
Quality Time

~~~(POV: Justin Xander)~~~

~~~(Location: Restaurant, Los Angeles, California)~~~

~~~(Day, Date, Time: Thursday, April 11th, 8:42 PM PST)~~~

~~~(Age: 19 years)~~~

"Hahahaha! Oh, don't make me laugh so much! You'll make me pop a rib! I'm surprised you remember that, honey."

Dad's retelling of a somewhat ancient story compared to my time has Mom at the edge of tears. A smile and a few chuckles are all I'm able to give since it's a memory you had to be there for. And this one was before Blake was born.

Around the time Mom and Dad first started dating. I've heard the story of how they met a thousand times by now. How else do gamers meet other than playing games.

"Yeah, I couldn't look at chocolate for a month after that. You're lucky I took that trap for you. You've never thanked me, by the way."

They were dungeon crawling in a popular game of their time. This was a little after a few dates they went on.

"Oh, my hero! I don't know what would've happened if I fell into that sewage pipe. You saved me from a lifetime of misery."

Mom's sarcastic voice has light amusement mixed in as she leans in and kisses Dad. This isn't a show I want tickets to. But I invited them out, so I suppose I asked for this.

We've mostly finished our meals by now, and we're just spending some time before the check arrives. After their little show of affection, they come back from lover's land. It's funny seeing where we kids get our personalities from.

"I know I'm the youngest, but that doesn't mean watching my parents suck face is something I should have to suffer through."

As the youngest, it's both a privilege and a burden to see your parents acting in ways that take them back to when they were first dating. After a third kid, when and where really goes out the window.

Mom reaches across the table and pinches my cheek with a slightly smug look. My parents are what you'd call confident people. In their looks, intellect, and personalities.

"Justin, don't be jealous. You'll understand what it's like one day. Right now, the only thing important to you is what you want. After a while, things will change. You'll start sharing your life with someone."

The teasing in Mom's voice slowly disappears as she continues talking. Turning into a more solemn one.

"I just can't believe you're nineteen already..."

Here we go.

"I'm so freaking old!!"

A mock sorrow is in her voice as she places her hand on her forehead. Mom and Dad are in their mid-40s now. They are still beautiful, but time is starting to make its presence known.

I watch Dad gently rub Mom's back and smile at his wife's realization that they will be senior citizens in 20 years. That's still a long time, but it's not like time hasn't flown by so far. It's like the year's speed by.

"You're not old, Mom. You're just middle-aged."

The light and soft mock at the end of my comment makes Mom raise her head and jokingly sneer at me. Dad's making a face telling me that's a touchy subject.

"Oh, you're laughing now, bud. Just wait; in 20 years, you'll be in the same boat."

Moments like these don't come along often, and I implore the people who are my friends to spend time with their parents. There is only so much of it in one's life. You don't want to think back and see all the wasted time.

Which is causing me to regret not spending tomorrow with them. They'll be playing at launch, just like everyone else I know. They haven't offered to let me join them, but I know it's coming.

Funny, just a couple of hours ago. I was saying I've had enough of them. I'm a bit of a hypocrite these days...

"So, what are your plans for tomorrow?"

Dad smoothly changes the subject from age and time to Aeternitatem Genesis. Mom's mood instantly brightens up at the mention of the game. She starts giving me a look, suggesting that I should ask if I could play with them.

As embarrassing as that'll be for me, I'll pass on it. Despite just thinking that I regret not joining them. Every child knows what I'm talking about. It's the selfishness that comes with youth.

"When the launch happens, I'll be getting on. The first thing on my to-do list is figuring out how the game works."

Aside from mechanics, that is. VRMMORPGs function the same way for the most part. You're in complete control of your body, and everything feels and looks natural. Of course, pain is dulled down. But it's still there.

Just not to the point that if you take severe damage, you'll crumple over and scream.

What I mean by figuring out how the game works is classes, quests, and reputation. You know, those things. Along with NPCs and the system the game provides. In recent years, NPCs have advanced to having their own individual consciousness.

I shouldn't expect any less from Aeternitatem Genesis. I think that might be one of the ways that affects the reputation and quest system directly. But still, nothing for sure.

"Yeah, we're doing the same. Except we're meeting up with some of our old friends from our prime days. Thanks to time, everyone's children are either out of the house or no longer need to be taken care of. So, the gang is getting back together."

I can't help looking a little surprised. It's been forever since I heard about my parent's old gaming party. I know the kids of my parent's friends. We play together sometimes.

"It's been what? Almost 11 years since all of us got together in a game? It's not the same as talking through group chats. I've missed them."

Mom sounds genuinely excited. I'm happy for my parents. For a long time, us kids were their main priority. Their focus. The reason they did everything. Now, we're all out of the house and doing our own thing.

It's time they got their lives back. I don't think they believe it was time stolen from them, but all the same. It's been long enough.

"The last time we were together was during the party's 10th anniversary. Man, talk about a night to remember."

Watching Dad be sentimental isn't something I see that often. He's a stoic man and a figure of strength to me. He's always provided for us kids and then some. Mom and Dad's success in the world of gaming supplied a more than comfortable life.

After another hour of talking, we exit the restaurant and say our goodbyes for now. I'll see them again soon; I don't go too long without spending time with my parents.

It takes me about 45 minutes to get home due to the terrible traffic in LA. Luckily for me, it's faster than it usually takes. It's late on a school night, so most traffic isn't out right now.

A tired sigh escapes my lips as I enter my apartment and flip on the lights. There is one last thing I must do before I can unwind today. After a minute, I find myself upstairs and open the door to my guest room.

It's where I keep my gaming pod and all my equipment for gaming. I walk over to the expensive equipment and open the interface on the attached touchscreen.

Allowing me to see that Aeternitatem Genesis is available for pre-download. Tomorrow, the second the game opens, I can load in.

It looks like it'll take about 12 hours at multi-terabit speeds to download everything. And it's already been downloading for six hours. I'm glad I put auto pre-download on.

This means the game is absolutely massive. I couldn't really put the parameters of modern games into scientific or mathematical terms.

But most VRMMORPGs aren't fully explored during their lifetime. On average, only around 30 percent is ever discovered in a game. And from the file sizes, Aeternitatem Genesis looks to be on the far larger end of the scale.

They're really pulling out the stops for this game. I'm glad that Lancer Inc. has pushed for something new in the gaming industry. Most VRMMORPGs are copies of previous ones, with minor changes here and there.

You can argue that's how things gradually change over time. Improving as they do. It's a valid and factual concept.

That doesn't mean games are any less boring because of it.

My thoughts are halted as I enter the living room and pick up the TV remote. There is bound to be a lot of information about famous players giving their two cents about Aeternitatem Genesis. I don't put stock in the words of these types.

It's nothing personal, but I've found great success on my own. Doing things my way. I'm not arrogant to the point that I'd say I'm one of the best VRMMORPG players in the world. 

But that doesn't mean I don't have lots of talent and lots of skill. I know what I'm doing, and I've got a gamer's blood running in my veins.

Four generations worth of gamers.

That's worth more than any amount of money you can use to buy your way to the top with the best gear and classes.

Trust me, someone who knows what they're doing will pick talent and skill over money any day of the week. It's not prejudice against those who can buy their way to the top. It's about seeing the truth for what it is.

It's common knowledge in today's world. 

Fame and money only last as long as you do.

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