
Here Comes the Autumn Fair [I]

After the incident of the Young Duke died down, the Autumn Fair is back to full circle and is resumed again. Now that the situation is great again, the Autumn Fair can now be held once more and the Royal Family extended an apology to the merchants who came to join the Autumn Fair and promised to compensate them in case they have some goods that went bad as a result of the delay which most merchants were pretty much understanding except for a few bad eggs who took advantage of it to earn money. Of course, they got what they deserved.

At the moment, Elaina and the girls are being escorted by Troy and Grandpa who are eager to look at the fair. Grandma, on the other hand is currently helping Elaina and is currently under lookout in case something will happen to her.

"Considering the fair was almost cancelled by the controversy, it seems the Autumn Fair is much bigger in scale than before," Grandpa said as he admired the stalls selling various merchandises.

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