
suprised motherf*****


*Ding* *ding* *ding*

"What are you look at so intencely at darling. Humm hum humm hummhumm"


Hearing no response coming out of her husband hibana stop her humming and walk near him looking at her phone which her husband borrow a moment ago.


Hibana who was happily humming a song moment ago shattered.

"Darr...ing these, i really don't know anything about these I don't cheat on you. I swear to god darling i really am innocent... darling... darling... Daniel listen to me please...." Hibana was desperately holding daniel legs and trying to prove her inocent to him but hearing no response coming from daniel she started to become worried.

Deneal after comming out of his thoughts he saw his wife pleading to him. he pull her up and let her sit on the nearest chair beside him.

"I know,... You are not at fault. If I don't believe in you who will I put my trust on *smooth*" daniel calm hibana who was saking uncontrollablely by some words and kissing her."

"Daring really, really thank you for believing in me but.... but this ... You look really angry. what is this is it a face app or is it some one pranking on us. we need to report this to police i don't want to go viral.*hic*"

" I know this is not you fault... And these is real not edit either. Also we need to think camly."

"But..tt ....that."

" I know, I know.. just calm down a little. Look here the background these is our bathroom and..... It not only you but..... There is shora video also."

What..t..!!.. Give it to me let me see.....

.....This this how could they? who could do such a thing recording a kid? These will ruin our kid future .... I I ii ... What are we going to do shouldn't we call the police or the cyber's."

"....no that person might have more to his sleeve... we cannot report this to the police directly. I will call a friend of mine. he is a undercover police officer we can alsed his help...."

"Than how will we know who is behind all this."

"We don't need to search for him..... if my guess is correct. I know who it could it be."

"Who?" Suprised and anger fill hibana heart. She ask daniel wanting to know the person he suspect.

"..... John."

"Wha????? he is a nice kid why are you blaming my brother over this!! If you do not want my brother to stay at your home just say it on my face directly. Do not using me and my daughter incident as a means for ifor your selfisness."

"....sigh it is not like that hibana i know you are angry at me but think rationally look here these videos are made inside our bathroom in our house now do you get it."


"Listen dear our house has four people living on it me, you, Diana and your brother.

here are the video's of you and Diana.

As for me why should I make video's of my own wife and my daughter? I am not a freak that will lust over my blood daughter.also I do not need more videos of you i already have a set of collections..."

"You don't have to tell me that I know it. What I want are the proof of you acussing my brother."

"That!! you, me, daina, there. Only John is left and nobody."

"Thattt.... That cannot prove anything. he is an inocent boy ..."

"I know, I know, so here is the point I need you to do something for me tonight...."

"What is it!"

"Come closer."

**Bang ***

"Piece of shit lusting over your own sister and a small kid you really are disgusting John." Daniel holding a shotgun shots John on his back while cursing him.

His hand is also bleading continuously.

Before he was hiding opposite the room trying to records everything. But hearing the conversation between them something slip in Daniel minds. Blood were driping from his hand and mouth trying to hold for a second more for more evidence to kill John. After john start making his moves denial cannot take it anymore and went bangging the door and trigger his shotgun.

"Deneal "

Habina seeing Daniel coming ran behind him. Her whole body was also saking violently.

Daniel witnessing his wife states his blood is boiling but before he finished off John he comfort habina first.

"It ok, I am here, don't cry, I am here ok.."

".....I..I....John!! he change! he is not my brother. he change.* hic* *hic* *hic*."

"Here,here, hibana look at me. ok, we will just sent him into jail. If you don't want then I will not kill him.. nothing more ok."


"Arggghk damn bitch- you plan it all with him you whore. I will fucking kill you god damn bitch."


Daniel hearing John cursing habina he shot again on blank fire.

" If you say a word again I will make a hole on your chess."

Daniel saying so bent down and started beating and kicking John again and again.

John being beaten grumble and he bits feast out of Daniel leg.


"You son of bitch. Now do you like it. How dare you hit me." John trying to stand up blood covers his whole body spoke.

Covering daniel wounds habina started to cry.

"Are... You ok daniel... It is bleading what am... I gonna... Do ."

"Sigh..... I told you to wait bro.... " Out of sudden a man deep voice came from the door.

Daniel hearing the voice smile and spoke

"Sorry bro for calling on you suddenly."

The man spoke"It fine my break was already over.. but damn this is really getting common nowadays."

Puzzle daniel ask "What common."

"Ohh well this chunihentaibyo sympdrom."

""What the fuck is that .""

"Well it is corrently on trend you don't need to dig deep.... And Buddy you surrender."

"Noonooo.. let go you bitch"

John who was being detain by some police oficers. fight back kicking punching.. struggling to get free from their grips in his attempt John bits a police woman neck line and tore it off.


"Fuck *bang* ... Are you okk bring the meds call an ambulance fast her wounds is bleading too much."

"Sir here to, I think he is not breathing."

"Whaattt check his pulse."

"Fuck... Haaa.coops fuck bitch ... Even if I die I will hunt you motherfuckerss.forever....hahaha I will fucking kill all of you fuckerrrssss *paaa*".

Blood splash out all over the floor meds were helping the police woman some were heading toward him but he close his eyes and loss his concousness.

"Hahahahahaha ". Suddenly opening his eyes John check his body touching allover.

"Am I in hospital!! did I survive? that fucker now i survive you want and watch.. but first I need to run out of here I don't want to dust in jail."


Jumping down from his bed John look around and in disguise he spoke.

"what the... Where am I . What with this shabby look place. *arggghh* my head."

Holding his head John crawl down in pain. All of sudden memorys of someone else flot in his head

What was that!! what is going on did i really transmigrate..... This is really coool.l..l shit ,shit ..... I need to remember every ditail as posible...."

"Wow if my guest is correct. Then these world has pirate marine some bullshit so it should be one piece. I need to gather more information...

So this boy is an orphan he has 2 friends a boy and a girl and the previous owner has a crush on this girl but he is coward..

Well I would love to enjoy this girl ...but she look like beggar ..her bones can be seen and I fell like throwing up. ...also I fell gossbump thinking of fucking someone shit...is this what call trauma all become of those fuckerss."

"....Haaas first think first if I reincarnated than..

System open"


(All for one system activate)

if you fine any mistake please comment on it I will surely correct it.

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