

Chapter 3 - Scheherazade & Murasaki

Chaldea was truly a marvelous place. Both a fortress and a place of scholarly pursuits - few things were outside of Scheherazade's reach so long as she remained here. 

Alas, the Middle-eastern Caster couldn't have everything. 

It was a small thing, a leisure from the days of her first life, and yet now that humanity was saved from Solomon's byblow, Scheherazade craved it more and more. 


She was almost embarrassed to admit it, even in the privacy of her own mind, but at this point she was ready to give anything to experience it again. 

Shame, that there was no one to provide the much desired service. Truly, it was ridiculous, that with all the resources at its disposal, with some of the most brilliant people throughout human history gathered under its roof, Chaldea couldn't provide Scheherazade with something as simple as a massage. 

Gods, her back and shoulders were killing her!

Scheherazade needed to find a way to satisfy her craving, before it got worse. 

Some remnants of the Age of the Gods must have lingered, because Scheherazade's prayers were answered with a strapping man, who had just recently started to work at Chaldea. 

"...could give a massage, if you want." 

Caster class servant stopped dead in her tracks, even as her mind came to a screeching halt, stuck on these simple seven words. 

Scheherazade had been walking down a corridor when she overheard a scrap of someone's conversation. Robbed of her breath, Scheherazade immediately zeroed in on her unwitting target. 

The dusky-skinned* woman blinked in surprise a couple of times. She had never seen this man before. Scheherazade was sure it wasn't an issue of memory - this was a man hard to forget. 

Tall and broad-shouldered, he carried a physique of a man used to both combat and hard physical labour, which was a rarity in an age, where Human Wisdom rejected all but the most banal of threats to one's life. 

His skin was darker than her own and void of any imperfections. At least where she could see it. The man was clad in bland clothes common to menial labourers of Chaldea. And yet despite the humble station, the stranger had a presence about him that once noticed was impossible to ignore. 

Saliva pooled in Scheherazade's mouth. Dark-skinned beauty swallowed, surprised at the intensity of her desire. Not for anything carnal - she was above such base lusts. Still, she could not deny her aching shoulders and tense muscles the attention they so sorely deserve.

No, no. Wait a moment. Scheherazade was not going to just stand here, gawking like some common wench. She had a goal in mind, a pleasure she sought to obtain! It was important to remember, lest she lose track of what was truly important. 

Getting rid of all that pesky stress in her body. 

Her eyes narrowed into tiny pin pricks when she saw that her target* was not walking alone. Next to him was Medusa. The Rider class servant all but panted, desire apparent in her every move and breath. 

Scheherazade regarded the man in a new light. For a mundane commoner, he seemed to have a way with servants. Thoughts raced in the Persian Queen's head as she revaluated her opinions. 

Still, all her musings quickly returned to the same point again and again - she wanted, no, needed that massage. Danger be damned. 

Scheherazade swallowed. She must have been more stressed than she thought - such thinking was quite unusual for her. 

And yet...sometimes one had to take risks in order to obtain one's desire. No matter how much it vexed Scheherazade to admit this. 

To think that massage would be offered to some beastly slattern, rather than her! If she were a smidgen more arrogant, Scheherazade would have thrown the man somewhere unpleasant - a snake pit perhaps. 

Unfortunately Scheherazade wasn't sure if she could find another masseuse. 

And snake pits were scarce around these parts.*

And there was a good chance Medusa would react poorly and lash out at Scheherazade. 

Truly, it was probably best to avoid threatening anyone even in the sanctum of her own mind. After Agartha there were quite a few servants who'd need barely any excuse to go after her. 

She didn't even have a wise and mighty king to protect her - at least not yet. 

It didn't matter - Scheherazade was going to get a good, proper rubdown, come hell or high water. 

Of course it couldn't be simple - best things in life rarely were.  

Yes, this one was going to do nicely. 

Scheherazade had no idea what fate she had just bound herself to. 


Rick really should have gotten used to it by now. 

Alas, whoever said that it was easy getting used to a good thing, clearly never had to juggle several needy heroic spirits at once. 

Not that Rick was complaining. Sex was great and a massive boost of pride whenever Rick managed to reduce a legend made flesh to a needy slut, jonesing for a good hard dicking. 

Still, it never failed to surprise him, whenever a female servant cornered him with an ulterior motive in mind. It's just that the request was not what he had expected.

"Say that again?"  Rick said with a raised eyebrow. "Particularly the part where you eavesdrop on a private conversation."

The Caster - Persian Queen and narrator of 'Thousand and One Tales' Scheherazade fidgeted where she was standing in front of Rick. 

The movement did interesting things to Caster's voluptuous body and even in the dim light of the alcove, Rick's eyes roamed with impunity over the queen's mouth-watering curves. 

Scheherazade's eyes darted from left to right, her heart beating so hard, Rick's enhanced senses could hear it. 

Finally, the woman dropped to her knees into a very elaborate supplication pose. 

Rick's eyebrows climbed up. He was no stranger to beautiful women prostrating themselves before him, but this was moving quicker than expected. 

"Please, sir, I beg of you to have some mercy in your heart." Scheherazade pleaded. "I didn't mean to spy upon your conversation with Medusa, but I couldn't help it. Please, whatever price you wish - if it means getting a good massage, I would be willing to pay it!" 

An obvious demand was on the tip of Rick's tongue, but after a heartbeat of deliberation he thought better of it Sure, if he asked, the persian queen would probably oblige. 

And yet, over the course of the last several months, Rick had gotten used to genuine passion. The kind that made women lose control of their bodies, that turned even the haughtiest of queens into lowliest of whores. The idea of once again having sex for no other reason than a cold transaction did not appeal to Rick in the slightest.

"Why not ask someone else for their help?" Rick wondered. "Surely there is somebody more skilled than I?" 

Scheherazade scoffed, before hurriedly glancing around as if afraid someone would jump out of the shadows. 

"Please. As if brutes and schemers around here would ever 'lower' themselves to such a subservient position. And those that do, like the kitchen staff, do not possess the skills I require."

Rick shook his head and sighed.

"You know what? Fine." He said. "I'll give you a massage."

He could see Scheherazade struggling to contain her excitement. The dark-skinned woman looked up at Rick, her azure eyes gleaming in the shade. 

"And your payment?" 

Rick kept his expression even to make sure Caster didn't suspect a thing. This one seemed like a flighty one. It was best not to spook her until he was ready to make his move. 

"How about we discuss this after the massage?" Rick asked. "Wouldn't want to set the price for a service I am not sure I can provide with proper quality."

Rick shrugged feigning uncertainty. 

"I've taken a massage course, but it has never been more than a hobby. It might not be up to Your Highness' standards."

Scheherazade smiled. It was a proud, condescending smile of a monarch deigning to lower herself to speaking with a commoner. 

Rick couldn't wait to wipe it off with his cum. 

"Don't worry, Nick, was it? I am sure after so much time without a proper massage, your efforts would not be entirely inadequate. "

Rick had been prepared, but still he was surprised at the 180 turn in the Persian Caster's demeanor. Truthfully he wasn't sure which version of her he wanted to tame and ruin more: Haughty Queen or cowardly wench. 

Scheherazade was going to be a fine addition to his collection. Taller than others and with skin that was almost as dark as his own, that contrasted so nicely with her piercing blue eyes…and would contrast even better with his cum once she managed to milk his balls. 

Either way, he would need some practice and some props if he wanted to succeed with the plan that was rapidly taking shape in his mind. 

Good thing his girls were quite resourceful bunch, and always eager to help him drag another female servant down to their level.


"You said massaging was just a hobby for you?" Scheherazade asked, sceptical, as she looked over the room that man had prepared. 

A day had passed since they had struck their agreement. The time that Rick must have used quite productively to arrange everything needed for a high class massage session, or else he was no amateur masseuse. 

The man, Rick, appeared bashful as he finished lighting aroma candles scattered all around his room. The adornments created a quaint sort of ambiance, though of course it was nothing compared to splendor Scheherazade enjoyed in life, or even  the relative luxury of her suit in Chaldea. 

Not that Scheherazade was going to tell that to her masseuse. She was going to be vulnerable here - best not give the man any reason to take advantage of that.

"Well, you know…." Rick rubbed the back of his head. "I thought it best to prepare my best for such an esteemed client. You like it?" 

Scheherazade narrowed her eyes. Something was bugging the Persian Queen about Rick's behaviour. It was like watching a lion pretending to be a calf, perhaps she should….

Caster shook her head. 

What nonsense. This man is just a mortal - not even a magus. Even his muscles are nothing to my E-rank strength. What possible danger could he pose to me?

"It's laudable of you to put in so much effort." Scheherazade made sure to give the man her best smile. "It certainly goes a long way to ease my worries."

Rick gave her a broad smile, his pearly whites contrasting against his dark skin. Scheherazade felt something inside of her flutter, a strange feeling twisting her insides. 

"Well, hop on." Rick said, unaware of the brewing turmoil in her heart. "Want me to put on some music?" 

Mutely, Scheherazade nodded her head and with a slight exertion of will, her garments of flowing silk, as well as numerous pieces of priceless jewelry, turned into motes of light, as Caster dematerialised unneeded adornments. 

As her voluptuous figure was revealed to Rick's gaze, Scheherazade heard his breath hitch. She was surprised at how pleased his reaction made her and as she laid down on the massage bed, a small smile graced her lips. 

"That's right." Scheherazade thought smugly. "Be glad to be given the honour of touching my peerless body."

The Persian woman took a deep breath, Rick's musk and candles' fragrance filling her lungs, making her heart beat just a little bit faster, while slowly emptying her mind of worries. 

The music - simple notes reminiscent of her homeland, was unobtrusive, somehow heightening anticipation rather than distracting. 

She could no longer see Rick, but her enhanced senses allowed her to perceive his movement well enough. Tingling spread through her body as Rick approached her, his hands already covered in massage oil.

"Aagh." Scheherazade gasped when Rick's big strong hands touched her body.

Warmth seeped into her tense, tired muscles while all the ache and stress started to slowly disappear. 

A moan bubbled up that Scheherazade just barely suppressed. Heat that had nothing to do with temperature began to spread throughout her body, pooling between her legs.

Scheherazade just hoped Rick couldn't smell her arousal. She would die of embarrassment otherwise. 

Unfortunately for the Persian Queen, her instincts had been right where her conscious mind had overlooked obvious signs. 


Rick was glad Scheherazade couldn't see him, because he was not completely immune to the trap he had set up. They barely started, but Rick could already feel his cock strain against the thin fabric of his pants. 

Candles, music, special oils….it didn't take much to convince Nightingale and Scathach to provide them. No matter how much both tried to hide it, it had been plain as day that they were as excited to see him claim another slut as he was. 

Well, almost. 

In the end, despite it being a rush job, Rick felt like his two newest acquisitions had outdone themselves. Nightingale's understanding of biology as well as Scathach's peerless understanding of rune magic were a potent combination.

Rick had made sure to abuse it as much as possible while preparing the battlefield. 

Because this is what his room had become in his quest to subjugate yet another plaything. A battleground where Rick pitted his own wiles and manly prowess against Scheherazade's superhuman abilities. 

Rick didn't know when pursuit of women changed from duty derived from his contract with Koyanskaya, to his own genuine hunger. Yet here he was, hard as a rock and all but salivating at the prospect of sinking his manhood into this middle-eastern slut's delicious derriere. 

His fingers sunk into Scheherazade's perfect skin, feeling deceptively strong muscles beneath. Caster was different compared to the rest of Rick's burgeoning harem. Her life contained no feats of legendary prowess, no tales of battles or sagas of slain monsters. 

Hers had been a life of a Queen and a Storyteller and it showed. Her body was soft and supple, almost entirely lacking in toned musculature of Scathach or divine strength of Medusa. Nevertheless Rick was acutely aware that under normal circumstances he would have had no chance of so much as phasing this heroic spirit. 

Good thing this was no ordinary case. 

With each new woman Rick put under his 'thumb', the blessing granted to him by Koyanskaya grew in size and scope, giving Rick strength and endurance necessary to keep all of his cumhungry pets satisfied. 

Rick drew on a tiny portion of this 'blessing', his fingers digging in tense knots of muscle in Scheherazade's shoulders, drawing out weak moans and whimpers out of Persian Queen. 

With every moment her skin remained in contact with oil provided to him by Florence Nightingale, the more aphrodisiak seeped into Scheherazade's body, turning a small spark of desire into a roaring inferno of lust. 


"Oooh, YES, right there!" Scheherazade sighed, content, as Rick rubbed her shoulders with his thick, muscular arms.

His strong fingers kneaded hard knots in her upper back, draining away all of the stress that life in Chaldea had given her.

"Wow you are wound up." Rick said. "Probably because of all of your paranoid worrying." 

"You think so?" Sheherazade moaned, her mind too much of a mush to grow suspicious of Rick's words. 

Perhaps he was right. There was no need to worry, right? This was Chaldea, and even though there were several servants holding a grudge against her, surely they would do nothing to her?

She should listen to Rick. Afterall, how could a man bringing her so much pleasure, be anything but correct?

"Yep." Rick chuckled. "You are kinda obvious." 

The storytelling queen just nodded and buried another moan in the crook of her elbow. Gods, that hunk of a man was now working on her lower back. All manner of tingles lanced up her spine and spread throughout her nervous system, re-energising her and continuing to stoke the fires gathering in her pussy. 

Despite the haze of pleasure clouding Scheherazade's thoughts, she could still feel her cunt grow wetter and wetter with desire, her womanhood yearning for a strong male to fill it with his meat. 

As subtle as Scheherazade could be in her current condition, she tried to squeeze her thighs to hide her arousal and derive a little bit of pleasure.

The only thing it did was draw Rick's attention to Scheherazade's weeping quim. 

"Ugh, Rick?" She gulped as she felt his touch graze her thighs. The sensation was different compared to her own weak attempts. "You're-"

"Relax, my Queen." There was a mocking edge to Rick's voice that even Scheherazade couldn't miss. "I just need to work on your legs now." 

Scheherazade swallowed a needy moan that threatened to erupt out of her mouth.She bit her lip, trying to stifle any embarrassing noises she might have made. Rick certainly wasn't making it easy. 

His strong hands gripped and squeezed Scheherazade's buttocks, his grip firm but not painful. Just enough to send a fresh wave of arousal through her body. His fingers worked their way down to her thighs, occasionally straying dangerously close to Scheherazade's heated core. 

The Persian Queen tried to squeeze her thighs in a futile attempt at self-gratification, but all she did was trap Rick's fingers between her thighs. 

"Yes?" Rick said and Scheherazade could hear the smug smile. 

"I-I think that's enough." She tried, but Rick ignored her feeble protest, continuing to tease and caress her suple flesh, torturing her with nibbles of pleasure, but denying her a whole buffet. 

Somehow Scheherazade still hoped that her excited state escaped Rick's notice, but her hopes were dashed when Rick issued a command:

"Turn on your back." 


It was amusing to see Scheherazade tremble with barely restrained lust. Rick could almost read the slut's thoughts by the way she tried to awkwardly deny him what he knew she longed to give him. 

"I-Maybe-We-" The Persian Queen stammered, lifting herself off of her heaving bosom. It was tempting to just grab it and squeeze her milkers, but Rick managed to restrain himself. "I mean, I am enjoying back massage well enough you don't need to go furthe-"

"Nonsense." Rick cut her off and pinched her shapely ass. "What kind of masseuse would I be if I didn't do you fully? So, hurry up girl, turn on your back."

Rick used his most commanding tone of voice and it seemed to have done the trick. Scheherazade shuddered, clearly aroused at his domineering tone. 

She mutely nodded and turned around, avoiding Rick's lustful gaze. Her face was flushed with lust and embarrassment, but her hard nipples and sopping wet cunt revealed her true feelings. 

It was a good thing she wasn't looking at Rick's face, or else she would have seen him licking his lips, his gaze hungry. His cock was straining against the thin fabric of his shorts that already hid nothing of his length and girth. 

Scheherazade couldn't hide her moan when Rick grabbed her massive tits, his fingers sinking into her delightful flesh. There was little pretense of massage left as Rick practically mauled her bosom, driving the poor Caster wild. 

Rick squeezed her tits nice and hard as Scheherazade writhed and moaned under his touch. 


Her lustful voice was like ambrosia for Rick's ears, motivating him to continue molesting and kneading Scheherazade's breasts to his libido's content. 

There was only one thing that would have made Rick pause. 


Rick smirked and squeezed Scheherazade's nipples. 

"What was that? I don't think I've heard you?" He asked, his eyes burning with supernatural hunger, granted to him by Koyanskaya's blessing. "You'll have to be louder!" 

Scheherazade screamed when Rick squeezed her nipples, driving her nuts with pain and pleasure. 

"Aaagh. Please fuck me, sir, please fuck this lowly slattern. I can't take this anymOoore!" The Persian Queen arched her back, her toes curled, as Rick pinched her clit. 

He was no longer hiding the malevolent expression on his face. It was clear as day and Scheherazade was as terrified as she was excited to see it. Finally realising her predicament, Scheherazade had no choice but to submit to her new master. 

Bad news for her. Rick wasn't going to make it this easy.


A needy whine left Scheherazade's lips, much to her embarrassment,  when she saw and felt Rick move away from her breasts and clit. It was unbearable, the heat, the pleasure and sheer yearning in Scheherazade's lower belly and between her legs were turning her into some kind of harem dancing girl!

But what could she do but hope for more? For more abuse, for rougher treatment. In this moment, Scheherazade wished nothing more than Rick stuffing her poor lonely pussy full of his magnificent cock. 

She watched as Rick stalked around the table, his massive dick twitching in the hot scented air of the room, dripping precum on the floor. Sheherazade was so spellbound by its girthy bouncing that she yelped, surprised, when Rick dug his fingers into the soft pliable flesh of her thighs. 

In one quick motion, Rick pulled Scheherazade's body closer to him, spread her legs to give himself access to her dripping pussy. The Persian Queen watched, breathless, as the man lowered his face and began his oral assault on Scheherazade's cunt. 


Scheherazade arched her back, unable to hold herself back. It was only thanks to Rick's firm grip on her thighs and buttocks that Scheherazade didn't fall down. 

As the Persian Queen writhed, she felt Rick's tongue delve deeper and deeper into her cunt, lapping at it, tasting it. Tasting her. Scheherazade had been no stranger to sex in her first life, having given birth to three daughters, but she never imagined participating in something so filthy. 

Rick's muscular appendage stretched her pussy further than her fingers were capable of, further than even her husband's cock had been capable of!

Scheherazade flushed, her heart heavy with guilt at betraying the father of her children, and yet there was no denying it. Rick was driving her mad with lust. 

The Persian Caster tried to wriggle her hips to entice the strapping black man to finally give her what they both wanted, but Rick just would not budge. Someone had to snap sooner rather than later, and this someone was not Rick.

Finally, Scheherazade's pride and remnants of her composure broke, leaving behind a woman desperate for a good, thorough breeding. 


Rick looked between Scheherazade's thighs at his lover's face. The woman lifted her upper body up so that she could see him without her heaving breasts obstructing her vision. With sweat rolling down her face, her eyes half lidded from lust and lush lips parted just enough to reveal the tip of her pink tongue, Scheherazade looked like an addict begging for a fix. 

"As you might have already guessed, I am not a janitor." Rick said, his fingers dancing around her core, teasing her folds but never quite giving her what she longed for. "In fact, that is just a cover for my real intentions around here."

Already quite dilated, Scheherazade's eyes widened even further. 

"Y-Yes, I suspected that may be the case." She licked her lips nervously, the gesture unconsciously erotic. "May I ask what are your true plans?" 

Rick raised an eyebrow, waiting for a proper address. The Persian Queen was a smart woman and quickly realised her faux pas. 

"Sir! I m-mean, may this sla-servant know your true plans?" Scheherazade hurried to correct herself. 

"It seems there is still a degree of pride in this one. 'Servant' rather than 'slave'." Rick thought. It would be interesting to see how long such an attitude would last once he stuffed her good and proper. 

Scheherade stared at his face, anxious for an answer. It would be a travesty not to oblige. Slowly, Rick let go of the woman's legs and stepped back a little. 

"It's simple really. With how many gorgeous women there are in Chaldea, I think it's a waste that most of them strut around doing little, when they could be servicing a man." Rick shrugged. "Such as me for example. Though I think you in particular could be useful to me in subjugating another heroine. I am sure you know her - Murasaki Shikibu." 


Scheherazade did indeed know of Murasaki. It would have been a stretch to call them friends. Even acquaintances sounded more intimate than any relationship they had. Nevertheless, Scheherazade knew her well enough due to their mutual interest in stories, even if she found the Japanese Caster's obsession with orderly arranging of the books to be odd.

And now this, this 'hunky' brute was offering Scheherazade to help him in debasing a fellow servant, in reducing a woman grand enough to make it to the Throne of Heroes. Scheherazade wished it was indignation burning in her heart rather than helpless lust. 

Because that was the truth of the matter. Scheherazade had no patience left for pretense. She wanted Rick's cock and she needed it badly. At this point, there was very little she wouldn't do in order to get a good hard fucking that Scheherazade so thoroughly deserved. 

Honestly, it would probably be good for Murasaki to have that stick up her arse dislodged by a fat cock. Maybe then she would not always be so damnably prim and proper. 

Scheherazade was already moments away from announcing her agreement when Rick used his final and most convincing argument. 

He slapped his massive cock on Scheherazade's cunt, small pain quickly fading away under a cascade of pleasure the action gave the Persian Queen. She could feel it - the lonely emptiness in her womb that was begging to be filled, to be used to give new life and bring new ecstasy to Scheherazade. 

She felt Rick's dick throbbing against her body, its rigid girth promising unbelievable delights to any woman lucky enough to submit. 

How could Scheherazade say no.

"Yes, Sir." She said quickly, hoping with all her heart that now she was going to be penetrated. 

Rick smiled and Scheherazade's heart sunk, because she knew there were going to be more loops to jump through. 

"Well then," Rick gestured at the floor in front of him. "Get down on your knees and show just how obedient a queen can be." 

Scheherazade flushed. Whether from anger at the insult to her station, or shameful lust from such a degrading attitude, even Scheherazade didn't know. However, she did as she was bid and sunk to the floor. 

Rick's cock was even better up close. Its masculine musk, so thick and heavy, overpowered everything else, filling Scheherazade's nostrils and lungs. The Persian Queen leaned closer to breathe more deeply of this carnal scent and feeling light-headed as a result. 

She was salivating and she could think of nothing but the immediate gratification of her most base of urges. Rick's cock banished all the wariness and hesitation out of her, driving her mating instincts into overdrive. 

Right now nothing mattered to her other than the irrational urge to procreate. Scheherazade knew that this was not possible - her body of mana and spirit was barren like a desert. And yet this didn't stop her from hoping against all reason. 

"Thank you sir." Scheherazade whispered, her warm breath caressing the swollen cockhead. She grasped the man's girthy shaft, delighted at the throbbing virility beneath his skin. "It is an honour to serve you."

Scheherazade slowly opened her mouth wide and took Rick's cock in her mouth. Her big breasts jiggled as she gave her all to the fellatio, bobbing her head up and down her new master's length. She didn't hurry at first, sucking and licking his glans. Scheherazade relished the mind numbing of his precum. Fresh excitement flooded her body, making her pussy tingle. 

Slowly, Scheherazade picked up speed, slurping loudly, sucking and moaning into her man's cock. The biggest manhood of her life was delicious, the most addicting thing she had ever tried. With each lick, slurp and slobber, it was like Scheherazade was injecting drugs straight into her brain. 

It seemed like the high would never stop rising. 

For a heartbeat, Scheherazade froze, feeling Rick thread his fingers through her hair, but then she returned to blowing him with renewed abandon. She impaled her mouth on his cock, desperate to get as much of his man meat as she could. 

On her first attempt she only got half of it down, her lips leaving behind a nice bright ring of pink lipstick around Rick's shaft. 

The Persian Queen narrowed her eyes, impressed by the challenge ahead of her. She had known that Rick was particularly well-endowed since the moment she saw him, but trying to deepthroat gave Scheherazade a new appreciation for his manhood. 

Good thing, Scheherazade was not one to give up. 

She dove with new passion, trying to stuff as much of Rick's cock as she could. Her breasts heaved, her flawless ass jiggled, her pussy dripping her arousal down on the floor. Her body tingled pleasantly as Scheherazade plunged her head faster, harder and hungrier for the man's seed. 

The Caster's body ached for the rush of Rick's semen down her throat and hopefully into her waiting womb. 

Scheherazade was feeling completely dominated as she submitted her eager body and nubile sex to Rick's great cock. She was intoxicated on the smell and taste and sensation of his dick in her willing throat. 

Rick was not doing much, but Scheherazade could feel his barely restrained urge to thrust his cock deeper, to shove every inch of his unbelievable endowment down her gullet. 

Scheherazade was more than eager to do all the work for him. Impaling more and more of her throat on Rick's dick, the Persian Queen was all too happy to degrade herself from a mighty Queen and a Heroic Spirit to nothing more than a man's slut, a whore whose only purpose in life was to serve the wishes of her dominant mate. 

Right here and now Scheherazade could have died, content and happy to have found her purpose, doing what she loved, serving her calling. 

Scheherazade took another plunge, grunting like a lowly beast as she swallowed inch after inch of Rick's dick. Finally she felt her lips press against the hairy base of her man's cock, feeling all of it throb in her throat.  

Rick was close, Scheherazade just knew it. She groped her own tits, twisting and pinching her nipples with one hand, while the other hurried to play with her sopping cunt. 

Scheherazade groaned, sending vibrations up Rick's cock and finally pushing the man over the edge. After so long, the Persian Queen served the black man to completion, delighted to feel him flood her stomach with copious amounts of his yummy cum. 


Rick wasted no time.

After a moment of savouring the sweet sensation of having that persian slut's throat wrapped around his cock, Rick grabbed her by her dark hair and pulled her off. Scheherazade released his dick with a wet gurgle, with a strand of spit still connecting his cockhead and her lips. 

What little cum remained after Rick's orgasm flooded Scheherazade's face, painting her whorish features with strands of his hot semen, giving the bitch a nice thorough facial she so deserved.

Before the slut could so much as gasp for much-needed air, Rick dragged her by the hair and threw her back onto the massage table. There was no risk of strain or injury, Scheherazade was a heroic spirit and could take a lot more abuse than this.

Rick was especially interested in seeing how her asshole could handle his mighty prick. 

Scheherazade moaned, her voice sultry despite the recent abuse. She must have sensed Rick's intentions, because without any further questions, Scheherazade bit the pillow. 

Rick grabbed Scheherazade's perfect buttocks tightly and spread them apart, revealing her untouched asshole. He didn't hesitate to press the tip of his throbbing phallus against her anus, making Scheherazade tense. Her asshole clenched as Rick shoved the tip of his cock, lubricated by his cum and her spit, into her snug little butthole. 

Scheherazade's ass jiggled as Rick slammed his hips against it, shoving more and more of his girthy cock up her arse. Rick fucked her ass hard and fast, swinging in and out of her anus. He smacked Scheherazade's hips, grabbed her tits, and muttered things into her ear that even he couldn't quite understand, though he knew all of them were obscene and debauched. 

He threw all of himself into this defilement, driven as much by his own desires as much as Koyanskaya's blessing. 

Rick pounded his newest slut against the massage table, their legs entwining as both of them abandoned all pretense at civilization. Nothing but two wild animals remained, eager to rut and copulate until the female was thoroughly seeded. 

Scheherazade's ass was spread wide by Rick's ravenous cock as Scheherade herself writhed underneath him, her groans, whimper and moans of both pain and pleasure muffled by the pillow. Nevertheless these helpless sounds were still the sweetest music to Rick's ears. 

Still, there was something to be said to a full volume. 

Rick grabbed Scheherazade's hair, forcing her to lift her head up, leaving her no choice but to voice all of her 'opinions.'

"Gluurgh." Scheherazade groaned, her eyes rolled back to reveal the whites. "Fuuck me, sir. Oh please ruin my slutty little asshole!" 

Rick grinned, delighted at the request. He picked up the pace, grunting like a wild animal as he slammed his hips into Scheherazade's jiggling buttocks, giving the slut no mercy as he reshaped her backdoor to be his new cumbucket. 

Finally, Rick, after bringing Scheherazade again and again to the peaks of pleasure, making her soil the bedding with her juices, felt his own release swiftly approaching.

His already massive cock, swelled even wider as cum traveled from his nutsack to his pisslit. 

"Take it all you damn Persian whore." Rick growled, hilting his cock and flooding Scheherazade's guts with his thick hot cum. 

The pair were left panting, sweaty, sticky and thoroughly satisfied, while in another corner of Chaldea, a certain Japanese Author shuddered with fear and a smidge or arousal, a foreboding feeling heavy on her mind. 


Murasaki Shikibu - a Japanese Caster class servant was not having a good time. 

Ever since she had been summoned to this wondrous place and time period, Murasaki had been able to indulge in her favourite pastime of reading. With how many varied stories had been written since her death, Murasaki had an unlimited supply of written works to read. Even her self-imposed duties as Chaldea's librarian did nothing to impede her enjoyment. 

Until recently.

It had all started so innocuously. A misplaced book here, an out of place bookcase there...seemingly minor annoyances. Nevertheless they bugged Murasaki to no end. 

Library was supposed to be a place of learning. A tranquil temple to the recorded wonders of human achievement and imagination. Not a place to be tardy or dirty. Murasaki tried her best to make others understand and for a time it seemed like other servants had gotten the message. 

She had been wrong. 

For a while now, someone, or some people were going out of their way to disturb the pristine quality of the library that Murasaki had spent so much of her time and effort cultivating. 

Worst of all?

These scoundrels couldn't have chosen a worse time if they tried. 

It wasn't anything world threatening, like Incineration of Human Order. Murasaki doubted very much that there were still any servants in Chaldea who would've antagonised a fellow Heroic Spirit during an actual crisis. 

No. Murasaki's chagrin stemmed from much more personal reasons. 

It wasn't like she was doing anything wrong or immoral. In this bright modern era, Murasaki's secret hobby was practiced fairly often, by people of many walks of life. Sure, there was a risque element to it, but Murasaki felt like that was not applicable to her situation. 

So what if Murasaki liked to cosplay?

There wasn't anything wrong about it! Murasaki was doing just for herself! Unlike what some uncharitable people might have said, Murasaki did not prance about in skimpy clothes for other people. The same could not be said for the many female servants living in Chaldea, whose apparel would have made courtesan's and cheap hookers alike blush in shame and indignation. 

For Murasaki it was just a way to enjoy the fiction she consumed on a deeper level. After all, was this not the point of it? To lose yourself, if only just a moment, in another's life and world?

Murasaki had nothing to be ashamed of, so why did it feel like the people messing with her library, did it specifically to tease and punish her for the imagined wrongdoings?

Though, if the Japanese writer turned Heroic Spirit was completely honest, cosplay wasn't the main reason for Murasaki's distress. 

Oh, she had to postpone sewing of new costumes, afraid of being discovered, but it was another passion of hers, that Murasaki was most concerned with. 

As much as Murasaki enjoyed reading the works of authors that lived in different epochs and lands, she was, first and foremost, a writer. Her works, such as 'Tale of Genji' had endured for a thousand years, were what earned her the spot in the Throne of Heroes. 

So was it so strange that Murasaki wished to pen more tales while she still had this chance at a second life?

Normally, she would have said no. Alas, Murasaki was just too scared of other people discovering her predilections 

There was just too high a risk that someone might get a wrong impression if they realised Murasaki's predilection for erotica. 

It was all just so exciting! Certainly a far cry from the demure and puritan culture of Murasaki's native Heian Period of Japanese history. In the twenty-first century, sexuality was a far more prevalent topic of art and writing. How could Murasaki not indulge?

She was a refined lady of imperial court, not some Red Lights district harlot! At best her attempts at writing had some erotic subtext, just a little bit to tease the reader with titilating images of noble ladies giving in to their baser lusts. 

Murasaki blushed, remembering some of the scenes she penned. The tips of her ears reddened and pleasant heat traveled down her body as the images flashed before her mind's eye.  

Yes. It was best that her works and tastes were not discovered. Murasaki would just die of embarrassment otherwise. 


Murasaki regarded her guest with a critical eye. It was not often that someone would visit her library for no other reason than to see her. Doubly so for this particular guest. Scheherazade was not someone Murasaki considered a social butterfly and though both of them recognised a fellow literature connoisseur, their tastes were just too different. 

And really, despite being famous for the 'Thousand and One Tales' Scheherazade was not much of a storyteller. Murasaki was well aware of her fellow Caster's search for a mighty patron that would shield her from any harm. 

Murasaki hardly fit the bill, being a Caster servant with no experience of actual magic. 

All in all it was something of a mild shock to see the Persian Queen standing at the entrance to her library, with a tea set of all random things. 

Murasaki had hesitated for a bit, reluctant to allow food or drink into the sanctum of books, but Scheherazade turned out to be quite persuasive. 

And honestly, Murasaki could use some relaxation. Over the last several days, the perpetrators did not seize their vandalism. No, instead they escalated. It went from dropped books and messed up shelves, to odd scents and odors and tiny puddles of suspicious fluids left on the floor. Someone was using remote and private nooks of her library for illicit activities and it was driving Murasaki insane. 

She was close to calling for an actual magecraft user's help and only fear of embarrassment prevented her from seeking outside help. 

So here they were, two Casters sharing some admittedly delightful tea. 

The two were as different as day and night. Murasaki was poised and elegant as befitting an elegant lady of the Court, while there had always been an air of seduction around Scheherazade. Must have been the clothes the Persian servant chose to wear: skimpy strings and patches of fabric that hid almost nothing. Murasaki certainly would have never been caught wearing something like this. 

In private however….

Murasaki shook her head to dispel unhelpful and rather distracting images. 

"Are you alright?" 

Murasaki blushed. She was feeling a tad weird. Perhaps it was the stress or her guest's outfit or maybe something in the tea, but she was definitely feeling hot under the collar. 

"Is it me or did it get warmer?" Murasaki said, feeling heat spreading from the tips of her ears down to her breasts and even lower to her pussy. 

Scheherazade smiled knowingly, looking as if she could see right through Murasaki. A pleased smile curved her full lips. 

"It's probably just the tea." Sheherazade said, pouring more into Murasaki's cup. "It must be drunk very hot to savour the full bouquet it can offer." 

Murasaki was not entirely convinced, but chalked it up to the differences between Japanese and Persian tea traditions. 

The conversation went on, moving from meaningless chatter to discussions on recent events in Chaldea, to gossiping about various people that called Chaldea home. 

All the while, Murasaki was getting progressively more and more aroused, as her imagination strayed into scenes of debauchery involving herself and the gorgeous woman sitting beside her. 


Murasaki frowned.

Something was not right. 

Scheherazade had slipped away almost fifteen minutes ago and was yet to return. Instead Murasaki was hearing odd noises coming out of a remote section of the library. 

Just one of those little corners where Murasaki had previously found signs of inappropriate behaviour….No, surely this was not the case. Murasaki had a few negative things to say about the persian woman, but surely the former queen wouldn't be so crass as to engage in something so dirty in a library of all places?

Murasaki had no choice. Regardless if it was Scheherazade or not, this was the best opportunity to catch the criminals redhanded. The japanese servant rushed past rows upon rows of books. She was doing her best to remain quite, despite the flowing dark dress that she favoured. It wouldn't do for those vandals to hear her approach and scamper off. 

With each hasty step, the sounds grew louder and the air smelled more and more of something exciting. No longer just muffled noises, now Murasaki could distinguish rough, almost beastly grunts and weak whimpers. 

Murasaki didn't voice the thought, but in her heart she already knew what she was going to find. 

It would be a lie to say this did not excite her. 

Murasaki gasped when she turned around the corner and saw what was causing all the ruckus. An unknown man was savagely pounding helpless Scheherazade against one of the bookshelves. 

The japanese servant stared, her mouth agape as her fellow Caster clung to the black man, unable to do anything but moan and babble something incoherent. 

It was hard to see from her angle, but Murasaki was sure the man was hung if Scheherazade's screams of pleasure were any indication. The man slammed his hips against Scheherazade's thighs, making her massive breasts pressed against his muscular chest jiggle with every thrust. 

For a while, Murasaki watched, entranced, as Scheherazade's body went up and down on the stranger's dick, her tits bouncing, her hair tossing while she was being fucked. Murasaki couldn't move her eyes from the flushed, lustful expression on Scheherazade's face. 

Murasaki couldn't quite describe what she was feeling. Lust, hunger, embarrassment, shame...but above all else - envy.

Murasaki was jealous of her fellow Caster. Jealous of the pleasure, of the attention this magnificent stud was paying to her. Envious of the expression of complete fulfillment on Scheherazade's face as she submitted to her man. 

Murasaki swallowed. A shiver of fright and lust went down her body. Slowly her hand, as if by its own will, inched further and further down. To her womanhood dripping with long repressed desire. 

Was it so wrong, to finally give in to her womanly instincts? 

After days full of stress and several cups of 'special' tea, she certainly didn't think so. 

So Murasaki just gave in. 

She dropped to her knees, her hands desperate to tear off the dress that suddenly felt so restrictive. 

Murasaki gasped in relief and delight when she freed her breasts from their confines, enjoying the way cool air of the library teased her hard nipples. With her soaked undergarments removed, Murasaki could finally pay attention to her dripping pussy. 

She didn't even try to stifle a moan she made when she shoved three of her fingers into her waiting cunt. 

Her toes curled, but despite the pleasure she was feeling, Scheherazade knew they were just a poor substitute for the real deal. 

The real deal that was currently going in and out of Scheherazade's once tight cunt. The man's heavy balls slammed into Scheherazade's reddened ass and Murasaki could just imagine how much cum was backed up in them. 

Without even noticing, Murasaki crawled closer to the copulating pair, drunk as she was on the pervasive smell of sex. Soon enough she was so close the man was able to grab her by her flowing black hair. 

Murasaki gasped, delighted to have his attention, but he had other uses for her mouth. WIthout a word he pressed her face to Scheherazade's cunt, forcing Murasaki to pleasure both of them. 

Hesitant at first but more enthusiastic by the second, Murasaki's tongue flitted from the woman's weeping cunt to the man's swinging balls, enjoying the taste of both. Scheherazade's exotic fragrance and the man's domineering musk filled Murasaki's lungs and rotted her brains, leaving behind nothing more than a slut desperate for her betters' attention. 

When the man comes, Murasaki could almost hear torrents of his hot yummy seed rushing to fill Scheherazade's cunt, with some of it ending dripping down on Muraski's waiting tongue and face.

Hopefully this meant she was going to get the attention now.


Rick's smile couldn't be wider. Once he gave Scheherazade her dose of his seed, Rick lowered her onto the floor. Despite her cum drunk state, the Persian Queen immediately assaulted Murasaki's face, very eager to get another taste of his semen. 

Rick watched, amused as the two fought over the leftovers, their massive tits mashing together and their wandering hands caressing, squeezing each other. Before long, their squabble turned into a make out session, as the two Casters explored each other's eager mouths. 

It was a truly wondrous sight, very effective in getting another erection out of Rick. 

Scheherazade was the first to notice, catching Rick's hardening manhood in the corner of his vision. Immediately she tried to lunge forth to impale her throat on his cock. 

"Now, now pet. Let's hear what this peeping perv has to say." Rick chided the Persian Caster. 

Murasaki's eyes dashed from left to right, uncertain and afraid, embarrassed and hopelessly aroused to be caught in such a situation. Rick had no sympathy for her. Right here and now there was only one path forward for the Japanese Heroic Spirit.


Finally, Murasaki mustered up enough courage to look up and say in her best, if a little clumsy, attempt at a seductive voice. 

"Please, master, won't you fuck this dirty little whore?" 

The effect was more amusing than titillating, but who was Rick to pass up on such an offer?

Under the excited gaze of Scheherazade, Rick laid Murasaki on the floor, both too caught up in their lusts too much to care about the cold hard surface their copulation was going to take place on. 

Rick didn't listen to his new slut, quickly forcing the Japanese writer into a position he wanted. Roughly, he forced Murasaki's legs to her ears, preparing her for a classical 'mating press' pose


Before Murasaki could so much as open her mouth, Rick thrust his cock into her sopping cunt. 


Murasaki moaned the moment her pussy was filled with more man meat than she likely had ever thought possible. Days of subtle teasing and copious amounts of aphrodisiac Scheherazade slipped into her tea made a bang up job of moistening up her cunt, leaving nice and lubricated for Rick to slam entirety of his enormous cock into Murasaki's tight pussy.

With every thrust, Rick could feel his new pet's womb planting lewd kisses on the tip of his cockhead, all but begging him to seed her womb and leave her heavy with child. This was impossible, but Murasaki's female nature called to Rick's masculinity in the most primal of ways that cared little for facts and logic. 

Rick drilled her in a rough mating press, Murasaki's tits squashed beneath his muscular chest. He was ramming his cock deep into her pussy, stretching it nice and wide and smashing her insides with every brutal thrust. The japanese Caster stared dazed into his eyes, her own glazed over from the overwhelming pleasure she was feeling. 

Somehow, Rick was aware of Scheherazade off to the side, furiously masturbating to the carnal performance before her, pleased and envious in equal measure. 

The air was full of sounds of slapping flesh and breathy moans and gasps of pleasure. Rick was grunting, with every moment resembling less a man and more a wild beast, concerned with nothing but rutting with any female available. 

This continued for a while, with Rick asserting his dominance over another pliable female and Scheherazade watching him do it, feeling empty with only her fingers to entertain her spoiled pussy. 

Any rationality long since fled Murasaki's mind, leaving behind a cockdrunk slut, desperate to receive all the love her master would give her. 

Finally, the pleasure of the trio reached its peak, with Murasaki and Scheherazade both hungry for Rick's cum, who was only all too happy to oblige. With a grunt, he came spurting load after load of his semen deep into Murasaki's cunt. 

When he slowly pulled out of Murasaki's cunt, his semen almost dripped down onto the cold floor. Fortunately Sceherazade was quick to bury her face between Murasaki's thighs. Soon enough both women were softly moaning, one from the taste of cum, the other from the oral ministrations applied to her abused pussy. 

Rick, meanwhile, leaned against a bookshelf, catching his breath, his mind already busy plotting his next conquest. 

And somewhere deep in Chaldea, a certain Koyanskaya laughed, pleased at the tremendous progress her favourite pet was making.