

"I want you to babysit someone." Noah said and Paul wondered who it was his boss wanted him to babysit. The last he remembers, his boss and madam did not have any child yet, so who was he talking about. Or did his madam suddenly decided to adopt a child?

His job was that of an assistant, not a babysitter. Paul gritted his teeth.

"I'll do anything you want boss." Paul pretended just so he wouldn't annoy the man more than he was already.

"Good. I was meant to go shopping with my wife and her new assistant unfortunately wants to tag along." Noah said. Paul couldn't understand why he was being involved in it. Noah could easily tell the assistant to leave, why does he need a babysitter to sit a grown ass woman?

"I want you to stay with her and distract her while I spend time with my woman, can you do that?" Noah asked like he was giving the man an option when in reality he wasn't. He would kill Paul is he dared decline.

"Yes sir." Paul said.

Next chapter