
Domain Of Man

"[Domain Of Man]."

The moment those words were uttered, the world turned white; like a blank canvas.

Everything within 500 meters—the range decided by the Skill Caster—was swallowed whole in an instant. In the sky, the only people present were Rey, R'azak, Ce'phas, and U'riah, so all of them were brought into the blank world.

It was only to remain this way for less than a moment, though.

Almost as soon as this blank canvas was made, the architect stood at its center and began to breathe life into everything around.

Darkness suddenly began to fill everywhere, resembling the darkness of space. Its vastness also bore resemblance to the deep vacuum, since the space within this domain stretched further than eyes could possibly see or senses could properly perceive.

Then, from within this darkness… light was birthed.

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