
Volume 1] Chapter 386- Fueling Fire

But just as despair tightened its grip around her, her uncle acted. She barely registered his movements as he reached across, his love for her evident in every desperate motion. Before Jiho could react, he shoved her out of the car with all his strength.

The world spun in slow motion as Jiho tumbled onto the rocky surface beside the road. Pain exploded through her body as her skin tore against the jagged rocks, blood dripping from her head, her hands, and her legs. She could feel the sharp stings of cuts and bruises, thethrobbing in her temples, but she was alive.

She lay there for a moment, dazed, gasping for breath, the metallic taste of blood on her tongue. Slowly, she lifted her head, her vision blurry, and that's when she saw it-the now speeding uncontrollably towards the cliff's edge. Her heart clenched in her chest as she heard the sickening thud, the sound of metal scraping against rock, and then the car plummeted down the steep hill.

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