
Volume 1] Chapter 211- Main point.

Her mind raced with possibilities, each one more unsettling than the last. Was this some sort of memory? A vision? Or perhaps a trick of her mind, brought on by the strange events she had been experiencing? None of it made sense, yet the familiarity was undeniable.

Jiho's pacing came to an abrupt halt as she clenched her jaw, determination replacing the uncertainty in her eyes. She couldn't afford to be paralyzed by fear or confusion. She needed answers, and she needed to find them quickly.

Taking a deep breath, she straightened her posture, her expression hardening with resolve.

A while later, in the dining room of the Gu family, the atmosphere was thick with an uncomfortable silence. The only sounds that punctuated the stillness were the clatter and clank of chopsticks and utensils against porcelain dishes.

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