
Volume 1] Chapter 287- Their dear son.

There, they changed their identities, shedding the prestigious status of the Gu family's prince. Her son, once a noble, took on the lowly status of a slave, while his loyal bodyguard, now his wife, became a humble hunter.

After their wedding, her son became pregnant, but due to unforeseen circumstances, he gave birth prematurely. The childbirth took a severe toll on his already frail body, leaving him even more sickly and weak.

Despite this, his wife, the former bodyguard, took care of him with unwavering dedication. She treated him like the prince he had once been, showering him with love and devotion.

Perhaps it was this deep love and attachment to his wife and their child that gave him the strength to keep fighting, to cling to life just a little longer. But even that fierce determination wasn't enough.

Three years after Jiho was born, their son passed away, his body finally succumbing to the strain it had endured for so long.

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