

"Your majesty Nu...no..I mean yes but..not_"

The emperor laughed and rubbed on his beards.

"Gerald,take your time"Tyran raised a finger."But not too much time,we do have few activities to attend to".

"Your majesty,I'll be there in the split of a second"Gerald said and gripped Carolene's hand,unwrapping her fingers one after the other from his d**k.

Carolene turned her head the other side of his chest then slowly drew away from him.she opened her eyes and stared into his.

Gerald froze.

Then her eyes drifted to the spot where she held him and he had his hand over hers.

Her eyes widened as she blinked again to make sure she wasn't dreaming.

Then she looked back at Gerald and he immediately pulled away.

"Arrrgghhhhh!!!!"She screamed,forcefully pulling her hands away as she lept to her feet.She took few paces away and covered her mouth with both palms,her eyes still on the spot.

"Am so.... Arrrgghhhhh!!"She hit her head as the picture of what she had just saw appeared in her mind.

"I am so...."

Gerald stood up and their eyes locked then she abruptly turned and raced down the hallway.He found himself grinning as he watched her go yet he didn't know why.

He rubbed his hair then he vanished to reappear in Tyran's room.

The Emperor was busy changing out of his bedclothes.

"I told you to use the door"Tyran said not looking his way

Gerald lowered his head with both hands stretched out in front of him in a fist together.

"My apologies your majesty,I just thought walking all the way here will take more of of your time".

Tyran didn't respond,only smiled at the bronze mirror in front of him as he admired his reflection, titling his head from side to side.

The room fell silent for a while except the sound Gerald's foot tapping silently on the marble floor it resonated in the room as if trying to outrun the passing seconds,his head still lowered,hands at his side,he knew the Emperor had heard him moan.And he had actually lied to him he was alone.

The knight felt embrassed as he prepared his mind for any reprimanding or punishment that would be given him.

"So how was it?"Tyran said eyeing him from the corner of his eye as he flung his bed clothes to his bed.

Gerald raised his head,caught sight of Tyran and quickly lowered it his face flushing.

"How was what your majesty?"

"Ah...don't sly away my boy you see it's normal only I never knew you got interest in the ladies"

"Your majesty you have me wro_"

"Tell me,who was it?"

Gerald's didn't raise his head,his feet just kept tapping silently.The Emperor's gaze moved from his feet then settled on his face,his grin now even wider.

"Don't tell me,you now do courtesans_"

"No your majesty!"Gerald defended raising his head abruptly.

"Then is there a woman you like?"Tyran asked and their eyes locked.

Gerald bit his lip and turned his face the other way,compared to the reprimanding he was expecting,this was much better but the emperor's stare was making him uncomfortable,had it not been the Emperor infront of him,he would have walked out on him.He never knew Tyran cared about his relationship with women,but he had never seen him with one before and he could tell exactly what the Emperor was thinking,still didn't touch her instead she_

His eyes travelled down to the spot Carolene had touched earlier and his face flushed.

Tyran noticed the look on his face and let out a loud laugh and Gerald cleared his throat.

"Your majesty you said we have some activities to attend to today"Gerald reminded in attempt to change the topic.

"Most definitely young knight"Tyran paused,smiled at Gerald and continued."The knights who drove the late empress carriage to the birthhouse,I want them assembled in the major courtyard...all of them".

"Right away your majesty"Gerald bowed and disappeared.

Tyran took his bath,dressed in a new set of clothes and sat on his bed awaiting Gerald's report,

An hour later,Gerald's voice boomed in his head.

"Your majesty,I have them assembled.According to my findings,Chief Knight Zero drove the Empress carriage he sat with another knight in front,but he received the location from her majesty himself and held the horse reigns".

"How many knights have you there?"

Gerald paused and took a quick count.

"Twelve in number"he replied"I was told one of them died in the fire".

"I know what you're thinking,but please permit me your majesty to say this if I may your majesty, Chief Knight Zero and I have been close since we could walk,I know him better than anyone and sincerely doubt he has anything to do with the Empress demise".

Tyran immediately appeared in front of Gerald and glared at him.He took few steps away from the Emperor and lowered his head.

Tyran paced back and forth,his hands clasped behind his back as he examined the knights Infront of him.

The knights dressed in their respective armour,all lowered their heads,paralyzed with fear.Most have never seen the Emperor up close,others have but never met his eyes and they didn't wish to,with tales of Tyran's intimidating and cruel nature flying around most prayed never to meet him but here he was Infront of them, glaring at them.

With their hearts pounding rentlessly the air felt thick and difficult to breathe as they awaited their fate or an accusation that could cost them their lives.

Chief Knight's zero felt his heart move to his throat when the Emperor stopped Infront of him.He was forced to raise his head when Tyran said.

"Zero...is it?"

The chief Knight's eyes met the Emperor and he unexplainably couldn't take them off.

He struggled to stabilize his trembling hands

as he gulped.

"Yes... your majesty"

"You drove the late empress carriage is that correct?"

"Ye...yes I did"

"The note she handed to you about the location she was headed to, I'd like to see it"

"Your imperial majesty it would be di.. difficult to find it as_as I read at the palace and discarded it_"

"Find it!"Tyran barked."You have today at most to do that.I have to ascertain the writing is hers If you are unable to do so,you will be imprisoned with Charges of attempted murder of the Empress".

Tyran left Zero's face and stepped backwards,his hand still clasped behind his back.

"The rest of you are free to go"he said then his gaze shifted back to Zero who stood with his head lowered,Tyran observed his trembling hands.

"Don't keep me waiting,Gerald come with me".

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