
A distant cry


Daisy glanced at her reflection in the mirror. Unlike Diana who completely resembled their mother, she looked nothing like her and she had been rather peaceful about it when she was young. 

But now that she looked at it, they had some shared traits too. They were both equally awkward when talking sweet and being emotional. Daisy had never felt an ounce of discomfort when she fought with the woman in the past. Rage? Yes. Frustration? Yes. Grief? Yes. Awkwardness? Never. 

But now that she was talking to her in a softer tone, it suddenly felt big. 

''You are my biological mother. What else am I supposed to address you as?" Daisy neutralized her tone as she spoke. 

Alice cleared her throat, ''I did not say anything about that,'' she tried to sound like her older self, the one who was conceited and bossy but perhaps due to her current ongoing treatment, or the fact that she had regained her memories, she sounded rather soft. 

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