
Testing Out Blacksmithing

~~~(POV: Justin Xander)~~~

~~~(Location: Blacksmith Shop, Geonia City, Aeternitatem Genesis)~~~

~~~(Day, Date, Time: Saturday, April 13th, 11:41 AM PST)~~~

~~~(Age: 19 Years)~~~

I've never thrown a fit in my entire life. Not for anything. I'm sure as shit not gonna start from a possible rejection to being taught how to blacksmith. Sure, it'd be an inconvenience, but obstacles are meant to be overcome.

"The name's Darren Fulwhitter. I'm the owner of this shop and a royal blacksmith."

What's a royal blacksmith?

The one who has just identified himself is the bearded and older of the two. My eyes shift to the younger of the pair, waiting for an introduction from him, too.

"I'm Zackery Fulwhitter. I've been training under my uncle for the past four years. If you show promise, I look forward to working with you."

Ah, so they are related. I believed them to be father and son, but it seems they're uncle and nephew. Based on what I've just heard from Zackery, I think I'll be getting a shot. So many things to learn and so little time.

Darren spins around and walks through the curtain separating the main shop from the smithing room. Zackery indicates with his head to follow. After I round the counter and walk through the curtain, I feel something.

Something familiar.

But forever distant.

My eyes glide across the room, and everything needed to smelt, shape, and forge metal is present. The equipment looks taken care of by the hand of a master.

There are numerous intricately designed armors and weapons lining the back wall. A sign above the collection hangs to designate what the area is.

---[Fulwhitters Greatest Masterpieces]---

My attention falls to the blades and armor hanging below. At this time, any ordinary player wouldn't be able to see any information on these crafts. (Eyes of Creation) are soon activated as I look over the information on the weapons and armor.

Most of the weapons and armor fall around the Rare grade. The best item crafted is Unique grade. Seeing these as the greatest masterpieces of Fulwhitter tells me something.

Smithing and crafting is a difficult function within the world of AG. If someone with the title of royal blacksmith creates things of this caliber, it's safe to assume there is a steep curve. My eyes focus on the Unique grade weapon.

---[Black Metal Zweihander]---

[Grade: Unique]

[Damage: 38,000 Per Attack. (Effects from Skills and Titles are unapplied here.)]

[Store/Shop Cost: 2,000 Platinum. (Item not for sale due to sentimental and historical value to the Fulwhitter family.]

[Player Level Req: 100]

[Crafter: Harlow Fulwhitter]

[Previous Owner: Arnold Blacklight]

[Info: A Black Metal Zweihander is a potent weapon capable of unleashing devastating attacks in the right hands. While it's capable of being crafted on a large scale, the Black Metal mineral is difficult to come by.]

[Zophiels Smithing Technique Bonus Info: This weapon is a terrific creation by the standards of blacksmiths today. However, you can see flaws that could've been avoided.]

[Effects: +125 Stat Points to STR, END, AGI] [+25% damage dealt with Blade-based skills.]

[Materials: Black Metal, Flawless Leather.]

[EoC bonus Info: This particular Black Metal Zweihander was wielded by a great warrior 262 years ago. Arnold Blacklight would've been a King had he not died in battle.]

As I look at all the information given to me thanks to (Eyes of Creation), I immediately notice information I wouldn't encounter by speaking with Darren alone. The first thing that jumps out is the name Arnold Blacklight.

I have no idea who that is other than EoC's information. Still, that's pretty cool. A random sword hanging in a blacksmith shop has such a history.

"That catch your eye?"

The sudden voice of Darren causes me to focus on what else I've just seen from the inspector. Not only is this sword extremely expensive, but it's also given me a juicy piece of intel. The Fulwhitters are a family that goes back for at least 280 years.

No way to know at the moment if that's how far the family actually goes back. I'm only extrapolating based on the data provided by EoC and age ranges the original crafter, Harlow Fulwhitter, would've been.

"Yes, it's a wonderful weapon. Looks to be made out of Black Metal."

Darren folds his arms across his chest and stares at the weapon. Looking sentimental about something. The level 100 requirement seems fair in my eyes due to the incredible boosts it gives to three different stats. 

Not to mention enhancing the attacks of any blade-based skills. It's very synergetic. I can see this being a wonderful piece for a player using a lot of skills based on swords or bladed-type weapons.

"Right you are, Zaediel..."

There is a slight tone of suspicion and surprise in his voice. Perhaps revealing I knew anything about the sword from a glance was a bad idea.

Got caught up in the moment.

"The metal used to craft this blade is Epic in quality. Black Metal isn't a mineral you can find in regular mines. Even dwarven miners have a difficult time locating and extracting the ore."

It seems to be on the same level as Adamantine. Both are found within dwarven mines and are difficult to extract. It's certainly interesting. Dwarven lands seem to be on my agenda to visit at some point in the future.

As the seconds pass, my curiosity for the paricular item has been satisfied. My body turns around and I start walking to the smithing equipment.

"Now hold on, kid. I know you want to get started right away, but you've never crafted an item before."

Darren's voice follows right behind me before he's next to me. Stopping me from proceeding any further. I know there isn't anything I can craft on my own at the moment; I'm just so excited.

They haven't given me access to the blueprint yet, so all I can do is learn from Darren for now.

"I appreciate your enthusiasm to start smithing, but I'll need to ensure you know the basics first. Now, follow me, and we'll get started."

I should consider myself extremely lucky that I'm being shown how to smith by someone of Darren's caliber. I follow to another part of the smithy, and that's when I know this is gonna be a new pastime for me.

~~~(POV: Darren Fulwhitter)~~~

~~~(Location: Fulwhitter's Blacksmith, Geonia City, Aeternitatem Genesis)~~~

~~~(Day, Date, Time: Saturday, April 13th, 3:46 PM PST)~~~

~~~(Age: 43 Years)~~~

All I can do is stare in amazement as the kid replicates everything I showed him. I've never seen someone learn this much just from watching another person.


This is impossible.

An innate talent for smithing is the only way I can describe this. Skill that unlocked it or not. Whatever grade the skill must be, it has to be something higher than my own Rare grade smithing skill.

I watch him feed the fires of the forge with air. Heating the metal and waiting. As the minutes pass, he takes the molten chunk of flat steel from the fire. Taking the hammer in his grip, and beginning to strike at the blade.

The sounds it makes.

It's heavenly...

I've never felt anything like this in my life...

It's like listening to a beautiful harmony of tunes that resonates with the soul.

This kid is special. I don't know what it is. But I know from seeing this I won't regret showing this kid the ropes. Just from what I'm seeing, he'll be better than me. I don't know what the end product will be, but it'll at least be Rare grade.

"Who are you, Zaediel..."

He hammers away at the metal before shoving it into the cooling oil. Pulling it out after the steam stops rising. Only to place the blade back into the fires.

All I can do is sit on a stool and watch him as he continues.

~~~(POV: Justin Xander)~~~

~~~(Location: Fulwhitter's Blacksmith, Geonia City, Aeternitatem Genesis)~~~

~~~(Day, Date, Time: Saturday, April 13th, 6:51 PM PST)~~~

~~~(Current Age: 19 Years)~~~

The light from outside has fallen, and the only thing illuminating the room is the fires from the forge and the sparks flying from the steel as I slam my hammer against the molten blade.

---[Finish the final fold of the metal.]---

I do as the system message says and complete the last fold of the steel. Finishing the process of straightening and flattening the blade again. As I do, a new series of messages appear.

---[Drawing: 100% Complete]---

As the seconds pass, I lift the red hot blade with the metal tongs. Placing them in the cooling oil.

---[Quenching: 100% Complete]---

---[Hardening: 100% Complete]---

---[Tempering: 100% Complete]---

A beautiful creation looks back at me once I pull the blade out of the cooling oil. You can see the folds in the steel. Over and over. Giving a design you'd see in... Well, a video game.

---[The blade has been successfully created.]---

---[You've fulfilled all bonus conditions.]---

As I read the last message from the system. A blinding light burst forth from the finished blade. The process of smithing is different from what I know.

Darren showed me, and it's far less time-consuming and complicated than real life. The system does most of the work for you. All you're tasked with is hitting, shaping, and cooling the blade.

If you have the rest of the materials to finish the weapon's design, the system does everything automatically once you've finished creating the blade.

"What the hell!!?"

The voice of Darren behind me barely registers for me. All I can do is stand and try to keep my footing. The force of the light is shaking the room.

After a few seconds, the light dies down.

The metal tongs that were holding the blade are now on the floor. I hold onto the handle as I look at my first creation.

I've made my first item in AG!!

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