
Back to the Mines [III]

This is the first time Elaina has the urge to continue delving deeper into an unknown territory. She can sense danger but it wasn't as dangerous as she felt it would be and it is something that she can handle by herself. She is confident with her sword in hand and even if it is something she can't handle, she can just run away before things get grim.

Elaina continues to strike a few nodes here and there obtaining random gemstones and a few copper and silver. She doesn't need the excess stuff she has right now, but that doesn't mean she can't sell them to someone. After all, if sold in bulk, they sell quite a lot and that will be something that Elaina would like to have to accumulate enough balance. That way, she can soon afford to have a new barn built for the wild cows. With how fast Jacob works, she is not worried the cows will suffer in the cold anymore.

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