
Volume 1] Chapter 261- Commoners .

Their movements, while deliberate, were tinged with the unease of their lower status.

Jiho's calm presence contrasted sharply with the wind that whipped through the tent's gaping roof.

Noticing their deference, Jiho addressed them with a measured tone.

"It's okay, you don't need to bow in front of me." Her voice was soft but carried an undercurrent of authority. She kept her gaze on the table, seemingly absorbed in the papers but clearly aware of the impact of her words.

The four junior generals exchanged brief, puzzled glances. They were slightly stunned by Jiho's casual dismissal of the formality.

The atmosphere grew taut with a blend of surprise and uncertainty. They were not accustomed to such an egalitarian gesture from someone of Jiho's rank.

Madam Chu, always quick to assert tradition and hierarchy, interrupted abruptly.

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