

She sighed and fell into her now familiar and 'regular' bed in the room she'd been assigned in Verilonia. It was leagues better than the bed she'd had back in her real home, and she'd not had it nearly as long...

But she'd had it at least long enough now that it did feel familiar. Enough that she'd subconsciously started thinking about it as 'her' bed.

It'd felt like an age and a half since she'd been able to just relax and lay back in her own bed. She'd gone suddenly from being able to lounge around in it all day reading books about how to find keys to traveling for...

How long?

Bah. She never kept track.

Honestly, though, given the craziness that she'd been through over the past week...was it two weeks?


Whatever it was, she didn't want to think about it.

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