
Unexpected Outcome

"They've just arrived, sir."

"Good. We can't have them showing off with over inflated egos, you know what to do."

"Yes, sir." With that, the young man walked out of the office with a serious expression.

. . .

Elsewhere, those from Grand Phoenix Academy had arrived and already walking through the Western Phoenix Academy. Unlike their Grand Academy that had a lot of modern style buildings, the western academy stuck to the old English styled buildings, or so it looked.

'They really got the style.' Ren thought to himself while they were being taken round.

Apart from this, Ren had his mind on something else that was about to happen, perhaps in a few minutes when they had been left to their own devices.

"Alright. There's still some time, so you lot can go explore around, gather here by 5:00 pm, no later."

"Yes, sir!" They all answered in unison.

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