

A loud knocking woke Emily up the next morning, and she hurriedly scrambled out of bed, wrapping a robe about herself before rushing to answer the door.

It swung open to reveal Prince Adrien, who flashed a dazzling smile at her when he saw her. "Ah, Lady Emily, you look lovely today. May I escort you to the dining hall?"

"O-Of course!" She nodded quickly enough to feel dizzy. "Uh-! Uh, j-just...let me get dressed...!"

She managed, embarrassed, as she pulled the door shut firmly, throwing off her nightgown and slipping into the first dress she reached into her armoire and found.

It was a fine, light blue affair with frilly sleeves and embroidered hems, and was clearly very expensive judging from the exquisite design and excellent craftsmanship.

She hastened back to the door once again, opening it wide and greeting him with a shaky smile. "Hello Prince Adrien...s-shall we go?"

He beamed, offering his arm to her politely, which she accepted hastily. "Good morning, Lady Emily. Did you sleep well last night? You seem rather anxious." He commented as he guided her down the hallways. "You look lovely. That dress suits you well."

She blushed again, flushing beneath his appreciative gaze. "Oh! Er- thank you!" She looked down, smoothing the skirts nervously, before returning her gaze to meet his eyes once more.

He...is really quite handsome...

He led her down a short hallway lined with beautiful paintings, past a few portraits and scenes depicting battles long ago fought in the kingdom's past, eventually arriving at a small alcove filled with potted plants.

They walked silently, passing servants who greeted them as they moved swiftly about on their duties, tending to various chores and errands as they kept busy preparing the castle for the day ahead.

"I wanted to show you this..." Adrien explained as he gestured at an ornate mural depicting an armored knight with white wings kneeling before a woman in robes, who stood upon a shining platform above the heavens, arms outstretched towards him, while seven bright stars shone above them both,

"This is a painting commissioned from one of the kingdom's oldest artists." He gestured to a plaque beneath the picture, upon which the words 'THE KEYBEARER' were written in silver letters, and turned to her.

"According to legend, this is the very scene that took place when the Seven Keys were granted to Verilonia. Apparently..." he trailed off, voice growing softer as he gazed up at the image thoughtfully, "...according to some writings...that man...the knight...was the very first King of this land..."

Wow...It's just so...beautiful.

Emily stared at it in awe, completely captivated by the sight. She couldn't tear her gaze away from it; her eyes scanned the elaborate detailing, taking in the minute details and nuances that the artist had incorporated into his creation, and marveling at how realistic the image looked.

"...Yes, I imagine you'd appreciate it quite a bit," Adrien's voice sounded wistful, distant, and he cleared his throat, straightening slightly as he glanced sidelong at Emily.

"T-Thank you, your highness..." She replied hesitantly, turning to look up at him gratefully, cheeks reddening.

She bowed slightly in acknowledgement of his gracious gesture.

"It's nothing," Adrien laughed, waving away her gratitude lightly before placing a hand upon his hip as he faced her again.

His gaze met hers and lingered there for a brief moment before he moved closer, brushing aside a stray lock of hair behind her ear with his free hand as he bent near and spoke, voice low and warm.

She shivered involuntarily as he leaned closer to her, feeling the heat radiating off of his body, and resisted the urge to step back.

"If there is any service I can render...please, allow me."

Her heart fluttered.

Her blood raced.

Her palms grew sweaty.

She swallowed hard.

He glanced back at the painting once more before straightening, clearing his throat again as he did so, before gesturing forward.

"Now...come. Let us break our fast. The servants have prepared quite a feast." He flashed her another dazzling smile and offered his arm again, leading her from the gallery.

They moved on, walking together through the castle grounds, until eventually reaching a large wooden double doors.

Adrien turned to face her, holding his elbow out slightly towards her. "Here we are. The dining room. Shall I escort you inside?"

"If you wouldn't mind," She murmured shyly, gripping his arm tightly as he took hold of the brass handle and pulled it open.

A burst of warm air wafted through the entrance, accompanied by the rich aroma of freshly baked bread and roasted meat. Her stomach rumbled at the delicious scent, and she blushed, hoping the prince hadn't heard it.

"Please...after you, my lady," he spoke, motioning her inside.

She nodded and stepped through into the dining hall.

Several large tables had been laid out, each laden with trays laden with platters and bowls of food.

A banquet had been prepared: Roast chickens and pigs and geese lay sprawled upon the woodwork surfaces, surrounded by mounds of golden brown potatoes cooked in butter, crispy roasted vegetables and colorful piles of berries piled high atop towering silver plates.

Candle holders hung suspended between the center pillars, casting shadows across the room, and illuminating the area with flickering flames that flickered and danced hypnotically in their own slow rhythm, reflecting off of glass goblets and metal serving vessels.

Long silk curtains were draped across the walls, forming elegant curtains hanging from the ceiling, covering the windows.

The table cloths themselves were decorated with intricate patterns, swirls and obscure designs woven into them. The rug that stretched across the floor was soft and lush, thick and plush beneath her feet as she walked along beside the Prince, admiring everything laid out before them.

As the two approached the main table, two guards bowed at Adrien and Emily before moving to pull out two heavy seats for them, pushing them in close behind. The two men then promptly proceeded to walk over to one side of the room, standing at attention while awaiting further instructions.

The prince gave the man a slight nod before speaking. "You may leave us."

"Certainly, my lord." The man saluted him smartly and left without further ceremony.

She offered the prince a small smile, before turning to serve herself some...very hearty breakfast.

"Did...uh....did you sleep well, Prince Adrien?" she inquired conversationally, helping herself to a large portion of fruit and eggs while glancing over at the prince out of the corner of her eyes, noting the way his piercing eyes followed her every move closely.

"I did. Thank you, my lady." He smiled charmingly and added another pile of sliced apples to his plate, as if noticing the amount of food she'd heaped upon herself. "...That certainly smells divine...you ought to eat quickly, before I eat it all myself."

Her stomach gurgled audibly as she dug into her meal enthusiastically. "I'll do my best."

His lips curled up into another brilliant smile, his eyes glimmering as he watched her eagerly devour her meal, seemingly quite amused by her appetite.

He didn't seem to have much of an interest in the food himself, but rather focused solely upon her actions, occasionally pausing briefly to comment on how delicious the meal appeared to him or on how fortunate it was that they could enjoy such fine dishes together.

He continued making casual observations about various aspects of the table settings and the overall presentation of the food, and she nodded politely during those moments, unable to resist grinning when he said something particularly silly or charming.

After they had eaten their fill, the prince dismissed the remaining servants, telling them that he and his guest wished to discuss something private in the garden. He then turned toward Emily and swept his arm towards the doorway, indicating she was to follow him outside.

"Come, I wish to show you more of the palace."

Next chapter