
Last lesson

(Narration pov)

In a white room, two individuals exchanged blows, or rather, one was attacking, and the other had no chance but to evade. One of them was a middle-aged man with a mustache, and the other was a little girl in a maid costume.

The girl held bugs in both hands, and her movements were elegant and precise.

And who would emerge victorious?



[Entoma, ten years old]

(All For One pov)

"Garaki, what's happening with her? Almost the entire day, she's locked in her room and only comes out for training. Also, I shouldn't forget all the food she had delivered to her room."

"Ughh, I don't know what's going on. One of her bugs decided that the camera would be its home. I'd like to go there, but it's possible she might kill me."

"Hmm, well, it's time to see what she's doing there."

I slowly approached her room. Slowly, I opened it. Usually, Entoma would fly at me with a hug, but this time, she sat with her back to me in the corner, her hands were connected to something large... an egg?

She probably didn't notice me.

"What are you doing, little one?"

Entoma turned around and slowly walked towards me, embracing me with a tired voice. "Master."

I patted her head. "So, what's that egg for?" Entoma went to the corner where she had a pile of food. "Another bug, but this one will be even stronger."

'Interesting, usually, when she creates bugs, they are already finished once she separates them from her hand.'

"Now, leave that aside. We're going for ice cream."

Entoma jumped at me eagerly. "And they'll have vanilla?"


'Just because she listens to me doesn't mean those bugs will. I need to get them under my influence as well. I don't know if she can control bugs stronger than herself.'

I looked around the room and saw a bug that looked like a drone, sitting on the camera. And the other bugs must be hidden in her cloths.

As we left, I looked back at the egg and smiled. 'This bug will be strong.'


[Entoma, twelve years old]

(Entoma pov)

As usual, I spent time with the egg. That doesn't mean I didn't give energy to the others.

Jeff now had a blade growing from his head. Koko, a slow and oval-shaped beetle, had a harder exoskeleton. Nautilus, rapidly growing, was now thirteen meters long, almost the size of my room. And Bob, the smallest, looked like a drone with four limbs that could grab objects. Nothing changed in him.

During this time, I found new uses for my Quirk. I could command them through thoughts, but unfortunately, they couldn't communicate back to me.

I also made a terrible mistake. Jeff is not a male but a female. Later, I will give her diffrent name.

And Koko is not a female but a male.

I wonder how I could mix them up like that.

"Oh well."

I left my bugs in the room and went for training.


[Entoma, thirteen years old]

(Entoma pov)

I officially stopped growing. No matter how much I eat, I just won't grow. I measure 149 centimeters (4'10"). Koko and Jeff also stopped growing. Bob stayed the same. However, Nautilus continued to grow, and he had to coil himself into a ball to fit into my room.

I also started learning ethics and other things a maid should know.


[Entoma, fourteen years old]

(Number 025 pov)

I was exchanging blows with my pupil. I barely dodged a few kicks. 'She will be able to defeat me in a moment without using her Quirk.'

'I already know that when she starts using her Quirk, it will be quite, quick and simple. Huh, I know my time is approaching. Soon I won't be useful. Now the question is how they decide to get rid of me.'

'Escape is pointless. I know it myself. Maybe if I show my pupil that her Master is, a monster. She will help me.

I don't know why, but they allowed me to move freely throughout the facility.

"We're done here today." Entoma stopped her attacks, turned, and started to leave.

"Wait, I have something to show you."

I walked through the corridors of this complex with Entoma, and we arrived at a place.

A large room with many children.

"Look at what your Master is doing."

I pointed at a cage where a child was screaming in pain, grotesquely transforming into a brown monster, with it's brain exposed.

"See what your Master is doing, experimenting with children and turning them into these monsters."

I heard a crunching sound, looked to see where the sound was coming from. It was Entoma, just standing there, emotionless, eating bamboo.

She looked at me. "Is there a problem?"

"Huh?" I was flabbergasted.

Entoma bowed.

"So now, please excuse me. I still need to clean Mr. Garaki's room."

(Narration pov)

Unknown to Number 025, All For One stood in a dark corner with a sinister smile.


[Entoma, fifteen years old]

(Entoma pov)

Like every day, I woke up, had a snack, and started cleaning and tidying up my room.

But suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

Master entered. "Entoma, take your bugs with you. Today will be your last training. Get ready properly."

"Yes, Master." I expected a pat on the head, and as if Master read my thoughts, he stroked my head.

"It's time to go." I nodded, walked behind Master, and Nautilus crawled behind me.

I stood in front of the white cube. I looked back, and Master was nowhere to be seen. I looked at Nautilus. "Nautilus, dig under that room, and when I send a message through my thoughts, shoot out of the burrow and immobilize him on the spot."

Nautilus nodded and started burying itself in the ground.

I entered the room, and there was my teacher.

(Number 023 pov)

I waited for my pupil, as always, in this white cube.

She entered the room.

'Since I showed Entoma what All For One does, I lost all will to escape, but I will still fight to the last drop of blood.'

"So, we can..." But before I could say anything, a voice came from the microphone. It was All For One. "This is your last training. It will be a fight to the death. Only one can leave this room."

'So thats how they want to despose of me.'

(Entoma pov)

Everything was clear. I had one task, to kill my teacher. 'I must do what Master ordered me.' But despite that, something in me fought against it, saying it was wrong.

The teacher ran towards me and started fighting against me. It was clear that he aimed to kill me. I was surprised and sure about what I had to do. I jumped into the air and kicked my teacher with my whole body, creating a distraction. My goal was to buy some time.

As I rebounded from him, I slowly reached my hand towards my teacher. In my sleeve, eyes began to glow. 'Bullet Bugs.'

Bugs in the shape of bullets started shooting out of my sleeve.

The teacher started running away, narrowly avoiding the bullets.

'Koko, Jeff.'

 Both bugs crawled out of my sleeves and attached to my hands. In one hand, a sword, in the other, a shield.

I ran towards the teacher, slashing with Jeff. The teacher had no choice but to dodge.

Slowly, I shifted the fight to where I wanted it. In my mind, there was only one word. 'Nautilus!'

Nautilus suddenly broke through the floor and coiled around the teacher's legs. This caught the teacher off guard. I stood in front of him, pierced him with Jeff in the abdomen. Blood started pouring on the floor.

Seeing him falling to the ground with a smile, I stood there motionless, looking at him. After some time, I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was Master.

"You did excellently, little one. Are you hungry? How about having him for a meal?" I slowly approached my teacher's body and began to feast on it.

(End of a chapter)

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