
Chapter 333 : Reparo Maxima

 Orion after dealing with Grindlewald, he went to find Credence. Opening his Law of Presence he noticed that right now Credence was back to his Human form, and lying low. He only made sure that Credence was safe, that he moved to the next big matter.

This was of course, the fact that a ton of people saw a magical ghost destroying the entire city and many lunatics waving wands, which was weird but fine, until every time they waved their wands, the light came out of those wands and something magical happened.

All and all it wasn't looking very good for the so-called magical secrecy. He went to the place where he found the highest concentration of magic in the city currently.

Knowing that Newt this time didn't have his magical briefcase anymore, there wouldn't be any magical bird which could bring down rain by just flapping its wings.

So, ultimately it fell on him to make sure this thousand-year-old hide and seek game doesn't end here.




The Aurors of the Magical Congress of the United States of America (MACUSA) gather in one place as they finally couldn't find that Obscurious anywhere anymore.

Finding that beast was important but more than that, what was now essential was to hide the presence of the magical world from the muggles.

President Seraphina Picquery was also present there, her face stern and eyes piercing. She was not pleased.

"Report," she ordered sharply.

One of the senior Aurors stepped forward. "Madam President, the Obscurus that caused the destruction in the city… we weren't able to contain it. It's… it's far more powerful than we anticipated, and now it's nowhere to be found, we lost him. And unfortunately, many non-magicals saw the event."

President Picquery's face tightened. "How many?"

The Auror hesitated before replying. "Enough to cause a widespread panic. People are already talking, and there's no way to cover it all with the current manpower we have right now, not until tomorrow morning when the news about this will be on every muggle paper."

Another Auror chimed in, "We tried to keep it contained, but the Obscurus moved too fast. It caused severe damage to the streets, and people saw the buildings collapse and explode right before their eyes."

"Is the creature still at large?" Picquery asked, her voice strained.

"No, Madam President. It vanished before we could capture it, but it could reappear at any time," an Auror replied nervously.

"Meaning even if we somehow contain this mess, it can happen again." President mutters with clean frustration rising inside her. This might be the first time that she was feeling this helpless, magic or not, life always throws curve balls at us.

President Picquery rubbed her temples, the weight of the situation clearly bearing down on her. "This is a disaster. The magical world is dangerously close to exposure, and here we are, can't come up with a single solution. Is there nothing that we can do." She asked all the Aurors around her but no response, there was indeed nothing that they could do now.

An Auror spoke up cautiously, "We could try Obliviation, but with the number of witnesses… it's going to take time, and some memories may already be impossible to remove."

Almost the entire city has seen the rampage of the monster or the Aurors using magic.

There was no way for them to erase the memories of an entire city with such small manpower to work with. Not to mention not every Auror can erase memories.

That spell needs skill, not many can master it.

Picquery sighed heavily. Found no way, she could only order what the Aurors could do right now. Though it will not cover the entire destruction of the city that was the only option they had right now.

Just as she was about to order others to do whatever they could to lessen the damage. A sharp voice cut through the silence, making everyone look in that direction.

"Forget about it, I will handle the situation this time." A man with a wand in his hand marched towards them with an annoyed face. He was wearing a well-tailored black suit and was looking quite handsome.

This was, of course, Orion in his John Wick getup.

"Who are you." One Auror asked, seeing the man with the wand in his hand, at least they knew that he wasn't a Muggle but this also put everyone on guard.

Having his wand in his hand, especially for a stranger wizard wasn't a good sign right now.

Orion didn't directly answer, he first looked up to the man who just arrived as he did. Percival Graves, or Grindlewald to be exact.

While Orion came here first, he waited to see the situation, and that was when he came in.

Orion waited because he wanted to see whether they could handle the situation by themselves or not. If possible then he rather not take action at all.

Unfortunately for him, they can't and he has to play the part of the Hero saving the day.


"I am John Wick. But nowadays people around this area call be the Baba-yaga." Orion replied with a calm tone.

" Wait it is you who have been hunting down the Vampires and those Dark wizards for some time." An Auror immediately notices him.

Though he himself wasn't that much famous officially, in the underground market he has earned a name for himself in the past few months.

This was especially becuase of his relentless hunting for any clue which could help him find Eric.

Seeing the man not denying, they knew that he got the right man.

"Who is he ?" The president of course didn't know him, after all he wasn't a criminal or anything, more like just famous in the magical version of the underworld.

 "He is a famous hunter in the underworld. Just recently he has become famous." One of the Aurors said whispering in her ear.

Nodding she quickly discovered the man wasn't particular about a friend or a foe as of now. She determined to maintain a neutral stand against him for the time being.

"What do you want? Here." She asked, not wanting to dwell too much with this hunter.

"Just as I said, I am here to help out with the current situation." Orion rolled his eyes and then his wand lit up, putting everyone on defence, but that was only for a second before they felt the powerful magic wash over him.

Now it wasn't more like defence but more about fear.

'This…' Even Grindelwald's eye shrank, this power was several higher than what the man used against him a little while ago.

The magical power when high enough and dense enough could radiate heat waves and fluctuation in the very space itself.

That was exactly what was happening right now.

"Reparo Maxima." Orion waved his wand and then pointed towards the direction where most of the damage was done by the Obscurious.

And at this, everyone's eyes were wide as saucers.

A visible wave of magic like a force field was spread across its city who Orion was the centre of it.

And then the entire pace started to repair, like the entire city was rolling back in time.

"Impossible. This much magical power? Who are you ?" Strangely when almost everyone was just too stunned to even ask any question, seeing how a single wizard was capable of repairing the entirety of the city.

It was Grindlewald of all people who asked even.

 Orion raises his eyebrow, like asking you are the one to talk, old man.


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