
chapter 3

So, Storm then felt sun hit his face and saw that Tammy, Sam, Lily was doing fine that they also woke up and the time was 6:30 am in the morning Storm then put on his purple shirt without the bra on and all of them then came down stair to see Rose and Yin, Lola, Noa, Alex, Yang, Mary had made breakfast feast for all of them and they then got to eating breakfast when they was done Storm ended up helping his Mate Rose with the dishes and Rose said that she place every customize Bra in his room in the bottom drawer and Storm nodded at this and Said he put the his Bra on later if that alright Rose nodded at this said you don't have to wear darling in this house but if we goes somewhere you have to wear it and Storm nodded at this now how did it feel to meet your Lust worm daughter for the first time and Storm said I was shocked at first when mate sister Tammy told about and I even more shocked that was able to give me so much pleasure just by trying to get my scent on to them while they also put their scent on me to and Rose nodded at this and Storm ask what else can his abilities do and Rose said you just got to figure it out own your own Dalring because even I don't know about these power I only know they made you godlike being with a lot of potential and Storm nodded at this and they done cleaning all of dishes and Rose then ask Storm to follow her to her room and Storm nodded at this.


So, Storm then follows Rose to her room where it was huge where it had nice red bed along with some mirror and nice 100-flat screen tv with all channels just like his room got there was even computer there to and Rose then told Storm sit down on her bed and he did just that and Rose then ask to take off his shirt and he did just that allow his Octuple-Z-cup breast jiggle real quick and Rose also took off her shirt and bra allowing her Sextuple-P-cup breast to bounce to and she then went up to her submissive mate son and gently said now Darling I just want to trying something please if that alright with you it won't hurt it bring pleasure to you and Storm with massive blush on nodded at this so Rose then begin to fondle Storm Octuple-Z-cup breast gently while Storm was moaning pleasure and Rose saw Storm nipple becoming hard begin to suck on them gently while swirling her tongue around them to she took turn on both breast making Storm moan more in pleasure he was getting and she gently squeeze them to and she kept playing with Octuple-Z-cup breast for over in hour she then stop real went to one of her drawer she then took out blue bottle of white liquid she then told Storm to drink this real and Storm did just the minute he drunk that he felt his Octuple-Z-cup breast fill up with something causing him grow even more then before and Storm was moaning even more pleasure now and Rose then begin to fondle his now growing Octuple-Z-cup breast and even begin to shake then to causing them grow even faster and even begin to fill up with something and Rose then grab both of breast bring the his hard nipple to her face begin to suck on both of nipple little harder now causing Storm to moan in pleasure and Rose then gently squeeze them and now she felt something sweet rush into her mouth she then let go of Storm growing breast said to him now darling if wondering why milk are coming out of your breast simple that drink I give was lactation drink didn't think it would work on you but don't worried darling now we got fresh milk now to darling and it seem you can change to flavor of your breast milk to so right now I say you growth sport will be finished in under 2 hours so you will stay by my side until your done growing again now you are biggest in family now to darling and sorry about doing this to you.

{semi-lemon over}

So, Storm moans its fine darling I love pleasure I just don't want to in pleasure all the time and Rose nodded at this and she then said 2 hours has now pass and she then said your breast size with you engorged with breast milk is now Undecuple-Z-cup breast and Storm nodded at this and Rose then said about your Bra darling those Bra growth type bra now when you put them on they will adapt to your new size and lactation now to darling Storm nodded at this and said he is shocked that he can even still grow in breast size and Rose said because of all of female member in are family are big breast that it seem being submissive also supercharge the breast gene in are family and thank to me for giving those bottle of pill, fruit, lotion and drink it also seem to Mega-charge them to and with lactation drink causing them to create breast milk now darling and also don't worried all of clothes are growth type to even cloak is to darling so don't worried about not fitting in your clothes and Storm nodded and kiss his Mate mom Rose on the lip and Rose did same thing to and he then said I know you won't cause me now pain darling I know you just showing me the world of pleasure when it time to see my grandma, my Aunt, Cousin, and my nieces and another family member who want claim as their mate to and Rose nodded at this Said yes because the minute you born all of want to claim you but I told them I would be the to intrude to our darling and Rose then hug her now Submissive Mate and Storm then ask can we watch Tv and Rose nodded and they put on movie station and Rose then cuddle to her darling Undecuple-Z-cup breast as they watch the movie in front of them.

So, Storm and Rose cuddle and watch movie before he ask can he go check on garden and lust worm daughter real quick and Rose nodded yes So Storm then went to his went to the drawer put on a purple Sport Bra that Magic fitted him and he put on a green shirt to magic fitted him to he then went the underground base he saw plant where doing fine along with his Lust worm daughter now he saw 200- Lust worm in the tank where plant and water clean and the plant where growing fine he saw that where some bone inside the tank new it was his sister who feed them something to eat for them he saw plant where doing fine with rain cloud only raining 3-days and won't rain on 5-days because he did not want to drown his plant with water to much he also made different cloud that block sun every 5-days and then plant sent grateful emotion to him and he nodded at this and went back up stair to his room where he just begin play Ark survivor without going to his sister save file he then begin to play and he play for 20 hours got a huge base in the game along with armor and he tame over many different dinosaur and dire wolf and shark and many other creature in the game along with researching everything for the base along with researching armor and weapon and clothes and house material and animal food and hunting and garden research to and farming research and he did all of that in the game was enjoying it he did like the weapon to he thought about the Nether-rite sword in Minecraft and how strong it was the minute he thought about a purple sword appear right in hand he even felt how belong in his hand he then call his Mate Rose who then came to his room saw the Nether-rite sword in his hand she then tell it is because of weapon creation to where you can create any type of weapon from game to anime it just depend on how strong you are with how sharp that Nether-rite sword it look it would be growth type because you base it off tinker construct were all weapon forge using are growth type and Storm nodded at this.

So, Rose then his room and told that dinner will be almost ready, and he nodded at he then places his Nether-rite sword in his second closet that was bigger where all of game collection went along with all of fake item, he got to along with fake weapon from a fake diamond sword to a fake stone sword to fake gun and dull katana from anime to along with fake guns to like Nerf and many other fake weapon he then place nether-rite sword by fake diamond sword and fake stone sword and he then left the closet he then went down stair where he help his Rose make the table he then saw the time 9:30 pm and he then see sister coming down stair in only a shirt on no pants showing their different color panty and he also did he only wearing purple sport Bra and green shirt to they all sat down and begin to eat dinner together while also taking sometime together and Noa then ask her Little brother what his breast size now that he making breast milk and Storm just blush and said my new size Undecuple-Z-cup breast now and all of them nodded at this he then told about him creating nether-rite sword from Minecraft they nodded at he also wondering can his weapon creation turn fake weapon into real weapon and Lola said yes it can you just need touch said weapon think what you want while using weapon creation on and Storm nodded at this.

So, Storm and his family was done eating dinner for tonight and Storm then help clean the dishes and after that he went back to his room and took a nice hot shower where he took off his green shirt and purple sport bra got in the shower where it blue and orange in his bathroom and it was connected to his room he then got of shower dry himself off and put on an orange nightgown for tonight that that fitted right for him like nothing he then left bathroom went back to his room feeling his Undecuple-Z-cup breast sloshing and bouncing around he then made back to his room where he saw Noa who quickly pick him ups and lay him down on the where she raised he night gown showing his purple boxer and she then gently took them off and saw that 9-inch penis was now 11-inch on hard and she then took off her shirt showing her Triple-K-cup breast and he then begin to give Storm a quick Boob job and Blow job real quick and Storm was just moaning in pleasure for the treatment and Noa went at with Boob job and Blow job for 3 hours straight until Storm moan he was coming and Noa did begin to suck up all Storm Cum while swallow them to and Storm kept Cuming for 2 hours he finally done he then saw Noa stomach look nine month pregnant with twins and Storm then said thank Noa and Noa nodded at him no problem darling I hope you have sweat dream and Storm then put his purple boxer back on and straighten his nightgown went to sleep while Noa cuddle with tonight.

So, Storm then felt sun hit he woke and Saw Noa beside him he then gently woke her up and he then put his purple sleeping shoe went to underground base where he saw plant doing fine he felt the emotion telling him that their fruit is ripe for taking and so Storm then begin to pick at ripe fruit he now had bucket of 200-different fruit in bucket and he then took back up two at time he gently place them on ground he open fridge and saw that all fruit was going know his family ate them all the refill the fridge with all the fruit he got from garden he then saw all of the leftover food from the dinner feast and breakfast he then grab all of leftover and took back to the underground where he gave the leftover to his Lust worm daughter where he saw 400- lust worm now he now they breed real quick sometime but he made sure breeding wasn't too fast he saw how they ate leftover food he then left unground base and went back into the kitchen where a breakfast feast was and Rose then ask Storm can he do the honor by putting a glass cup front of him and he knew his mate Rose wanted some of his Breast milk barley took off his nightgown where he then grab the Cup and Put Undecuple-Z-cup breast and begin to squeeze gently when did a rush of breast milk fill the Cup and he then gave cup of breast milk Rose and he did same thing Yang, Lily, Noa, Mary, Alex, Sam, Tammy, Yin, Lola, and they said thank you to Storm and he nodded at and said no Problem and Rose then said since they want breast milk she bought a breast pump machine that cow use and she will be on do his milking and Storm nodded at along with his sister and Rose then went up Storm bend down to his left Undecuple-Z-cup breast which was leaking breast milk begin drink from Storm gigantic breast like no tomorrows causing Storm moan in pleasure and lick rest of breast off Storm and fix his nightgown and told them all to get dress because they going to do some shopping and Storm nodded at the then went up stair to his room and he took off his nightgown he then put on a blue sport Bra with red shirt and purple jogging pants and green jogging shoe he then put on his black cloak and chain that turn his entire body into tomboy along making his voice a bit more manly to.

So, Storm and rest of family then got inside purple just like the other van they were in before this one was purple so and Storm then sat between his Lola and Noa in van and they Rose then drove the van and Storm was looking out the window enjoy the view seeing everything and Storm then felt the van stop now that Store call galaxy-mart where they also get many thing here to and Rose then tell Storm to stay by her side and Storm nodded at this so Storm then follow Rose all over the station grabbing food, soda, fruit, water, cereal, tv-Dinner, Hungry-man, juice, ground beef, Pasta, many other things, to he follow Rose for while go was getting baking thing to and she also brought some fruit seed and vegetable seed and many different tree seed and many sapling to for Storm plant and then they went to the cashier side begin to have they item scan and after scan the price was 200-doller and Rose paid for the item place them inside a basket where they then went to the van where then put all of the item in back seat where there was enough space until when they was about get inside the van that when they heard a screeching voice coming from nowhere they saw woman just coming up to them screeching in voice demanding she have those because the store ran out of those in there van she got wait for 2 days rebuy them and Rose just look at lady and just got in her van drove off like nothing happened and they arrived home where they got groceries out of van and took inside and Storm then went to his took off chain and cloak and went to unground base where he saw his lust worm daughter just slithering around and plant was growing fine he then check on his Garden where he saw all of plant fine to he then created 2 more rain cloud as Rose then came down with all of the fruit seed and tree and sapling she then help Storm planted all of new fruit seed and tree seed and sapling he then thought of the bone meal from Minecraft and Pile of bone meal then appear in his hand he place the bone on all of planted making sing in emotion joy he then same thing for lust worm habitat plant bone meal on all everything to.

So, Storm then thanks his Mate Rose by kissing her on lips and said thank for helping plant everything and Rose nodded at this said no problem darling and both then went back up stair where Yang, Yin, Alex, Tammy, Lola, Noa, Lily and Sam, Mary where they were watching TV show and Storm then ask can his ability mimic TV show ability and Lily Said yes your ability can mimic tv-show ability it will just take time for you to do so just tried to mimic your survival game ability like their weapon and many other thing before you get to big guns and tried to be like anime op Character, cartoon op character, op tv-show character try to mimic their ability and Storm nodded at this he also wonder can learn from book to and Sam said just like Lily said you can learn anything just don't try to be all-godlike because you still need to learn that way we here to help you on your journey and Storm nodded he then thought and said he want mimic everything about Minecraft from the weapon to armor to potion to enchantment to building to farming to trading to many thing in Minecraft all of them Nodded at this saying we help you learn and Storm nodded at this and said thank you and Sam what family for darling and what our for too he couldn't help but blush at this and nodded at this so Storm then begin to watch Tv with them he then went up stair to his room where he then took off red shirt and shoe and purple jogging pants he took off his blue sport Bra only leaving himself in his boxer and he then put nightgown shirt and begin to play same game and time was 9:00 pm so they already had dinner to he then pause the Game when he heard Mate Rose calling him he then went to her room when he enter he saw milking machine and Rose was only in her bra and Panty.


So, Rose then told Storm to take off his shirt he did just that letting his Undecuple-Z-cup breast bounce she then walk up to Storm with some pump in her hand she then places breast pump on Storm Undercuple-Z-cup breast she then turns on the milking machine it then begins to gently pull Storm nipple for milk and Storm also canister to he then see Rose come back chocolate she begin to feed Storm then chocolate as milking machine begin to drain Storm for breast milk and Storm was moaning from the pleasure to Storm was enjoy being milk for the first time and also enjoying the chocolate his Mate Rose was giving him and this went on for 20 hours and Rose told Storm he filled over 600x-thousand canister of milk and that would use 20 for his garden and 20 for Lust worm daughters tank for they can get some scent of you darling Rose then took off breast gently and see saw Storm nipple was very hard and she then move the milking machine in her second closet after doing this she then went up Storm and said now let me some from the source and rose then begin to drink from both breast making Storm moaning in pleasure and she then shake Storm gigantic breast up and down seeing them jiggle hearing them slosh and everything she then stop and told Storm that he was going spend the night with her.

{Semi-lemon over}

So, Storm nodded at this he then put on his nightgown where Rose then dries both gigantic breast from the milking process and so they then went to sleep while his sister knew that mother had Storm for tonight and so before Storm and Rose could go to bed Storm help Rose put all of the canister of breast milk in the massive fridge down stair where you got to walk inside and they did all of that so they then went to sleep afterward and Storm then woke up got to use the bathroom real quick he then use the bathroom he then left the bathroom where he saw that sun was still down so he went check on plant and his Lust worm daughter in the unground base when he got there he saw Lily, Yin, Yang, Lola, Noa, Tammy, Sam, Mary and Rose cover in blood feed his lust worm daughter human body part he felt scared and he saw his mate turn around and saw him he quickly tried to run but Rose appear right in front of him and hug him gently whisper word saying we will not hurt darling you wasn't supposed to see this so please don't scared use and Storm then hug her back and said I could not hate my mate for protecting me all my now who are those dead belong to and Rose then Storm down stair fully told these are people who been trying to find out information about use and you to the other side for the force claim many people been after you darling for your submissive power that don't you are submissive since we been rubbing are scent on you whenever you we want sex and for they could not find you that why you haven't seen your grandma, cousin, aunt, niece, many family of your family member because they hunting down people who been after you and Storm nodded at this and hug all of them said thank you for protecting and kiss they mate back with all of their love said no problem darling.

So, Storm then asks is that why my Lust worm daughter is breeding so fast and why is soil for the plant is so fertile and they nodded at this so Storm then ask many questions about the people after them and him and Rose then said the people after you are Gang, Mafia, trafficker, and many more because right now we only been dealing with these people why your other family been then with supernatural thing like demon, angle, werewolf, witch, wizard, many more we also deal supernatural being to just not much as your other family member and Storm nodded at this ask can he go back to bed and Rose nodded at this said of course dear and Lola and Noa will be cuddling up just to make sure you don't have any nightmare and Storm nodded he then went up stair to his room and where Lola and Noa came in right behind and Said sorry you had to see like that darling we meant no harm and Storm just kiss them on the lips and hug them said I don't care what you do I only want to know y'all safe and thank you for protecting me for danger still to this day and they nodded at cuddle up with Storm and they then went to sleep like nothing happened while Rose, Yang, Yin, Lily, Tammy, Sam, Alex, Mary deal with the rest of the body and so after they got done with body they then went to their own room went to sleep like nothing happen.

Next chapter