
One Hundred and Twenty-Fourth

It felt like a blink of the eye when she woke up, though Merwyn assured her that she slept well over two hours.

Either way, she still felt sleepy.

"Mmf...Merwyn, do you know where there's something to drink...? My mouth is so dry..."

She rolled over onto her side, clutching at the blankets Merwyn had apparently gotten her at some point after she fell asleep.

She could hardly remember falling asleep after that...

Actually, most of the dance and the ritual was pretty hazy.

It had been so exhausting in a way that no workout or run she'd done in her past could compare.

She had no idea why.

After all, hadn't she just been...


Her memory of it was hazy.

She couldn't recall the details of the actual event or of her own feelings, but she vaguely recalled there being music...and...dancing...?


There was definitely dancing.

How did she remember that and not much else?

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