
Chapter 224 - What's Happening Tomorrow?

Point-of-View: Indis Occisor


It's almost here, just a little longer and the grand battle I've set up will finally begin...today's the 14th of October, 1040, the sun had just set a little while ago. Likely by this time tomorrow, the battle will be over, and I'll have taken my next step in conquering this island.

Every Human on the island will be at my mercy once I wipe out the combined army of all the nations, not sure exactly what I'll do after that, but that's fine, I'll just do whatever the fuck I want, let my impulses run wild.

Most of my surveillance bugs were killed, but enough were still active for me to confirm that the people of the island will indeed be launching their attack tomorrow, sometime in the morning.

After I confirmed that, I recalled all the surveillance bugs...I could've spied on them more to find out what kind of a strategy they indeed to use, but that wouldn't be much fun, now, would it?

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