
The Sorceror Prince

"who are you!...and why are you following me?"Zero questioned but the demon didn't respond.

As Zero pushed his sword further closer to the demon,gently and slowly over powering him,the demon swifty released one had from his sword and in the blink of an eye another sword appeared in his other hand.

The Chief Knight caught sight of it but the assassin was too fast,before he could avoid it,it had pierced his abdomen.

He stumbled backwards and fell to one knee while supporting himself with his sword dug into the ground.

Zero placed a hand at the injured spot and removed it to see his own blood stain in his palm.

The demon carried a sword with him yet he was a morph,what an amazing strategy,even he didn't see that coming.

As Zero rose to his feet,he felt intense pain his body was starting to repair itself but the more he moved, the process only seemed to be reversing.

This was not good,seeing he had little magic energy barely enough to trigger a proper healing process.

He was injured and had to get rid of him quickly before someone found them,he resorted to using his powers even if it would drain him.

The Chief Knight put on a defense stance and stretched out both hands as a red magic circle appeared before him.

Next huge balls of fire flew out of it,as they approached his opponent,the demon quickly took his stance and a huge earth square shaped barrier arose from the ground to block the attack, extinguishing the flames as they hit it before returning back to ground level.

Chief Zero summoned another red magic circle,this time flames surrounded the knight,slowly closing in on him.

He thought he saw a slight smirk on the demon's face as he slowly raised his mask and flung it aside after which he inhaled deeply and let out a large stream of hot vapour from his mouth and nostrils to quench the flame.

Zero's eye widened as he watched from where he stood.

A demon with four elements.

They were rare and strong and he had one right in front of him now after his head,a middle midtier demon for that matter,at the same level as he.

He couldn't even recognize him but he had a strange feeling some demons at the imperial palace would if not why hide his face.

In the next second he was flying towards him with his sword's pointed tip aiming for his heart.

His wings weren't stretched out,and the only way he could fly at a low level was by controlling the air around him to his will.

Demons would heal some slowly and some more quickly, depending on the level of cultivation and magic energy available as long as their heart was still beating.

The demon without a doubt was after his life.

Chief zero flew backwards as well but then he sensed a magic circle behind him.

He slightly turned his head and caught sight of the floating swords pointing at him from behind.

At the next second they were already aiming for him.

The Chief Knight managed to dodge them all, slowly sliding his wary between a good number of them and at the same time blocking some others with his sword.

He felt himself slowly growing weak as more blood spilled from his wound,he needed a strategy to create an opening for him to destroy his opponent completely that was the only way to get out of this alive.

Chief Zero's eye glowed green and the ground below the demon softened, swallowing him up to the level of his shoulder and leaving the flying swords dropping to the ground.

The demon's eye glowed as well as he tried to free himself, slowly releasing himself from the Earth's grip.

This was just what he needed, enough time to cast his trump card and blood line gift,Decarpos.

A Forbidden black magic that only few sorcerors knew about.

His family had been erased by the previous Emperor for that very purpose,to rid Delvin of it.

His father was the youngest brother to the late emperor and yet he showed no mercy,rooting the whole family of his younger brother who was born a sorceror from existence because of their blood line gift,an ability which he believed could be a threat to the throne and the entire realm.

As the son of a Sorceror with an erased history after his family's demise,he could as well use this magic.

This was the same magic he swore to take Tyran's life with after killing both his sons then just maybe,he might be able to seize his throne but above all,his major concern was revenge.

He had read about Decarpos,no one could beat it when it's caster had cultivated to Commander tier level.

Thankfully no one was around or he would be punished,ousted out of the imperial palace or even killed for decieving the emperor and realm.

Even Gerald knew nothing about this ability he had discovered as a boy,had secretly perfected yet never used on someone.

Today he seemed was the perfect time,the perfect time to see how good he had gotten over the years.

Chief Zero's eye blackened and so did the demon's who had just finished freeing himself from the ground's dirt grip.

He stood as though hypnotized, facing Zero who slowly approached him with a wide grin as he's body began decomposing and melting from within,yet he felt no pain.

"This is a spell that even one such as you cannot escape from...you might be a midtier demon just like me but this is one sorcery that would affect you no matter what...a magic that could kill any one except a commander tier demon...but there is just one,the emperor who's power will also be overcomed when I reach the same level".

The Chief knight let out a menacing laughter.

The demon dropped to the ground as Zero approached him with an outstretched hand,then he set him ablaze.

His reason being to prevent his body from being recognized and make it difficult to ascertain the cause of his death when who ever sends him finds him.

After the body had almost turned to ash,he used the remnant of his magic energy to teleport himself back to his room,where he would stay all day till his injury heals.


Tyran looked upwards at the smoke in distant sky from the table he sat having tea with king maxmillian.

For some reason,the smoke bothered him.

"Your imperial majesty, I suggest you keep an eye on Chief Zero tomorrow,he might be plotting something.....I don't trust him one bit... I must say your majesty,I already had eyes on him even before I found the false letter he wrote to the empress....but what I have been unable to figure out is how he got a letter very similar to the empress's writing and smell"King maxmillian said before taking a sip of his tea but when Tyran didn't respond,his eyes followed his gaze to the smoke he was looking at.

"What do you think it is? something is being burnt".

"Well we would only know if we check it out"Tyran said as he rose to his feet and they both teleported to the site.

The emperor streched out a hand and muttered a spell which extinguished the flame..

After he drew closer and realized it was a body he and king maxmillian exchanged glances.

The king crouched low to take a good look at it.

"Almost burnt out....who could have done this?"

"Do you sense it?"

King maxmillian looked up at him,his gaze expectant.

"What your imperial majesty?"

"This body reeks of dark magic".

"But dark magic is forbidden"king Max mumbled as he rose to his feet.

"Do you think my my father and I or even my seed could ever get rid of it?...am quite certain some sorcerors still practice it secretly...and I am very well informed of the activities both within and outside these walls".

"What kind....of dark magic do u think did this".

"An evil strange one...which is unfamiliar to me ...this is quite unusual".

"I still don't sense anything"King maxmillian sniffed at the body and Tyran chuckled.

"Detecting this isn't a midtier demon's ability....It is impossible to detect this even with sixth sense abilities,only a commander tier demon can do so....so stop with those weird at_"

Tyran stopped talking when he saw a black piece of material not too far from the body.

He went towards it,picked it up and took a good sniff.

He recognized the smell,it was the face mask of the assassin he had sent after the Chief Knight Zero....had he been murdered by black magic.

Presumably by the same Chief knight's dark magic but how a Chief Knight could use black magic bothered him.

What concerned him the most was it's nature and the strong evil aura emancipating from it's faint presence in the atmosphere.

"What is it your majesty?"

"Nothing you should know of"Emperor Tyran responded and walked past the body"Summon the royal guards to get rid of the body".

King maxmillian made a move to follow him but Tyran's words stopped him.

"That will be all for today,I want to be alone".

Next chapter