

Alice led Hermione into the castle. It was as beautiful as every other castle, magnificent and outstanding, as King Benjamin had crafted it to perfection.

The humongous chandeliers held thousands of candles, illuminating every pathway. The windows were donned with large dark curtains, concealing the outside world. Furniture hung on the wall, with illustrations of the royal families since the Eagle's Lane dynasty which was currently Malusia was found.

As they walked by, Hermione glanced at the portraits of the royal family. They possessed hazel eyes in abundance, and their aura was intimidating even from the images.

The servants were at their kindest appearance. They bowed in turns to them, as the princess and the guest walked past.

Nobody showed a sign of being treated cruelly, the years of staying within the castle walls had gifted them with the ability of camouflaging their true emotions.

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