
[Volume 1] Chapter 88- Villagers.

To her, a man with long hair appeared no different than a woman, and this perception initially sparked a feeling of discomfort within her.

She couldn't fathom why people in such an old time, where there wasn't even a fan, would choose to have long hair without the convenience of shampoo or other modern amenities.

Additionally, it puzzled her that women were allowed to cut their hair, but mers were not. It seemed absurd to her.

However, her perspective shifted after meeting the Su brothers. When she heard villagers calling them ugly, it piqued Jiho's curiosity. If these brothers were deemed ugly, then Jiho wondered what a truly beautiful person looked like in their eyes.

'If these mers were born in modern times,' Jiho mused with a touch of admiration, 'they might have actually shaken the world with their beauty'.

Ji-hoon stood in front of Jiho, observing her as she seemed completely lost in her thoughts.

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