
[Volume 1] Chapter 85- Side-effect.

Hearing Jihoon's worried tone, Jiho was momentarily stunned. It was a rare occurrence for someone to acknowledge and express that her pain resonated with them.

As she absorbed Jihoon's words, Jiho's thoughts drifted back through the corridors of her memory.

She remembered countless instances where she faced challenges alone, her pain hidden behind a stoic facade.

No one had ever stepped forward to verbalize what Jihoon had just done.

It stirred a mix of emotions within her—a flicker of surprise followed by a sense of warmth that someone cared enough to vocalize their concern.

In that introspective moment, Jiho couldn't help but recall someone from her past who had a similar impact on her.

This person, much like Su brothers, had a way of reaching through her defenses without even trying, leaving her both shaken and touched by their empathy.

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