
A Nobles Rewards

"The first day I met Zaediel, you wouldn't think he was a being of Primeval Divinity, an angel above our modern Gods. Someone above mortal lives such as ours. He was returning from a quest given to him by my Lady, Viscountess Eliza. He was a polite young man, if not a little socially inept when dealing with nobles. He proved that he was a capable individual that day."

-Temmond Jaa, Butler of Eliza

~~~(POV: Justin Xander)~~~

~~~(Location: Fard Cira Zada Estate, Geonia, Aeternitatem Genesis)~~~

~~~(Day, Date, Time: Monday, April 15th, 8:44 PM PST)~~~

~~~(Current Age: 19 Years)~~~

There is a heavy silence in the room as Eliza looks at me. Her eyes are calculating, taking in the recount of my quest. It took almost an hour and a half, but I told her everything that was important, omitting what didn't need to be known.

"I must admit, Zaediel. It's quite the tale. Normally, I wouldn't believe something like this coming from a new arrival. But the fact you've emphasized I can ask the women you rescued to corroborate your story is compelling enough."

I may have said she could ask Yelina, Rena, and Celia to help prove my story. I counted on Eliza's not wanting to bother them after everything they've been through. This way, I get what I need, and they're not bothered.

I lean back in my chair and take a small breath. Since the story has been told, I'm now waiting for the reward I'm owed.

"I know I may not look like much, Lady Eliza. But there are plenty of old sayings about judging someone based on what you can see on the surface."

Instead of saying one of those sayings, I decide to go the less typical and cringy route. I could say the cover of a book and judging it. Or some other junk. But she's smart enough to know what I'm saying here.

As I respond, she releases a small laugh. After a couple of seconds, the system notifies me.

[A Quest Has Been Completed!]

[You've leveled up 4x times!]

[You've earned 28 stat points!]

[You have 42 unspent stat points!]

[+10,000 Rep with Eliza Fard Cira Zada!]

[+10,000 Rep with the Fard Cira Zada family!]

[You are now acquaintances with Eliza Fard Cira Zada and the Fard Cira Zada family!]

[Rewards Added To Inventory!]

"Take your time and see what you've got. I know what it's like wanting to see what you've earned. Just don't make me wait too long."

She lifts her cup of tea and starts to sip, telling me she'll wait until after I'm done checking out the rewards I've gotten. I open my quests tab and see that the quest was indeed completed.

---[Quest: A Task To Tedious For Nobility]---

[Quest Complete!]

[Difficulty: Hard] [Grade: Rare]

[Recomended Player Level: 35 or higher]

[Player Level EXP Reward: 20,000]

[Rewards: A Rep boost with Eliza Fard Cira Zada and the Cira Zada family.] [30 Gold.] [Possible Armor Blueprints. (Depends on how you handle the quest.)]

[Step 1: Locate the Bandit Camp known as (Reds Hold.)] [Completed!]

[Step 2: Clear the Bandit Camp (Reds Hold.)] [Completed!]

[Step 3: Kill the Bandit Camps leader, Left-Eye Mack.] [Completed!]

[Step 4: Free the captured people. (Optional.)] [Completed!]

[Step 5: Return to Eliza Fard Cira Zada for your rewards.] [Completed!]

The EXP rewards have already been added; I'm level 48 now. The stat points I've earned are almost at 50 now, and I'm tempted to dumb them into my lowest stat, Perception, right now. But that can wait until I'm done here.

What I'm sure is the most valuable reward I've gotten from this is enough Rep with Eliza to raise our relationship to acquaintances. Having a noble of her status favorable to me will be a boon for as long as I'm in Geonia.

It's time to check out my inventory since that's where the rest of the rewards went. I close the quests tab and open up my inventory.

There, I see 30 new Gold pieces and a new blueprint added to the blueprint section of the crafting tab connected to my inventory.

---[Righteous Hearted Armor Set]---

[Production Blueprints] [Grade: Rare]

[Info: Blueprints for a complete set of armor exclusively used for people who've helped nobles and their subjects. It is quite sturdy and powerful. When worn, people will know you're connected to a powerful noble (Eliza Fard Cira Zada.)]

[You can craft this armor set.]

[You need the materials: Cold Steel, Purified Sacred Water, and Greater Wolf Leather.]

[Success rate: 100% due to being based on a blueprint.]

[More information available after the armor set is crafted.]

[Warning: Enemies of Eliza and her family will be hostile to you on sight.]

What immediately stands out is how people will know I'm connected to Eliza and her family. Wearing this around Geonia will make my life easier, but that last line of text concerns me.

Having the enemies of Eliza and her family attack me on sight is a bane. Not only will it come as a complete surprise when it happens if I'm not using (EoC.) It also means people will know more about me than I know them before I meet them.

I'll assign the stat points when I'm done with Eliza, so I close my tab after going through everything. Seeing that I'm done, she stops sipping her tea and places it on the table.

"How long are you planning to remain in Geonia? I've heard some rumors that many new arrivals are eager to leave where they first appeared."

Now, isn't that interesting?

I have a feeling another offer is coming my way. Not that it's a bad thing, but I'm prioritizing Savior of Sisters. The quest is imperative, and I must finish it as fast as I can. I can't prioritize a noble's quest over it—not after the promise I made to Celia.

I'm not a man who ever breaks his promises.

"If you wish to offer me another quest, it'll have to come second to another I've got. One of the girls I saved has given me one."

She raises an eyebrow at this. I bet it's pretty uncommon to preemptively turn down an offer or adjustment to the offer before it's made. I know I may be shooting myself in the foot by missing out on another great quest.

"Mind showing me why this quest is so important?"

My own eyes squint in curiosity as she says that. I can't help wondering why she wants to see it. A part of me is screaming that something bigger is going on, but the larger picture eludes me right now.

Maybe it has something to do with the quest I just completed. Just maybe she sent someone to rescue those girls cause one of them is important...


Of course.

One of the rewards for completing Savior of Sisters is a Rep increase with an (Unknown) noble house. This noble house is what's causing Eliza to be curious about the quest I have, and it could've been the reason she gave the quest out to begin with.

To get a connection with this (Unknown) noble house. Or I could just be flat wrong. That's happened before, too. Imaginations tend to run wild, and so does mine.

"I don't see why not."

Deciding to test if something more is happening here, I bring up my quest tab again and give Eliza specific access to view the quest. As she does, her eyes squint just a little, and a slight grin appears on her lips.

She motions for me to get rid of it, and I do. A calm silence falls over us, but I can see the gears turning in Eliza's head.

"Okay, when you finish this quest for one of the girls you saved, return to me. I'll have something else for you. Now, it's gotten late, and I'm quite done talking about work. If you'll be so kind as to leave, I'll greatly appreciate it."

Her voice is not discontented or malice as she dismisses me from the room. I stand up and give a slight bow, just like I did when I first arrived. She shoos me away with the motion of her hand, and I leave the room.

As I stand in the hallway, the butler from before comes out of a room right across the hall.

"I've been instructed to escort you back to the gates. Follow me, please."

The older butler is cordial and gentlemanly, just as expected from such a position. I'm glad I decided to come here tonight instead of tomorrow morning. Now, I can spend some time tonight working on Savior of Sisters.

After all, I did say I'd have the quest done by Tuesday. And that's tomorrow. There goes my mouth getting me into trouble, but I refuse to let those girls down like the rest of the world has.

Once I'm back on the streets of Geonia, I refer to my new knowledge of the city thanks to the map Haleen gave me. I know where to go, and I won't waste a second.

Except for assigning the 42 stat points. That's something I can do on my way there.

Next chapter