
21. Tempting.


"Sir, I've just spoken with, Mr.Kim, we are expecting him tomorrow". Dalton spoke in a low voice with his head faced downwards.

"You may leave". He mumbled, looking down on the sheets his eyes grazed on. Since he left Dubai, he had been struggling so hard to get the image of Kim Mun Ho out of his head but all his attempts were futile. Even when he decided to drown himself more than usual in work, it still wasn't working. The image of the man on the horse played on every sheet he glanced through.

Kim Mun Ho stole everyone's attention in the stadium... Even Nasir. Which is oddly unusual because Nasir is just like him. Nothing of great relevance has ever crossed his path but surprisingly Kim Mun Ho did. Fine, the fact that he is good looking can't be overlooked, but still... Nasir had called him more than twice, and the only name he kept mentioning was that of Kim Mun Ho, ranting here and there about how good he was on the horse and bla bla blah.

Did it annoy him? A little bit, yes?

Why? He didn't have a clue, but he was pissed at the sight of everyone giggling and blushing at the sight of the man he found interesting.

With a sigh and a frustrated low cuss, he rose from the seat, taking easy strides towards the view below, allowing his mind to wander. Since he couldn't get his head straight, he might as well allow his thoughts where they wanted to be. On Kim Mun Ho.

The next day,

His hair was neatly arranged in an undercut slid down as he arranged his tie with class, looking ravishingly hot like he always appears, but something about his appearance was different. He looked a little bit too good than usual. Maybe it was the fact that he was in a good mood for some reasons he didn't want to admit (Kim Mun Ho) or the fact that he wanted to leave an impression like he always does, only, he mind was completely set on it.

With a little touch of cologne on his neck and wrists, he exhaled lightly, feeling accomplished. He was ready. His ride was already awaiting his presence. Kyla was also present. The CEO of HBK was going to be present and active... It is not everyday you get to see that.

Everyone(His P.A, Kyla, bodyguards, his chauffeur) were on their best behavior and dressed up in their most expensive suits, barely breathing, all in the name of composure as they all waited for him.

... And as he stepped out, their heads went to the floor.

"Good morning, sir". They chorused, not raising their heads until he was in the car, before Kyla rushed to the front seat.

"Your schedule today..."

"Cancel them all". He exhaled, cutting her off. His cold death gaze fixed outside. "I only intend to see Kim Mun Ho today".

"Yes, sir". She mouthed.

Meanwhile, at HBK,

Words already got out that the CEO was going to be present, causing all employees to panick. It is not an old story about how strict Alexander Gareth Hilmpton is. Infact, he set the record of getting rid of old employees with new ones after every three months if they do not meet up to HBK standards – they are not called the best for nothing.

Orders and laws are strictly its policy and there are no rooms for mistakes. With the entire staff, and over a hundred and fifty board members dressed up flamboyantly and in orderliness, they stood parallel and opposite each other, waiting for the highest in the room. All the ladies dressed to impress, likewise the gentlemen. Their eyes and ears twitching nervously, before another announced "He's here". Making them even more nervous as the sound of footsteps aired before the man of authority came to view.

All heads bent to the floor. "Welcome, sir". They aired. Their bodies stuck in that position, not daring to move. All they could hear were his footsteps and that of his P.A that strolled directly behind him, before the other board members of the highest rank followed their steps.

He moved with grace, completely ignoring the countless eyes that stared behind. I mean what can he do? This was his life. It had always been this way and there was nothing he could do about it. Being the center of attention, that was his effect.

While other board members flocked around him like birds, trying to gain his attention and everything, he could only just do what he does, ignore them, stepping right into the elevator with Kyla beside him, before Dalton Lawson followed right after, standing behind.

"Have you heard from him?" Alexander directed his questions to him.

"Not yet, sir". He mouthed nervously as the elevator dinged open, exposing the large space of an office and they began out. "I will prepare the documents before his arrival". He mouthed, trembling lightly, causing a lifted brow from the expressionless man.

"Why are you still here then?" Alexander glared.

"I-I'll be outside, sir". He managed as he dashed out of the room.

It was taking longer than expected and he was getting pissed already.

"I'll glance through some files, Kyla". Alexander ordered. His deep voice filling the air. Anyone could tell from Mars that he was in a good mood. Overlooking was not what Alexander was known for.

"Yes, sir". With a nod and nervous steps, she moved closer, revealing documents on her grip. "These files came from KBS, we have been stalling the arrangements we have with them as it required your signature ".

She watched his cold eyes scan through the documents in his grip before he tossed it into the trash by the left side of his desk without batting an eye as she placed the next one in front of him. As his personal Assistant, she had seen way worse and this was nothing compared to the worse days

"This came directly from the desk of the CEO of SBK, he made a proposal". She mouthed and he lifted his left brow. He had seen the name 'SBK'before.

He took the file and glanced through the first and second lines with disinterest written on his orbs. The further he read, the more irritated he felt and just like the first document, he disposed it without batting an eye.

"Just one more document". He told her as she placed the last one in front of him, before the knock on the interupted them but his eyes remained fixed on the sheet in front of him. Jasper, Kyla's assistant strolled in.

"Sir,". He spoke with a bow. "Mr. Kim Mun Ho is here". He announced, making Kyla pause to steal a glance of her boss's expression but his face remained impassive.

"Let him in". Was all he said with his eyes still on the document.

"Yes, sir". Jasper mouthed

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