
Chapter 2 

3 Years Ago, Queens, NY 

Privileged Gentlemen's Club was a witches establishment, run by a human Naruto put in charge. Music bumped loudly throughout the club, the manager had seen all of the fine women that clamored to be with Naruto and wanted that for himself, the respect and love the Old vampire generated so he found a vampire and was turned, that night a child actress he grew up watching was in the building and with the knowledge of her addiction to drugs he was about to have his first taste of power, standing in the crowd so that she could see him, he smirked holding up brick of cocaine 

With narrowed eyes he watched as she frowned and tried to leave before her friends told her to do it with a smirk he watched as she approached him and they headed to the bathroom, 

A bottle girl saw this and frowned before texting a number 

In a flash Naruto appeared and hugged the girl from behind, "Long day, Naomi?" he asked grinding his dick against her ass 

"Like You wouldn't believe but that can wait until later. We have a situation." "Tyler is in charge of all situations." Naruto said with a raised eyebrow 

"Tyler is the situation. He got turned into a vampire, and is currently receiving sexual favors in exchange for drugs.." Naomi said causing Naruto to frown 

"Where?" Naruto asked "Bathroom.' 

Naruto walked off, and pushed through the crowd before he got to the hall leading toward the bathroom and saw 2 witches blocking the doorway, "Hey this is occupied, find somewhere else.' The man said before in a blur Naruto ripped his heart out and the girl screamed trying to use an aneurysm spell but Naruto grabbed her face and slammed her head into the wall causing it to crack, 

Entering the bathroom Naruto saw Trish on her knees unbuckling the Tyler's belt, when the two saw him their eyes widened and Tyler tried to speak but Naruto was there, gripped his face and fire overtook Tyler's form, 

Releasing the charred from of Tyler who gave way to ash, Naruto looked to Trish who looked at him fearfully, and flinched as he knelt beside her and picked her up in a bridle carry before carrying her out of the club 

Present Day 

Trish walked into Naruto's building, in 3 years she had gotten clean and ran a radio show, she was also the keeper of Naruto's ledgers for vampires that entered New York, getting onto the elevator and riding up to the penthouse, 

As soon as the elevator doors opened her nose was assaulted with a peculiar scent which she identified a moment later, it was the smell of sex. Trish also heard a strange sound coming from Naruto's bedroom. As she stepped up to the door she blushed again, realizing the sound was a woman moaning in sexual bliss. Her curiosity got the better of her as she slowly opened the door. Trish's blush intensified at the sight before her. Naruto was fucking Jessica doggy style, and by the fucked stupid look on Jessica's face they'd been at it for a while. "Uh, hey... Trish?" Jumping at suddenly being addressed Trish looked towards Naruto, despite the fact he had noticed her presence he continued to thrust into Jessica's pussy, if anything he'd sped up since he said her name. "Give...me...a...minute He growled before shoving his dick all the way into Jessica's pussy Naruto grunted and started to shudder lightly while Jessica's arms gave out, causing her to collapse face first onto the bed. Trish's blush intensified as Naruto came in Jessica before he pulled out, covering Jessica's ass and back with a thick layer of cum. Her first unrestricted view of Naruto's cock nearly made Trish cream herself, the sheer size and girth of the beast astonished her, sure she had heard about it but to see it was totally different 

Naruto slapped Jessica's ass and got off the bed before he approached Trish who held out her hand, on the way to her Naruto had his pointer fingernail extended to a sharp claw that he sliced across his palm drawing blood as a seal appeared on Trish palm, before Naruto grabbed her hand and in a puff of smoke a large book was in his hand 

Placing the book down, Naruto opened it and on the front page a small fire appeared and vanished revealing to Naruto a message 

25,000 new entries

"25,000 new vampires, in 18 hours." Naruto said 

"Someone is gearing up for war." Jessica said walking to the table before with a handsets the ledger's pages began to move at a high speed, before a page for Russian vampires appeared and Naruto a name glowed, 

"Sergie Gorbachev, known human trafficker." Naruto said before with a flair of chakra, a vial of blood appeared, that he handed to Trish, 

Taking the coal, Trish walked over to a table with a map of New York on it before she poured the blood into the map, and began to chant her spell, "Phasmatos Tribum Nas Ex Veras, Sequita Saguines, Ementas Asten Mihan Ega Petous." 

The blood began to travel toward a pier in Hell's Kitchen "There." Trish said 

Naruto vamped out, before a clone appeared behind him, the clone smiled seeing Jessica and began to walk toward her but Naruto stopped it, "Look into these 25,000 vampires." He ordered 

The clone nodded and took the ledger before it vanished in a flash Later, Pier 97 

"Help! Help! Help us!" 6 girls in their early 20's screamed for help as they were forced to go toward a shipping container "Help! Help! Help us!" 

A bald African American man walked forward "Hey! Hey! Man, shut up." he said as the girls looked at him "I'm getting $1,000 a head for y'all. So, you be quiet I let you have a bucket." the man said holding up the bucket before he held up a taser "You don't-" 

The taser crackled and the women began screaming again causing the man to sigh, before he tossed the bucket and tased a girl and tossed her inside while the other girls were tossed in as well, "Scream all you want, ain't nobody coming." the man said smirking "Come on, let me hear you scream. Scream loud. Nobody gives a shit down here." 

The man began to laugh as his boys walked back to the car, the girls suddenly screamed as the man froze before he looked over his shoulder and saw Naruto floating 

"Shit!" The man yelled before he vamp sped to the left but Naruto was there and slammed his head into a shipping container at an awkward angle snapping his neck, 

The three men plus the fat guy sitting and eating a burger saw what happened, before the three men rushed Naruto, who threw up his hand to parry man 1's punch, and punched the man in the chest causing his back to explode as his lungs and heart flew out along with pieces of man1's ribcage 

Naruto quickly leaned back as a knife that drunk of vervain passed by his face, and he grabbed the arm and forced man2 to stab himself in the heart before 

Turning around Kitsune grabbed man3 by the wrist and had him stab man2 in the face and with a swing of a hand Naruto decapitated both of them 

Walking to the shipping container, Naruto compelled each of the girls at the same time, "You'll forget what happened tonight, you went out had some fun and went home." 

The girls nodded in a daze before they left, walking to the bald man4 who groaned Naruto knelt beside him, "Turk." 

"Naruto. What the hell did I do this time?" Turk asked sitting up 

"You know what you did.' Naruto said standing and looking down at Turk who rubbed his neck 

"I ain't did shit!"

"Then why'd you try to run?" Naruto asked 

Turk turned to look at Naruto and was going to lie but thought better of it, "Look man they were offering good money, and unlike you I haven't been on this planet for 1000 years to 

amass generational wealth. Money still makes the world go round even when your a vampire." 

Naruto sucked his teeth and helped Turk to his feet, "Who was paying you?' Naruto asked 

"Sergie. He's Russian Mafia, so I guess them." 

"Russian Mafia?" Naruto asked narrowing his eyes and frowning thoughtfully, "Keep your eyes peeled for every Russian or any other vampire looking to break the rules and I'll look out for you." 

"How much we talkin?" 


"Million?" Turk asked earnestly 

"Mil- no! Thousand." Naruto said 

Turk sighed and nodded his head as Naruto's phone rung, "Hello?" He asked waving off Turk who left 

"NYPD looking for you." Jessica said

"For what?"

"A murder." Jessica said before Naruto hung up 

NYPD Precinct 

A receptionist was doing his job when Naruto walked up, "Morning, I was told I was needed for questioning in a murder.' 

"Name?" The cop asked not looking up 

"Naruto Uzumaki.' 

The cop looked up and raised an eyebrow, "Your real name sir.' 

"That is my real name." Naruto grunted 

The cop shook his head and got on the phone as Naruto began to look around, "Detective Beckett will be with you in a minute." 

Naruto walked to a chair and sat down, and as he closed his eyes he heard footsteps, "Mr. Uzumaki." 

Naruto narrowed his eyes and looked up only for his eyes to widen as he saw himself looking at the face of Lisa, "I am Detective Kate Beckett and I am glad you came, would you join me please." 

Naruto got up and continued to look at Kate as he followed her into a private room, "Okay, Alison Tisdale. Daughter of real estate mogul Jonathan Tisdale." Kate said putting a photo in front of him 

"She's cute." Naruto said looking at the photo 

"She's dead." Kate replied 

"To bad." Naruto said 

"Did you ever meet her? Book signing? Charity event?" 

"Never." Naruto said immediately 

"You seem pretty sure. Do you want to think harder on that?" Kate asked with a raised eyebrow 

"Her father is a friend, never had the pleasure of meeting his daughter.." Naruto said causing Kate to nod 

"What about this guy? Marvin Fisk. Small claims lawyer." Kate said putting a new photo in front of the vampire 

"Most of my claims tend to be on the large side. So what's this got to do with me?" Naruto asked 

"Fisk was found murdered in his office two weeks ago. I didn't put it together until we saw the Tisdale crime scene tonight." Kate said placing another photo of a dead covered in flowers 

"Flowers For Your Grave." Naruto said before a picture of Marvin in a pentagram dead was put in front of him 

"And this is how we found Marvin Fisk, right out of Hell Hath No Fury." 

"Wow, someone actually remembered that trash." Naruto said laughing slightly as in his spare time he wrote novels and some of them were half-assed pieces of shit, but stop sold well 

"Do any of your fans ever write you disturbing letters?" Kate asked causing Naruto to shrug 

"Never really read it, but the junk should be somewhere in my home." Naruto said 

"Because sometimes, in cases like this, we find that the killer attempts to-" 

"Contact the subject of his obsession." Naruto interrupted causing Kate to look at him in surprise and he shrugged with a smile 

"So I take it that you won't have any objection to us going through your mail?" Kate asked 

"Knock yourself out." Naruto shrugged before his phone that he placed on the table rung and they saw 

Johnathan T. on the caller I.D, "Not that I don't enjoy your company my beautiful detective, but I must be going." 

Kate watched as Naruto stood up and walked off, boarding the elevator, Naruto watched Lisa as the doors closed 

Later, Tisdale Office 

Naruto entered the office and saw Jonathan nursing a glass of club soda, "Allison's dead. Murdered." 

"I know." Naruto said 

"You can at least act like you're sympathetic." Jonathan said 

"I am. There isn't a living being on this planet that doesn't know the pain of loss." Naruto said causing Jonathan to sigh 

"I want to hire you."

"Let me guess." Naruto sighed 

"Find and kill the bastard that took my little girl from me." Jonathan said putting a suitcase full of money on the table, "10 million now and another when you complete the job." 

Naruto nodded and took the suitcase before he left, Later, 

Naruto was on the rooftop of the precinct and watched as Captain Roy Montgomery left the station before he followed him home and as Roy got out the car, he turned into Naruto, "Evening Captain." Naruto greeted before he grabbed Roy by the throat and compelled him, 

Naruto's Home 

Jessica sat across from a woman when Naruto got off the elevator, "Good you're here," Jessica said as Naruto placed the suitcase down, "This is our client, Karen Page." 

"Mr. Uzumaki, a friend said you fix things." "That's right." 

"Someone may be after me. I worked at Union Allied. They're overseeing the bulk of the government contracts for the West Side reconstruction." Karen said as Naruto sat down "The last two years have transformed the business. There's new owners, new grants, new contracts. I was the secretary for the chief accountant. And one of my jobs was to coordinate the pension claims for the company. About a week ago, I was emailed a file called, "Pension Master." It must have been meant for my boss, but I made the mistake of opening it." 

"I'm guessing it wasn't the pension fund." Naruto said 

"It wasn't the size of the pension fund. I couldn't believe the numbers. But it was still being designated as company pension. And it was constantly adjusted. Money coming in and money going out." 

"Going where?" Naruto asked 

"I don't know. It was coded routing numbers, but we are talking a lot of money." Karen explained as Naruto tilted his head 

"What did you do with the file?" Naruto asked 

"Well, I told my boss, Mr. McClintock, about it, and he laughed it off. He said that it was a theoretical model that they were screwing around with, but I knew something was wrong. I just I thought maybe it was just him, you know? Embezzling or whatever. Then he fired me all of the sudden." 

"I emailed the file to a friend of mine, Daniel Fisher, he worked in legal and a day later he was killed." Karen said 

Naruto sighed, "Where's the file?" 

"My apartment." 

"Ill go get it, if you stumble onto something and they are willing to kill to keep it quiet, your life is in danger. Stay here and Ill take care of this." 

Karen nodded before Jessica and Naruto walked away for a but, "So whats the play?" 

"I'm going to head over to her apartment and grab this file, I need you to either sit and watch her or go to this address and follow the scent of Allison Tisdale killer.' 

"So babysit a human or find a human killer?" Jessica asked getting a nod from Naruto before she looked to Karen and sighed looking to Naruto, "Whats the address.' 

Naruto smiled and handed her a piece of paper before with a grunt she left, and after he provided Karen a empty room in his building Naruto left as well 

Union Allied Constitution Site 

An old man, along with 2 Russian brothers, a Japanese man, a Chinese woman, were standing together not speaking on the top level of the construction site "It's freezing this high up. Next time we're meeting at Per Se. I'll domesticate you boys yet." the old man said shivering 

"This would be a balmy day in Samara, Leland." one of the Russians said 

"Yes, it's perfect Chechnyans-kidnap- a-preschool weather, Vladimir." Leland said before he looked to the people of Asian descent, "Can you at least pretend to be cold? It's unsettling." 

Gao began to laugh before she said something in Mandarin 

"Anyone here speak Chinese? Nobu?" the old man asked causing Asians to glare at him as they vamped out, 

"The man is Japanese." Vladimir's brother said 

"I know, I know. I just thought that...ah forget it." the old man said before the elevator door opened and another man walked up, "Oh, please tell me she's right behind you." 

"Unfortunately, my employer is attending to other matters. She apologizes to you in particular, Madame Gao." 

Vladimir scoffed and said something in Russian "We do not deal with lap dogs." his brother said turning to leave but the man was in their path 

"She would like to know why you're short on the cargo totals." the man said causing the brothers to sigh as everyone stopped and watched them 

"There was a problem on the docks. our men were killed." Vladimir said 

"Perhaps you should have been there yourself." the man said getting glares from the brothers 

"Why do we care?" Leland asked 

"Because if Naruto catches a whiff of what we are up too, we all are dead." The man said with a glare, "And you said you had a situation?" 

"One of my employees found the company pension fund. I sent a night creature after her and a vampire to retrieve the file she stole." 

"There aren't many forgemasters in New York, you better hope he doesn't find out, what we are doing." 

"It's alright Godbrand, the night creature knows to be discrete." Leland said as Godbrand grunted in annoyance, "Besides why are so scared of this guy anyway? Aren't you like 900 years old?" 

"He's older and much more stronger than I. Than all of us." Godbrand said causing Leland to look at the other vampires that were frowning, "Our only hope is to beat him down with numbers and strategy. Until our strategy is primed and ready with no room for error so that he won't have a chance to fight back or escape we need to work in the shadows and keep him off our tail." 

Leland frowned not understanding as he was a forgemaster not a vampire, witch, werewolf or anything else, just a human with the ability to turn fresh corpses into monsters to do his bidding, so he has heard of the mighty vampire that discovered and made New York City, but he thought it was all just overhyped. 

With Naruto 

Naruto walked into Karen's apartment, and with a sniff of the air he picked up the scent of plastic and metal, walking to the bathroom, Naruto stood on the toilet and knocked on each tile on the ceiling before he pushed the hollow one up and reached in, where he proceeded to feel around for a minute before he found the usb 

Getting down, Naruto headed for the door and paused as red eyes appeared from the shadows and with a growl the temperature in the room began to get lower 

Ducking and rolling Naruto dodged a blue blast of energy that froze the couch in a chunk of ice, as his feet touch the ground Naruto lunged and tackled the horned wolf headed winged creature out a window 

Grunting Naruto pushed the Frost demon away as it tried to bite him before he caught the creatures arm and slammed a Rasengan into its ribs, with an explosion of energy the creature 

went spiraling into the distance and Naruto pursued it as he felt a seal at his home activate, 

Grabbing the frost demon by its ankle Naruto flew to his home and vanished in a flash of light, 


A man looked around as he walked into Naruto's home, having followed Karen's scent to this place, as he walked further into the building a flash caused him to back up and shield his eyes, blinking he saw Naruto standing on the frost demon corpse glaring at him 

The man reached behind his back and found his wrist grabbed as the Naruto before him vanished in an afterimage, Naruto snapped the wrist in his grip and grabbed the man by his scalp, "What are you doing in my house?" 

"Fuck you." The man grunted 

"How original." Naruto said before the man began to groan as he blinked rapidly 

"W-what're you dourng?" The man asked his speech slurring 

"My Rasengan. To learn it, I needed to use water balloons and rubber balls. I'm using your head as a rubber ball, lets hope it doesn't- 


The man's head exploded with an explosion of chakra before seals lot the walls and the corpses turned to ash and the blood was cleaned, 

Jessica walked in and saw the seals fade, "You're here, good." 

"What did you find?" Naruto asked 

"Besides the scent of cops, gun powder and a corpse. The scent of Harrison Tisdale. Took a look at his financials and he was going broke so looks like he killed gis sister to get her half of Jonathan's money." 

Naruto nodded before he handed her the USB drive, "Nice work."

Jessica smirked before she kissed his cheek and walked off,


Jonathan sat on his couch looking down, "Harry?" He asked looking at Naruto "Yea." 

"I just wanted him to be like you. A man that commanded respect with his actions and exemplified strength. All he ever did was ask me for money. I was proud of him becoming his own man but he always had me as a safety net, me removing myself as that drove him to kill his sister." 

"Harrison's actions belong to Harrison. He took time out to plan this so he knew what he was doing, and he has to pay for that." 

"Don't kill him." Jonathan said causing Naruto to raise an eyebrow, "He deserves to rot in a cell for what he did. Death is too quick." 

Naruto nodded before he got the rest of his money and left Jonathan to cry to himself Harrison's Apartment 

Naruto walked down the street and raised an eyebrow as Kate was there, "What are you doing here?" 

"Here to capture the killer thats been skimming through my books." Naruto said "Excuse me?" 

"Happens that I'm a P.I, and your Captain and the Mayor are friends of mine." Naruto smirked causing Kate to look at him in surprise as he walked into the building, "Keep up Detective!" 

"How do you know he's the killer?" 

"He's going broke, According to LaGuardia Airport security cameras took a flight and came back while the murders took place and left again." 

The two walked to Harrison's door and saw it ajar, pushing it open, they saw Harrison destroying evidence, "NYPD!" Kate yelled 

Harrison turned around and shot at the duo and Naruto pulled Kate out of the way, before peeking in to see Harrison on his way down the fire escape, 

Naruto ran in, and jumped out the window, on the way down with a flip, Naruto grabbed Harrison and slammed him into the ground causing the man to groan, before he looked up at the smirking Naruto, "You're going to tell the police everything." 

Kate came down the fire escape to see Naruto had Harrison on his belly with his hands behind his back smirking at her before she began to read Harrison his rights and cuffed him 

NYPD Precinct 

Naruto was sitting at Kate's desk when she walked up, "It wasn't just for the money. He wanted to punish his father before he died, take away the only thing he loved." Kate said as Naruto looked to see uniforms lead Harrison away, "Well, guess this is it." 

Naruto stood up, smiling at Kate, "It doesn't have to be. We could go to dinner, debrief each other." 

"Why, Naruto? So I can be just another one of your conquests?" Kate asked "If thats what you want." Naruto said

Kate scoffed, "It was nice to meet you, Naruto."

"Dont worry youll be seeing more of me." Naruto said turning and walking off "What's that supposed to mean?" 

"Means, I'm your new partner." Naruto said

Kate looked at him in shock before she walked into Roy's office, "Sir." 

"Former CIA, Beckett. He's well trained and will be a great help to the Department." Roy said simply doing paperwork as Kate sighed 

Naruto's House 

Naruto walked into his bedroom to see Jessica amd Karen naked on his bed with Jessica drinking from Karen's femoral artery, she looked at him her fangs still on display, "You joined the police force?" She asked as she dragged her finger across her dang to draw blood amd heal Karen, 

"I suspect someone is making moves against me and it's entirely possible that they have people working for NYPD with them." 

"Or is this just an excuse to get close to Beckett?" Jessica asked 

"Its a bonus.' Naruto shrugged 

"I did some digging into her ancestry, and its safe to say that she is a Petrova doppelganger." 

"The Petrova doppelganger is a 17 year old girl in Mystic Falls." Naruto said 

"Who so happens to be the biological daughter of Kate's cousin Isobel." Jessica replied 

"Klaus will be coming to your doorstep when word gets around about her." 

"Not everyone has even seen a Petrova doppelganger. So they won't know what to look for, but I'll handle it." Naruto said 

Jessica blurred toward Naruto and wrapped her arms amd legs around him, as he gripped her ass cheeks, "Remember, she isnt Lisa." 

Naruto nodded, "What's the deal with her?" He asked looking at Karen who watched them "She wants to work for us." Jessica said

"Jessica.' Naruto sighed 

"It was her decision. Whoever wants her dead is still out there, Night creatures and vampires. She needs protection and you offered it so mark her." Jessica said getting down and pulling his pants down, "Karen, come show your master how back you want to walk with him." 

Karen stood up and crawled toward the two vampires as Jessica stroked Naruto's 12.5 inch erection, she looked up at the two as Jessica licked his neck before she began to attack his cock with her tongue, as Jessica bit into his neck.

Next chapter