
Expensive Gifts

It was morning in Alaska, Juneau. Although it wasn't sunny, instead it was cloudy and extremely chilly as expected. Seeming as though another snowstorm would transpire soon. 

In Flower's room, nothing much was going on. Flower was still very much asleep, however, the rumbling sounds she was hearing was obstructing her from sleeping peacefully.

Flower switched position on the bed, turning sideways. She opened her eyes tiredly, they felt heavy and were still craving for more sleeping. But then, the rumbling sounds kept resounding every now and then. Slowly, she advanced her body from the bed.

She yawned. 'Where's that loud sounds coming from?' She thought, Acknowledging the disturbing sounds, she looked around in hopes of clasping the location with her eyes.

Then, Flower could see Regina in the room sitting on a sofa. The rumbling sounds was coming from what Regina was indulging her focal area on. Around Regina's surroundings and on the floor and sofa.

Flower could discern that there were plenteous packages and neat numerous boxes. Big boxes and abundant packages to be precised. The rumblings sounds were being created by the abundant neatly packed packages.

Flower robbed her eyes variously. She yawned wiltingly once again, covering her mouth with her palm.

Flower claimed a sitting position on the bed. Analyzing and inspecting everything that was going on and everything being done by Regina. Flower widened her eyes in curiosity and bewilderment.

'Woah! So many packages and abundant boxes. I wonder who sent them? And who could they have sent it for?' As soon as she was done thinking that. Another thought immediately accelerated into her head, 'Wait a minute… since it is presently in my room. It could only mean one thing, that is. I'm the owner of it all. No, that can't be possible. Why would I be given so much, especially ones that might worth tons of millions?'

She thought about all this. Still staring at it unyieldingly with strong, piercing facial expression. Some of the packages had been torn and ripped off, showing the expensive product it occupied. Flower could see expensive diamond and Gucci purses, gold jewelries and accessories, including some cosmetics. Shoes, jewel encrusted high heels, leather boots, sandals, flip-flops, canvas and so on were present there. Different varieties of clothes sets and headwears were also available there. There were multiple shirts, polos and pretty gowns of high-quality.

While some boxes occupied high-priced and rare perfumes, body lotions, lady soap and multiple lady stuffs. All that was sealed in those package were undescribably expensive, Flower wouldn't have ever been able to accommodate all those things in her entire lifetime, even if she had to work day and night for it. It simply was too plentiful and surplus. 

There were no certainty that everything could even fit in the room with how abundant it was.

'Horatio did say Anthony had told him to order some clothes for me. However, I wasn't expecting this much from them. If I have to accept all this, I don't think I would ever lack anything in the next twenty years. The money spent on these, is enough to buy an entire duplex for my mum in Florida. I know he's wealthy, but I didn't know he was this wealthy. This is even enough to establish my own personal boutique.'

'Tch, I only wanted clothes and they went ahead and order the whole market for me.'

'No! I shouldn't let him think he could just buy me off with money. I'm not that cheap. Of course not. But I need to make sure if truly all this are meant for me. Or perhaps it is Regina who runs a boutique and wanted to inspect all the products before selling them off. He's just a young boy, who looks to be in his twenties, how could he possess so much wealth? Can werewolves just dig money out of the ground or what?'

Interrupting Flower's cogitating, Regina who had caught glimpses of Flower sitting on the bed and with wide awake opened eyes, greeted with a smile:

"Young Lady. You're awake…? Good morning and how was your night? I hope it was peaceful?" 

Flower hesitantly drifted out of her frozen state. Welcoming reality, then promptly, she created a reply. "Yes it was," she smiled back. Getting up from the bed, she stood up barefooted since she had zero footwears.

Elongating her neck slowly. Flower abducted more glimpses of everything that was in the package. Peeping at it one after the other with her mouth left agaped like that of an imbecile. Everything was glimmering splendiferously magnificent and gloriously. She had never witnessed this much before.

Flower couldn't help but quickly triggered a question with a slightly surprised face. "Whom are you planning on giving all this to?" 

Regina sniggered, a little baffled that Flower was asking an obvious question, when she herself knew the answers to it. Anyways, she had to answer it eventhough it pitched silly.

"It's for you, Young Lady. Horatio had ordered everything beforehand on Young Master's commands. Unfortunately it wasn't delivered quickly, it was finally delivered this morning to us. And I hope that Young Lady would be overly pleased and satisfied with everything. Please inform me immediately if there's anything that we forgot to add in the package," Regina stated.

"For me?! I see… thank you by the way," Flower said politely. Although she was a little annoyed that Anthony was hoping to trick her with his wealth. Even so, she shouldn't be too overwhelmed by pride. Thus, this was why she said thank you. Knowing fully that all this must have cost a lot of money. All that she could do was say thank you at least.

"Don't thank me Young Lady. Thank Young Master instead, it's his money afterall and not mine you see,"Regina uttered with a smile as usual. Then she continued, "In all my years of working and staying with Young Master in this mansion. I have never seen him bring in any lady with him. You're the first, and I must say he's genuinely affectionate towards you. I've seen it. I just don't want you to be too harsh on him or think of him as a monster."

Flower thought she didn't hear what Regina was saying. But then she realized that she was hearing it perfectly fine with no hindrance of any sort.

'Is she giving me relationship tips with that scoundrel. This woman must be kidding to think that I would ever fall in love with someone who is currently depriving me of my freedom to live freely. Unbelievable!' Flower thought with a scoff, shortly after she mumbled, "Wishful thinking!"

'Who cares if he has never bring in any woman? How does that even matter to me? I agree! he's unfathomably charming and wealthy with excessive assets. But still, I don't see any love relationship working in favour of both me and him. I'm sorry woman!' She thought.

And like a young and innocent duckling, Flower nodded to the housekeeper's words meekly as though she was going to be sticking to it unwaveringly. However, she was already planning different things in her mind accurately.

Regina smiled, "He has been through a lot. I and Horatio are the only ones he trust so much with no doubt. Hopefully, one day, he would be able to trust you completely and you will also be able to trust him and understand him too with zero doubts," she said.

Flower still couldn't decipher why the hell Regina was telling her all this. Wondering if Anthony could have instigated all this words which Regina was saying. Since Anthony was a werewolf afterall he might be capable of so many special things.

'This means. Mrs Regina also knew that Anthony is a werewolf. Well… it's supposed to be, they're all living together afterall. I wonder how Mrs Regina and Horatio are related to him.'

Just when Flower thought that Regina was done. Regina began to speak again, she didn't know that Regina was such a talkative like so.

"The day Young Master brought you home in his arms. I was sure of it that you were going to die, nothing could have been able to save you. You were soaked in blood all-over from head to toe. Even I myself wasn't sure that your heart is still beating and that you would live to see the next day. Young Master also knew that you weren't going to survive till the next day. But I'm not sure he knows that I know about what he did for you. Young Master gave you part of his own life force so that you would be able to live again, I'm not aware of why he did so, not even the slightest guess. You might not know what that means though. Giving you part of his own life force will shorten his own lifespan, but he did so anyways. All I just know is that he wouldn't have done so if he doesn't really care for you."

"I know he has a lot of enemies out there. Thus, his life force is very precious to him, loosing some portions of it might give his enemies more advantage towards him and leave him vulnerable…"

Regina was interrupted in midway by who just came in. It was Horatio who came in. He hadn't even come in yet, he had already started speaking.

"Regina. I was at the kitchen just now. I came to tell you that the pie that you're baking in the oven is done. You should go and check it to see if it had been cooked to your satisfaction. Because I also need to use the oven," he said.

When Horatio noticed that Flower was awake. He halted his words and quickly lowered his head to great her. "Good morning, Young Lady."

"Good morning to you too," Flower replied.

Replying to Horatio's earlier words. Regina promptly got up. "I'll check it right away," she said. Turning to Flower, "Young Lady, I'll be back to change your head bandage. I'll also bring you your breakfast too. I'll be right back," with that said, she left. Not bothering to jam the door, knowing fully that Horatio would do so when he wants to leave.

Soon enough, Horatio immediately followed after Regina. This time, the door was locked by him.

Seeing that they had all evacuated the room. Flower moved extremely closer to the products that had been brought to her abode. Bending down, she sat on the floor and assumed a yoga stance steadily. All what Regina informed her about not too long ago were still ringing in her head thoroughly like nursery rhymes.

Flower heaved a voluminous breath.

'Life force? To me? Does he really love me that much to the extent of doing such? I know I'm a very kind person, perhaps I've helped him unknowingly in the past and all he just wanted to do was to repay my kindness. I wonder why he has so many enemies, well, of course someone as wealthy and powerful as him would possess so much enemies.'

'He hasn't only saved my life he was also behind my successful revival and recovery. Indeed I'm indented to him for doing so, in spite of that. I don't think I can fall in love with him. What sort of a person would I be if I had to just fall in love with another man after loosing my fiancee in just some few days?'

Flower extended her hands. Fondling and fidgeting everything that was bought for her with her hands occasionally.

"Woah!" She exclaimed. 'I and Amanda had saved for up to a year in hopes of buying this designer purse back then. But had ended up spending and using the money for other things since we couldn't meet up with the expensive price. I can't believe I'm presently holding one this close to me.'

She felt a bit sad thinking about her good days with her sweet little sister. Extending her hands towards another box, she brought it closer to her and tore it open.

"Awwwn…! A cute teady bear?" 

Flower said, holding a pink teddy bear in her hands. She cuddle it tightly and stroked it's back. Not until the teddy bear suddenly sounded;

"Anthony loves you! Anthony loves you!" 

"What the hell…!" She exclaimed. Flower deliberately threw it across the room. Partly out of fear and partly out of shock and profound sophistication.

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