
Volume 1] Chapter 165- Not again.

He could hardly breathe as he was led to her cell, the iron bars a cruel barrier between them. When he finally saw her, his heart broke anew.

Jiho sat on the cold, damp floor, her body hunched and shivering. The light that had once shone in her eyes was gone, replaced by the same emptiness he remembered from their first meeting.

Her hair, now tangled and unkempt, hung lifelessly around her face. The smile that had once graced her lips was nowhere to be seen. She looked at him, and in her gaze, he saw nothing but desolation

"Jiho," he whispered, his voice trembling with anguish. He reached out through the bars, his fingers desperate to touch her, to offer some comfort. She didn't move, didn't respond, just stared at him with those empty eyes.

"Why?" he asked, his voice breaking. "Why did they do this to you?"

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