
A Perfect Quest

~~~(POV: Justin Xander)~~~

~~~(Location: Sir Rehan's Office, Geonia City, Aeternitatem Genesis)~~~

~~~(Day, Date, Time: Sunday, April 14th, 8:17 AM PST)~~~

~~~(Current Age: 19 Years)~~~

Sir Rehan doesn't hide his jubilation at the fact that a scapegoat has walked through the door for whatever he's being asked to do. I should've waited outside instead of barging inside. My lack of patience here has cost me.

I watch the first NPC to give me a quest stand up with a smile on his wild features. The person he's talking to slowly turns, and it's an older woman.

While I wouldn't call her a senior citizen, she's definitely over 45. There are wrinkles around her eyes, but they're not prominent. The dark hair framing her face has strings of white within it. Showing she's getting older.

Her green eyes pierce my blue ones.

"Zaediel! Just in time! Boy, do I have a quest for you! Come, come. Take a seat, and I'll share the details with you."

He rushes around his desk and grabs me by the shoulder. Pulling me to a chair and forcing me to sit down. All I can do is look a little dumbstruck. He's so desperate to get out of this quest; it makes me think it's something I don't want any part of.

Before I can start protesting against the idea of handling the quest instead of him, the lady that's in the room beats me to it.

"Now, hold on a minute, you wild boar! I don't know this kid, and from the looks of him, he's a new arrival. Someone as weak and disrespectful as him will not handle this important quest! He didn't even knock before entering your office, Rehan!!"

Well, it's not like she's wrong. However, getting talked about in such a way right in front of me is a bit irritating. I can understand talking behind someone's back. It helps blow off steam. But right in front of me. That's low.

"Hold on, Eliza. Zaediel here cleared (Aria's Tragedy) dungeon that my guards handle for graduation all on his own. Did it by himself at level one."

Instead of listening to their argument, I tune them out and focus on the woman known as Eliza. Not wasting this opportunity to find out someone who knows Sir Rehan so well. Next, I use (Eyes of Creation) on her.

---[NPC Information]---

[Eliza Fard Cira Zada] [Lvl. 300]

[HP: 38,000,000/38,000,000] [STM: 31,000,000/31,000,000] [MP: 25,000,000/25,000,000]

[Class: Fury Swordswoman (Rare)] [Nobility: Vicountess]

[Tier: 2. (Has been unable to ascend to Tier 3 for several years. Stuck at level 300.)]

[Age: 49 Years]

[Click here for stats and skill list.]

[Click here to see inventory and equipped items.]

[Info: Eliza Fard Cira Zada is a powerful swordswoman and one of two Viscount/Viscountess ranking nobles within Geonia City. Viscount/Viscountess is the highest noble ranking you'll find in a city such as Geonia and those like it.]

[EoC Bonus Info: The Cira Zada noble house is a relatively young noble family. Only having achieved the noble ranking of Viscount/Viscountess 120 years ago.]

The argument between the two continues as I read the information. After seeing her stats and skills, it's safe to say they're insanely powerful. But in comparison to mine in the long term, they're weak. There is no way in hell I'd stand a chance against her.

What I find interesting is she's stuck at level 300, Tier 2. Meaning she can't level up anymore until she raises her Tier.

"Just give the kid a damn chance, Eliza! I have more important things to do than solve your little issues anyway!!"

The argument that's taking place seems to come to an abrupt end as Rehan falls back into his chair and releases a long sigh. Staring up at the ceiling after opening his eyes.

I watch the lady's features turn red from frustration and embarrassment. Just from that reaction alone, she's not used to being spoken to in such a manner. I've noticed that Rehan has a certain way about him.

Especially in his ability to get under people's skin.

"How dare you!! You may have backing for your feats, Rehan. But that doesn't mean you can do what you please to people far above your station!!"

I'm tempted to see Rehan's information using (Eyes of Creation); however, my chance has slipped away. I'll have to find another chance for it at another time. Instead, my eyes shift to the woman who is making her anger known.

She releases a long and tired sigh. But after a few seconds, she turns to me. I watch her eyes look me up and down as I sit on the chair. The longer she looks at me, the more I feel like she's undressing me with her eyes.

"At least you look good. I can't have someone of poor quality publicly helping me."


This bitch is really FUCKING full of herself!

While she's still somewhat pretty, her best days are behind her. I catch a glimpse of Rehan's smug face in the corner of my eye. He knows what I'm thinking right now.

There are several things I could say, but I don't want to waste this chance at a quest by insulting the person giving it to me. A quest from a noble is bound to have some benefits.

"Zack, or whatever your name is, if you think you're up for the challenge. Get this quest finished by Tuesday."

[You've Received A New Quest.]

The nightmarish lady simply spins on her heels and leaves the room. Rehan looks at me with a smile and closes his eyes as he leans back in his chair. Putting his feet up on his desk as he does so.

Instead of saying anything to the man, I open my player interface and see a familiar blinking light in the quests tab. I open the tab and start reading the new quest I've got.

---[Quest: A Task To Tedious For Nobility]---

[Difficulty: Hard] [Grade: Rare]

[Recommended Player Level: 35 or higher]

[Player Level EXP Reward: 20,000]

[Rewards: A Rep boost with Eliza Fard Cira Zada and the Cira Zada family.] [30 Gold.] [Possible Armor Blueprints. (Depends on how you handle the quest.)]

[Step 1: Locate the Bandit Camp known as (Reds Hold.)]

[Step 2: Clear the Bandit Camp (Reds Hold.)]

[Step 3: Kill the Bandit Camps leader, Left-Eye Mack.]

[Step 4: Free the captured people. (Optional.)]

[Step 5: Return to Eliza Fard Cira Zada for your rewards.]

[Note: This quest is only possible due to clearing all the bonus conditions for the now-finished quest (Goblins Nest.) Provided by Sir Rehan.]

Wow, the rewards are nothing to shrug off and say it's not worth it. What really draws my eyes are the 30 Gold and the armor blueprints. But I only get those rewards for handling the quest a certain way.

Another thing that I've been wondering about is when Sir Rehan would've given me a follow-up quest since I completed the one he gave me with all bonus objectives done. Now I see the quests don't immediately follow.

It's entirely possible that the rewards from certain quests are delayed.

"If you want to find out where (Reds Hold) is located, you'll need to visit the cartographer's shop. I don't know where it is. But the map makers responsible for creating maps of the area around Geonia City will know."

My eyes shift from my player interface as I dismiss it. Rehan's eyes are still closed as he leans back in his chair.

I don't know how he knew I was gonna ask where I can find (Reds Hold.) But I won't ask questions. As I stand up and make my way to the door, Rehan clears his throat before I turn the handle.

As I spin around, he's no longer in his relaxed and careless posture.

"Be careful, Zaediel. I've heard some nasty things about the bandits you're being sent after. While clearing a dungeon on your own is definitely difficult, these guys are way smarter than goblins. Remember that."

As he finishes speaking, he motions with his hand to shoo. So that's what I do, and I leave the office. I walk down the hall and leave the barracks. Entering the training fields. As I make my way to the exit of the guard barracks, I think about the warning Rehan gave me.

He's not wrong about there being a large gap in intelligence between a little goblin and a human bandit. They'll be able to communicate and coordinate their attacks. Human bandits are a far more dangerous game than some goblins.

But I doubt I'll be given too much trouble.

With (Monument of Sin) at my side, I'm unconvinced I'll find much resistance in the bandits. But that doesn't mean I won't be on guard.

This is the perfect quest to test out what I'm truly capable of with my skills and new weapon. Since the bandits I'll be fighting are likely within five levels of me, (Blooming Prodigy) will stack with my skills.

I wonder what the level limits are on my title (Bloom Prodigy?) While it says all beings within five levels, it doesn't state if that's limited to only five levels ahead of you or behind you. Does the effect apply if an enemy is more than five levels lower than mine?

Time to answer a lot of questions I've got with this quest.

Next chapter