's happening. It's opened my mind so much. No one in Mystic Falls in Mystic Falls even talks about the war anymire, but people are still dying over there. I wish someone would do something about it

The young woman smiled as she snapped pictures, before 3 large men surrounded her "Where you going little girl?"

The young woman felt a chill at the sick smile on the man's face "Uh,"she began uncomfortably

"Is there a problem here?" Naruto with his hair in a ponytail, with his bangs, still in their spiky style walked up beside a blonde female

"What's your problem, man?" a man asked

"No problem as long as you all leave." Naruto said causing the men to scoff and turn around

"Yeah...we were going to find some of that brown stuff J.B.S. was talking about, anyway." a man said as he and friends walked away

"You olay?" Naruto asked getting a nod from the woman "I'm Naruto, Naruto Salvatore, this is my friend Lexi. What's your name?"

"Sheila. Sheila Bennett." Sheila introduced smiling at the man

End Flashback

Naruto smiled as Sheila who looked to be in her late 50s looked at him "Hello Sheila."

"Naruto." Sheila gasped before she brought Naruto into a hug

Moments Later

Naruto sat with Sheila drinking tea, "It's been what, 15 years. How have you been handling yourself?"

"There has been some growing pains, but I've managed to keep myself in check."

"Yeah, I suspected your brother returned when that first couple went missing." Sheila said causing Naruto to frown

"Yeah, Damon wants something, I don't know what, but he is after something and whatever it is, it'll put the people town in danger." Naruto replied causing Sheila to frown

"I will protect my own, Naruto you know this." Sheila said

"I'd expect nothing less." Naruto smiled before he sighed "Speaking off, Bonnie your granddaughter she touched me earlier."

"Does she,"

"No, she freaked out and left. I'd expect her to be here in about." Naruto paused as he and Sheila heard the door open

"Grams!" Bonnie called as the keys being placed down was heard before Bonnie entered and frowned seeing Naruto "Naruto, what're you doing here?"

"Well, Sheila and I go way back so I thought I'd come and enjoy some tea." Naruto smiled

"You both know each other, but how can that be, your my age." Bonnie said watching as Naruto raised an eyebrow and looked to Sheila

"Her dad didn't want her learning about any of this." Sheila said

"Why? With your families heritage, her being ignorant to the nature of the world is dangerous." Naruto said

"What do mean by that?" Bonnie asked before she shook her head "How do you know my grams exactly?"

Naruto looked to Sheila who motioned for him to speak "Well Bonnie, in order, you are the descendant of one of the oldest most powerful witch families. I first met your grams, in 1950, at the Woodstock festival, and the weird feeling you got from me earlier is your magic telling you that I'm a vampire."

"...Seriously?" Bonnie asked looking at Naruto, and Sheila who looked at each other before Sheila pointed to her fireplace and lit it with a small fire spell, causing Bonnie to jump, before she looked back to them and took notice of Naruto's vamped out features, before everything went black

Naruto, and Sheila watched as Bonnie fainted, "Well at least she didn't scream." Naruto said to Sheila who sighed as they stood and walked over to Bonnie.

Next chapter