
Chapter Forty- Schemers and Students

Whispers of gossip and interest spread in waves from the gathered parents and attendants who like us were waiting to pick up their wards.

Oddly enough I had received almost as many looks as the esteemed shinobi next to me. It seems my deeds on the Suna front were being spread among the populace at a rapid pace, too fast for it to happen without outside influence.

It was obvious as to why. Increase the morale of the populace and their troops. People always loved to hear about the newest 'hero' and when you were fighting in a war where it was nearly four against one you needed as much morale as possible.

The only villages that weren't actively fighting us were the Mist and Stone villages. Where on the Mist's side they were being stopped in the Ocean by the Uzumaki while the Stone was kept on their southern border by Hanzo of The Salamander.

I hummed as I looked toward a clock above the academy's main door. We still had around ten minutes until they were let out for the day so I decided to broach a conversation with Kagami.

"What do you think would've happened if the Sannin had managed to topple Hanzo?" I asked the man casually.

"Hm, I'd expect the Sand and Stone to ally. The Western and Northwestern Leaf armies would combine. A large battle would've taken place most likely deciding the victor of this war, the Land Of Rain would be burnt to ashes in the process." Kagami said matter of factly as if he had no doubts on the subject I'd brought up.

"And who would've won?" I asked.

"We'd win." A clipped and short statement. But it burned with something more than the will of fire, pure resolve.

"You believe that with two-thirds of our forces, we could actually defeat two other villages?" I asked in a whisper slightly louder than I intended.

"Of course, we are a village of quality. Since the beginning, we have been. Sure the Sand has Russo and the second Kazekage. The Stone had Onoki and Gari of the explosions. Yet I'd bet my life that Sakumo, Tsunade, and Orochimaru could hold their own. At that point, our resources would've been reallocated as we pushed for a victory in Rain. One of the old guards, most likely me would be sent to that battlefield." Kagami continued as he focused on me completely.

"You are the prime example of the strength of our village. Nearly thirteen years old but you've already achieved the strength of an Elite Jonin. From what I've seen and observed. You'll be an S-rank shinobi in a few years at most. With Senjutsu and the Sharingan? You'll surpass Hiruzen in a decade or less. So even if we don't outright win this war, in the Third War?" He paused. "I predict you will be one of if not the main player of that war, Sage forbid it ever comes."

"Through those doors, I'd even bet there is another maybe even two who will grow into bastions of this village. I'm getting on in my years but I've seen it happen, my sensei was the one who created this academy after all." He stopped to breathe and let me think over what he said. "First came the Sannin, then your teacher Sakumo. Barely a decade later you've appeared out of nowhere, there may even be one from your graduating class that sees your success and it drives them to the pinnacle." Kagami said with a smile that was filled with a love for his village and home. It seemed the Uchiha Patriarch fully supported the Will of Fire.

My own class? There was only one that came to mind. My idiotic best friend carried the blood of the first and second Hokage in his veins. The complete backing of the 'second' greatest clan of the village and being a part of Hiruzens circle. Hel,l the kid had bragged about Hiruzen giving him an A-rank jutsu. If anyone in this village was set to succeed it was Nawaki, loathe I was to admit it.

However, our conversation was cut off before I could respond by the ringing of a bell as two chunnin instructors opened the doors. Kids rushed out into the open street in a mad dash to escape the hellhole. It was a comedic scene as the instructors yelled for discipline, but the future shinobi decided that they didn't care what their instructors said after hours. Especially a particularly red-haired girl who flipped one of them off. 'I like that one' I chuckled to myself at the tomato-headed girl's antics.

"The Uzumaki, always so willful and energetic," Kagami said with a fond smirk but I was slightly surprised. An Uzumaki in the village, going to the academy? Sure we were allies but it was extremely rare to see one of the red-haired people outside of their country. So rare in fact that this girl was the first I'd ever seen.

I focused my senses and noticed that the girl had an abundant amount of chakra for an eight year old. Nearly on par with a graduate, maybe it was something to do with their bloodline.

It was with some pride that I watched my sister walk out like a civilized person. Prim and proper with her head held high, well until a small pebble smacked into her forehead.

I nearly chuckled as I watched her crazed eyes track its trajectory right to me. Her eyes lit up in surprise then in indignation as she began stomping towards me. Abandoning the two others who walked next to her, the same two that seemed to be around her every time I came to pick her up....

Yet her gait quickly changed back to what was expected of a young woman. Especially one of a clan when she was walking toward the patriarch of that clan.

"Lord Kagami," My sister greeted him with a small bow. 

"Father?" The heir apparent, one Fugaku Uchiha asked or maybe greeted in surprise. It seemed the job of the clan head was extremely busy if his son was that shocked to see him here to pick him up.

"Now don't sound so surprised son, we don't want people to start thinking you're neglected," Kagami said with a chuckle that caused his son's cheeks to burn in embarrassment.

"Big brother, how come you're back so soon? And why are standing here with Lord Kagami?" My sister asked in a conspiratory whisper. I nearly chucked at her attempt of a private conversation as even at a whisper any shinobi worth their salt could hear her from a few meters away.

"Well my dear sister I'm something of a bigshot now," I said as I looked down at her squinted eyes. "In fact I'm the newest Jonin of the village called back from the war front for an important mission," I said as her disbelieving expression just got worse and worse. My eyebrows twitched as her squinted eyes became near lines on her face.

"Quite, the youngest to receive the title since the very inception of the concept of shinobi ranks." Kagami backed me up, changing her expression into one of shock.

"Hm, I now only accept being referred to as Big Brother Jonin or Big Brother-Sama," I said as I crossed my arms and tilted my nose up my indignant little sister.

"What!" Gone was the prim and proper lady of the clan. She had attacked, climbing onto me like a monkey until she was on my shoulders holding my neck in a chokehold with her legs. 

"We may have to cancel those lunch plans, Lord Kagami," I said with a chuckle, completely unaffected by the strength of a barely four-foot-tall girl.

"Nonsense, and Fugaku. Why don't you invite your friend after you so rudely disregarded him," Kagami said as his eyes passed to another who had been eyeing us from a distance. A pair of sky blue eyes and porcupine-like spikey hair.

He seemed to be debating with himself if it was okay to walk over. I couldn't blame him as if I saw a clan head I'd want to avoid it. Especially as an orphan with no backing, it would be considered rude at best.

"Now that's an idea, why don't you go grab your friend Minato," I said with a smile down to my little sister. She sighed at my comment as they both went to grab their third. I had planned to check on the kid to see his progress on what I left him so two birds with one stone kind of thing.

"Odd, you know of the boy?" Kagami asked as the two began dragging the kid over.

"He's interesting," I said and it seemed my opinion was enough for him to get curious. His Sharingan spun to life as he gave the boy a once over. Focusing a few moments longer on his scuffed and calloused hands. Noticing his above-average chakra levels for a civilian-born shinobi.

"Hm," He acknowledged in tone-perfect Uchiha fashion. A few words were all we had before the nervous blond-haired boy was brought before us.

"Lord Kagami, Tometsu sensei," The kid said showing surprising grace as he had copied Mikoto's bow near perfectly. 'What….The….Fu…'

"Mere minutes after becoming a Jonin and you've already scouted an apprentice?" Kagami asked in a joking manner that caused my brow to twitch.

"Stop saying that, my brother is not your teacher," Mikoto said while sticking out her tongue. Showing a good amount of childishness and did I smell a bit of jealousy? 'Wait he was telling other people about me 'training' him?'

"Well we adults only have so much free time, what would you kids like to have for lunch,?" Kagami asked as he looked down on the three little tikes.

"Dango," My sister's choice was unsurprising.

"Pork," The two boys spoke in unison, surprising each other.

"Seems you've been voted out dear sister, Yakiniku Q?" I asked Kagami as the man nodded. If there was one place to get barbeque in the village then it was the restaurant run by the Akamichi Clan.

The choice decided we went on our way as I did my best to disregard all the looks sent our way. I nearly broke when we received a figurative red carpet as we entered the restaurant. We were ushered to a private VIP room, set to hold what I guessed were gatherings and meetings. Yet was booked for a party of five without even being asked. It seems status has its perks, it would've been insanely awkward trying to eat while every other customer stole glances at our booth.

We set the kids off to the separate booth together as I and the clan head had sat in the next. We ate in relative silence rather than listening to the kids interact with each other.

"You know it's likely they will be placed on a team together," Kagami said surprising me.

"I don't see it," I commented.

"Hm, well I could always be wrong. Yet it is common for the rookie of the year to be paired with the kunoichi of that same year," He said as his calculating eyes left mine and judged Minato specifically.

"You're helping the boy so he'll feel compelled to protect your sister in the field. You've already disregarded my son in contention and are looking years ahead. You are surprisingly cunning young Tometsu," Kagami said in what was a casual tone, low enough that the kids couldn't hear. My chop sticks had frozen after his deduction.

"Can you blame me," I replied unashamedly. We were shinobi, we didn't do things without reason and I was sure Minato knew I wanted something from him even if I never or will ever ask.

"Could you blame me for theoretically using my influence to put my son on this 'team' you've envisioned?" Kagami asked with a cunning smirk.

"No, I believe that would be hypocritical of me," I said with a strained smile.

"Quite, four years is a long time after all. I'm sure by then Hiruzen will be pushing for you to take a genin team around that time," Kagami said as I realized he had taken my scheme and put an even more devious twist on it. The bastard.

"Doubtful, I'd be hoping to retire by then," 

"On what merits?" Kagami asked in genuine surprise. As if my hope of retiring from the active forces by seventeen was asinine.

"I have the beginnings of a plan," I replied and I did. It just required the help of Sakumo and borderline insubordination.

"Well as curious as I am about this plan it is also the perfect segway into what I needed to discuss with you. I highly doubt you will be sent back to the Suna front after this mission," Kagami said causing my eyebrow to twitch and my chopsticks to accidentally snap in half. The plan I had barely started the foundations for had hit a roadblock.

"And why would that be?" I asked.

"At the heart of it you are unneeded," we had long finished our meal but he had my full attention. My teeth almost clicked as he paused to call his scion over.

"Why don't you go treat your friends to something sweet?" Kagami asked as he handed a boy a few ryo bills and shewed him and other kids off.

"Ok dad, should I tell mom you'll be home tonight?" The kid asked as Kagami nodded in response. It seemed that Kagami's role in this war was much like Sakumo's.

I knew less about lightning front but I knew Kagami was one of the main players. Where there wasn't word of him clashing with the third Raikage often, he led the troops more often than not.

He, Danzo and Hiruzen were the blockade that held the land of Lightning's invasion for four years. This was probably his first time back in the village in weeks, there must be a lull in the battle.

I'd have to do more research on the lightning front using the bingo book as it seemed there was a great difference in resources between the two leaf army's.

"To continue, little Tsunade should be heading back to the Suna front within the next two weeks. Whirlpool has continued to hold strong even with Jiraiya's absence and the lightning invasion hasn't moved an inch nor will it." Kagami spoke the complete truth and unless something drastic happened I couldn't disagree with him.

"Yeah and what are you getting at," I asked with impatience.

"Simple, as far as you are concerned at least. You are more valuable than you were before you first left the village gates. To the clan and the village," He said in honesty. Pausing to pour himself another glass of sake.

"you're something of an unbloomed flower, everyone in power has either seen or learned of your current strength. Yet the fact you will surely grow even stronger is the first thought anyone who has seen your bingo book entry will have. 'Recommended termination before the shinobi joins Konoha's S-rank roster'. Does that quote ring any bells?" Kagami asked and it surely did. It was a personal note Russo had written on my bounty entry.

Deciding it didn't need a verbal response I simply nodded.

"Hiruzen is completely content giving you preferential treatment, his plan is probably to keep you close and have a hand in your growth. And I must say me and the Hokage are of the same mind," Kagami said with a shrug as if he cared little for the scowl on my face.

"I have a week or so before I'll be called back to the front line, I'll have some free time tomorrow so come by my residence." The patriarch said as he rose from the booth, a cigar appearing in his hand.

"For what?" I asked as I tried my best to reign in my annoyance.

"Well for a few things, but in my case I'd like to test the mettle of the Crimson Mirage." He said with a challenging smirk as he disappeared from the restaurant in a storm of crows.

I let out a long sigh as I was finally on my own, in a village surrounded by old schemers.

It's like my apprenticeship with Sakumo means nothing. 'Oh that's right I have to check on Missus Hatake, not to mention meeting Minato at our training ground'

With my goals set in my mind I left the restaurant and headed towards Sakumo's home.

The same quaint house was in view in a few flickers. I'd knock three times before waiting patiently.

A woman answered but she was so much more different than the last time I saw her.

For one she was even more pale than before and her stomach was practically bursting. 'Sage…. Is she having multiple at once'

"Oh if it isn't little Tometsu," she said as her face brightened as she smiled.

"Hello again miss Hatake," I replied in kind.

"Oh, I guess that husband of mine has sent you to check on me." She nodded as if understanding my visit.

"Yes, is there anything you need?" I asked as I doubt she could move much at her size. I could practically hear her knees creak. 'I guess mothers go through a lot to bring us into this world'

"Hmmm, actually yes. I should go into labor within the week or the next. Yet there's a few things I've been frantically craving," she said with excitement as she went to grab something. She soon returned with a list and a small bundle of ryo.

I'd look down the list and felt like I'd be busy for the next half hour at least. 'As for your first task as a Jonin, go on a shopping spree to cure my wife's cravings, and don't forget the pickles Tomeku!' I imagine Sakumo's voice giving me that mission.

"I should be back within the hour," I replied as I prepared to flicker away.

"Hey now don't talk like we're strangers, sure we've only met once but you know Sakumo. Aside from his squad the man keeps few friends," she said as she reached out and patted my head, much to my dismay. "Honestly you've stopped by more than anyone connected to that dashing man." She said as she continued to mess up my hair. 'Well we are at war, but no more than twice? Sakumo may need some better friends'

She had finally let me go as I flickered around most of the village to get twenty thousand ryo worth of items for the pregnant woman. Most were sweets and salty foods. But there was a bit of spice mixed in. I prayed to the Sage that the woman wasn't planning to mix any of it.

From the barbecue spot to the dango stand to the fish market. 

I was back in exactly half an hour with at least a hundred different bags.

"Oh, thank you so much. Come on it and I'll show you where to put it all," Miss Hatake said as she guided me to the dining room table and told me to place it all there. The table barely had enough space for it all but my task was done.

I wasn't in much of a hurry so when she told me to take a seat I did and waited for her to return.

She wasn't long a mere minute before she walked in and handed me a picture frame. 

It was a common picture most shinobi with potential had. A picture with their original genin team and Jonin sensei.

Except this one hit home. My father, a barely teenage Sakumo and two unknown kids.

"It's very sad, out of all of them only one has survived through the second war…." She said with a sad frown.

"You look a lot like him. It was bugging me for days until I caught a glance of this picture. You're his son aren't you?" The lady asked but had already guessed enough. I was nearly the spitting image of the man except for longer hair.

I nodded.

"Hm, well at least the story doesn't end in sadness. The man died and his student took his son under his wing," She said with a smile as she once again ruffled my raven black hair. 

"I hope you'll continue the cycle if it becomes necessary. My husband is a shinobi and I am a mere civilian,yet Sage forbids it ever comes to that" she said as she grabbed my hand and placed it on her stomach. It was morbid, what she was asking me. But as a mother it seemed she wanted to cover all scenarios for the child in her womb.

"You have my word," I answered as I felt a kick reverberate through my hand.

"I thank you, and Sakumo will as well. If I call for you after the birth I'm sure you'll come won't you?" She asked with a smile as she headed for the door with me following.

"Of course, Sakumo told me to check up on during my stay in the village," I answered without question.

"Well, then thank you for everything," she said as she opened the door for me to be on my way. 

I nodded and left in a burst of chakra. In a mere minute I arrived at the training ground. I was greeted by pounding bark and the clang that could only come from a dull kunai.

It seemed Minato had created a circuit of sorts. An obstacle course filled with traps and other devious mechanisms.

I had arrived as he seemed to be in the middle of his self created course. My eyes spun red as I watched his every reaction and dodge.

Three minutes later I had to say I was beyond impressed. His reaction time was what stuck out the most, nearly inhuman.

On par with mine when using my Sharingan. If I had run the same course with a decent amount of weight our 'score' would be identical. Three and half minutes and no damage.

From what I could tell he had realized his advantage and was training his body to focus on speed over power. To one day have his body push his reflexes and reaction time to their limits. It was a genius approach.

The boy was talented. If he had an elemental jutsu and a little more chakra I wouldn't bet against him versus my genin self before the scroll.

"Progress," I asked as I appeared behind him. Trying to really gauge his reaction time and reflexes. A backhand was flying towards my chin before the second syllable left my lips.

I caught it deftly and used the moment to toss him into a tree. Yet instead of crashing into he twisted his body so he landed feet first in a crouch and stuck to it.

"Not even sliding down or bursting the bark? Impressive, what of the four jutsu scrolls I'd left with you?" I asked in curiosity. It seemed he had already mastered tree walking despite his below genin chakra pool.

"I've learned them, sensei, the body flicker jutsu was particularly aggravating." Minato answered with a small frown.

"Show me," I ordered as he did just that. He did all three academy jutsu and a rather rough flicker that ended in a tumble. So they were far from perfect. His clones were faded and ghost like, his substitutions produced too much smoke and his transformations had multiple incorrect parts. Such as the color of the clothes and the eye color being a few shades to dark.

Yet he learned them to a passable degree. If they cut off the written portion the kid could graduate today at nine years old.

"Good job, though I'm sure you know there is a difference between learning a jutsu and mastering it?" I asked as the kid nodded, well aware of his failings.

"But sensei, I know what I'm missing for the academy three but I'm sort of stuck on the body flicker. How am I supposed to keep my feet under me after bursting forward?" He asked.

I hummed at the question as it was hard to explain learning a jutsu I had simply copied with my eyes. He had learned tree walking so the problem wasn't his chakra control, and he'd proven his reaction time was abnormal. 

"I'd say it has something to do with your execution, you're aware you can only move directly forward correct?" I asked as the boy smacked his forehead. 

"That makes so much sense, I kept trying to make adjustments to land differently or move just a little to left or right." The kid said as he flashed forward. This time landing perfectly on his feet but he had barely moved more than ten meters.

"I'd say that you have fully learned the jutsu, now you practice until mastery." I said as I completely stopped moving.

"Do you know what comes after mastery?" I asked the spiky haired porcupine.

"Um…. Innovation?" The kid asked tentatively.

I moved. Twenty afterimages had surrounded the kid, fully formed and looked as if I had used the clone jutsu.

"You are correct, now attack one of us," we all spoke simultaneously. To the boy's credit he didn't shy away. Barrage of kunai and shuriken flew ricocheting in a perfect pattern to pelt every after image.

"Clone jutsu?" The kid asked.

"No," I said in the tree above him as my after images slowly faded. He looked back in shock at being absolutely speed blitzed.

"I call it Sage art-afterimage step, my personal version of the body flicker jutsu. I move so fast that I leave afterimages that can attack," I paused. "Hm it does seem like I'm using the clone jutsu, maybe I could add a few in to really confuse an enemy of my true position."

"I assume you've tried to water walk now that you have tree walking under your belt?" My afterimage asked from the tree above as I stood behind him with my arms crossed.

"Yes, though I barely lasted thirty seconds before falling in," the kid said and credited to him he had turned away from the speed clone to regard me before the image had completely faded.

"Master that, and I'll give you an elemental jutsu and chakra paper." It seemed I could give 'quests' of my own under some circumstances. 

"By then your chakra pool should be nearing genin level and your control pushing chunin." I said as I flicked his forehead so fast that his body couldn't react. "Don't forget to continue training your body to catch up with your innate reflexes," I said as I left the clearing ten seconds ago.

Next chapter