
Chapter 272: Harry's Secret Romantic History

The discussion continued for quite some time.

Then suddenly, the magically amplified voice of Ludo Bagman echoed through the stands, startling the audience and quieting them instantly.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have finally reached a decision.

Merpeople leader Murcus has detailed everything that happened beneath the lake to us. Based on a maximum score of sixty points, we rate the champions as follows..."

"Fleur Delacour demonstrated excellent use of the Bubble-Head Charm, earning her 57 points."

Applause erupted from the stands.

"Harry Potter used Gillyweed with astonishing effect," Bagman continued.

"He was the third to return, and we award him 55 points."

"Viktor Krum employed Transfiguration, though not perfectly, it was still effective.

He was the last to return with the hostage. We give him 50 points."

Karkaroff clapped loudly, looking quite pleased with himself.

"Miss Hermione Granger did not use any spells. We still don't understand how she managed to move freely underwater.

The merpeople chief informed us they did not witness Miss Granger's methods underwater; the hostage was inexplicably rescued.

However, she was the first to return with a hostage, so we give her 57 points."

Ravenclaw students cheered enthusiastically, their voices deafening.

Even the professors cast unusual glances towards Hermione.

There was no denying Hermione had set a record.

Since the first task began, neither judges nor spectators had witnessed how she completed it.

She hadn't even uttered a spell.

"The third and final task will take place on the evening of June 24th," Bagman continued.

"The champions will learn the specifics of the task one month in advance. Thank you all for your support of the champions."

After the conclusion of the second task, the most wonderful thing was that everyone was eager to know what had happened under the lake.

This meant that for the first time in his life, Ron had become the center of attention, just like Harry.

Harry noticed Ron telling the story over and over again, with slight variations each time.

Initially, what he said was somewhat consistent with the truth—Professor McGonagall hypnotized the hostages using magic in her office, assuring them they were in no danger and would awaken as soon as they surfaced.

However, a week later, Ron started telling a thrilling kidnapping story, claiming he had fought fifty fully armed merpeople bare-handed, who initially tried to coerce him and then bound him.

Comparatively, Harry felt quite embarrassed.

In people's mouths, Ron had become his most beloved treasure, and everyone teased Harry about it all day long.

In March, the weather became a bit clearer, but every time they came to the outdoor venue, the biting cold wind still made their hands and faces ache.

However, Harry found that rumors about the relationship between him and Ron suddenly began to spread widely.

One afternoon, he went to the last class—two consecutive potions classes—and found Draco Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle standing outside the classroom, with the Slytherins led by Pansy Parkinson gathered together.

They were all looking at something and laughing gleefully.

Seeing Harry and Ron, Pansy's excitedly peek out from behind Goyle's broad back.

"They're here, they're here!" she giggled, and the gathered Slytherins dispersed. Harry saw her holding a magazine—Witch Weekly.

On the cover was a photo of a red-haired boy, grinning widely, showing a mouthful of teeth, pointing a wand at a large sponge-like cake.

"You'll find something interesting in there, Weasley!" Malfoy exclaimed loudly, tossing the magazine to Ron.

Ron reached out to catch it, looking somewhat panicked.

Just then, the door to the underground classroom opened, and Snape ushered everyone inside.

Snape had just turned around to write the potion ingredients on the blackboard when Ron hurriedly flipped open the magazine under the table.

Finally, he found what they were looking for in the middle of the magazine.

Harry leaned over. Beneath Harry's colorful photo was a short article:

Harry Potter's Secret Romantic History

He might be an extraordinary boy—but he also experiences the usual teenage pains.

Rita Skeeter reports: After the loss of both parents, fourteen-year-old Harry Potter thought he had finally found solace at Hogwarts, in his companion—Ron Weasley, from a pure-blood wizarding family.

However, such feelings surprisingly deepened over time.

Mr. Weasley is an ordinary-looking but ambitious boy who seems enamored with the famous wizard.

However, their friendship could not satisfy Mr. Potter, and so their friendship soon grew even closer.

A subtle relationship beyond friendship had already begun to brew between the two boys...

"I've never seen such a close relationship between two boys before.

In the second task of the Triwizard Tournament, Ron was even selected as Harry's 'treasure' and trapped underwater awaiting his rescue.

The love and concern for his close friend allowed Harry to unleash potential beyond his usual level, even before Krum recovered his treasure."

"That annoying lady, always spreading rumors," Ron complained to Harry beside him.

"She clearly should know, all four hostages of the champions are of the same sex as the champions, are they... those kinds of... relationships she said?"

"This woman is targeting me," Harry whispered.

"She can't afford to provoke Krum, afraid he'll use violence, nor can she provoke Fleur and Hermione because of their good relationship with Alaric.

So she came after me."

"If she finds out about what happened at the Christmas party," Ron said, shivering, "We're done for, this...!"

"Mr. Weasley, despite your colorful social life," suddenly came a cold voice from behind them, startling all three of them.

"I must warn you not to whisper in my classroom. Ten points from Gryffindor."

Snape had quietly approached their table while they were talking. The entire class turned to look at them.

"Heh... still hiding under the table reading magazines?"

Snape continued, snatching Witch Weekly.

"Ten more points from Gryffindor... but of course..."

Snape's eyes fell on Rita Skeeter's article, and his black eyes suddenly lit up. "Potter collecting clippings now..."

Laughter erupted from the Slytherins in the underground classroom, and Snape's thin lips twisted into a malicious smile.

What infuriated Harry most was that Snape actually read aloud from the article.

"Harry Potter's Secret Romantic History... Goodness, goodness, Potter, what trouble have you gotten into again? He might be an extraordinary boy..."

Harry felt his face burning. Each pause from Snape made the Slytherins laugh harder.

With Snape reading aloud, the article's effect was ten times worse. Now even Ron's face had turned bright red.




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