
Chapter 250 : Monster 2

Orion just grinned after seeing the giant piece of magical meat right in front of him. 

'Good thing I didn't eat anything before coming.' Orion thought as he felt just how much magical power that beast held inside him. 

'Definitely enough to break into level 5 grandmaster. Just has to make sure that I can absorb all that before that big guy captures me.' 

After internally deciding on what he was planning on doing, he got ready but before that, he had to talk with those other servants. God knows what will happen if one of those launches a magical nude at that monster when he was absorbing magic. 

"Hey, I got an idea, I might be able to slow down his regeneration but need some time. For the time being see what you can do, if there is no decisive plan then just buy time, I will slowly slow down his regenerative powers." Orion said particularly to know one but seeing that there was a way after all this time, others did listen to him. 

"Can you really slow down his magical regeneration ?" Lancer asked not knowing how will Orion gonna do that. 

"Now we are talking. Buying time was it, leave it to me." The rider just laughs as he again summons his chariot and hops onto it, again taking off to the sky to destroy the monster.

"If you can really slow down the regeneration then our attacks will finally work. I will leave that to you then, go I will cover you." Saber nodded with her sword in her hand.

"Nice, then I will leave that to you. But remember that just taking care of his regeneration, we still need to take that thing down. Start thinking of a plan while I do my work." Orion said as he suddenly floated in the air without any help from a magical tool or anything, making those servants and even some masters widen their eyes in surprise.




'What that child can't do? What kind of mage is he? Could it be that at such an age he has reached the roots?


No, it can't be, but then how come his magic is so powerful and different? 

Orion D. Ambrosius, who are you exactly and where did you come from ?' Tokiomi was watching everything with adapt attention. 

He was about to intervene himself after seeing that Gilgamesh wasn't planning on taking down that huge monster. 

Though he himself can't kill the monster he can take care of Caster's master. But before he could even move, that boy...

NO ! 

Calling him a boy at this point would be both demeaning and inappropriate. Not to mention ignorance. 

That mage, Orion D Ambrosius came up. 

Tokiomi clearly saw Orion flying with magic and even opening portals. 

Those kinds of magecraft are not normal. Only some of the strong mages could do something like that. Especially the portals. 

Opening portals or teleportation is so close to true magic. Tokiomi really wanted to see who that person was. 

If possible establish some kind of relationship with him. Even though the mage was a part of the war it was not completely impossible to establish a friendly relationship.

After all, he clearly doesn't have a servant and nor does he show any interest in the grail himself. If anything by all the information he has gathered so far, Orion didn't even want to be a part of this war in the first place. 

'I have to talk to him. That is the only way. It's not like he's in my way either. Without a servant, he can't get the grail even if he is strong. I rather have him with me than against me.' Tokiomi pondered and then turned his attention to the task at hand. 

He had to find Caster's master and get rid of him. That was the only thing he could do right.

While Tokiomi was thinking about all this, there was one more person beside him who was thinking almost in the same line. 

Gilgamesh got interested in Orion after learning that he alone killed Berserker without a servant. Then to his shock, the boy killed Kirei, the person he was planning on to use in his upcoming plans. 

And last Orion's capability to stop even his own teleportation inside his layer. And it didn't end there. 

Gilgamesh tried to use his gate of Babylon inside Orion's hotel room, to intimidate Orion after he confirmed Orion killed Kirei but to his surprise, he couldn't. Even his Gate of Babylon was suppressed inside that room of his. 

Now Gilgamesh was sure that if he used more of his magical power then he could have opened the Gate of Babylon but that wasn't the point. 

The point was that he wanted this kind of talent on his side. He planned to take back all of his lost treasures and establish his empire once again. Having someone like Orion would be very handy. 

Not to mention, the boy was lacking a Heroic Spirit. Gilgamesh's own master was not very pleasing to him so extending an offer might be a good idea. 




Orion flew at breakneck speed while evading all the giant tentacles coming his way. With magic, he was able to determine the core of the magic on this beast. 

Though he can draw from any part of his body there is just so much magic in this monster that he might not be able to draw all out fast enough. 

But at the core, it will be easy. 

Soon he reached and placed both his hands on the monster's skin to start drawing the magical power. The only problem was that it was still harder to absorb. 


Clicking his tongue, Orion took out his sword and cut open the body in one fell swoop, to be able to reach the inner corner. 

Little did he know that if only he had gone a little further then he could have met Caster resting there. 


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