
Chapter 195 : Death 1

[I will destroy as I speak. Do you know what that means ?] Merlin asks with a solemn face.

Hearing Merlin, Orion blink. He quickly entered into his mind palace, he was sure that he knew this line. He had heard about it before. So upon entering his Palace, it didn't take too long for Orion to figure it out.

"That's, that's the meaning of the killing curse in his original language," Orion said.


[There is a lot to explain to you so it's better that you listen clearly. It's not a story by any means what I'm gonna say to you. It's the reality which no one knew other than me alone up to now. Well, there are two more. But one can barely be classified that person as a person anymore. While another being, well we just saw the Boggart turning into it, didn't we] Merlin said and the last line alone was enough to evaporate all of Orion's nonchalant attitude and he turn got interested. Full-on attention mode started.

"Ready whenever you are," Orion gave the green light to go ahead. He was dying to know what Merlin was hiding from him for a long time. Now maybe he can get some answers. 

Of course, after 5 years of suffering under the old man's cunning mind, he knew better to expect the entire truth from him. But anything he can get right now, he will appreciate it.

[So I have already explained to you what was the great collapse right.] Merlin asked.

Orion just nodded his head in confirmation. 

[Good, still let me quickly go through it becuase the majority of the problems are connected with them. 

The world or planet whatever you wanna call it was filled with an immense amount of Chaotic Energy or Magic back before the first great Collapse. 

We are talking way before, even before some people knew what fire was.

While the rest of the world still had apes roaming around, there was a certain civilization which evolved much faster than others. All thanks to the gift of magic they got from the ancient deities. 

Those were the very first wizards. However, calling them wizards and even humans would be a little wrong considering that they actually weren't.

But it doesn't matter, then all are dead anyway. Well, all except one. 

But while they were alive, they accomplished many groundbreaking feats through the powers they had. 

They were strong, even calling them god is not entirely wrong. But they couldn't live in this world for long after the first great collapse. 

The Great Collapse in the World caused the disappearance of much of the magic. This causes those beings to either wither away or leave this world entirely.

The reason why the great collapse happened in the first place was one of this being. The one which isn't dead. Well kind of dead, it's complicated. 

This particular ancient wizard which we can also call a True Pure Blood Wizard wanted to break the order of the world. 

As we already know there are three aspects in this universe which keep the balance of the world. 

The chaos which creates and destroys everything. 

The order which maintains the normal working of the universe. 

And Lastly, Law which defines the rules between both Chaos and Order in the world. I explained this to you when we first started to learn about Law back then. 

Anyway, this one person wanted to break the Order in the pursuit of gaining eternal life. 

Well, the universe didn't like it, so when this being wanted to take control of the entire magical power or chaos of the world to break the order of the world. 

The universe backfired. Most of the magic in the world was lost, making many of the higher beings to leave this world and the first collapse of the magical world happened. 

This person was none other than Death.

To be exact, the being after getting cursed gains the status of Death.] Merlin said and this finally brought back Orion's memory of when Merlin first time explained this to him. 

He just kept this info in some corner of his mind and never revisited it again but now that Merlin said it again. Orion eyes started to widen, as he started to connect what was going on here.

Seeing that Orion had finally started to catch up, Merlin just slightly nodded and spoke again.

[There have been two great collapses in the history of the wizarding world. First, happens way before the era of the old wizarding world which has already been left in this world. 

The Second was a little recent as I was there. Both times the culprit was directly and indirectly the same entity. 

Death.] Merlin said and paused.

This time not exactly to give Orion time to digest the information but rather to think about how to approach this explanation. 

[Let's start with the person's death himself. 

Or rather I say Her.

Back in my time, around 1700 years ago was the first time when I first learned about this existence. 

Took me a long time to actually find out about this existence though. And even more, time to learn what kind of danger it poses. 

I do not claim to know anything about death but I have done extensive research about the entity after learning the real threat she poses.

According to what I found out, after the first great collapse, she was cursed. Cursed to stay in half death and half-alive state forever. 

Not completely dead even after going against the natural order of the world, I have no idea how but I am sure that she is not dead. 

My best theory also relates to why I call her half-death and half-alive. 

I believe that at the time of the collapse, she did die but rather than letting her soul dissipate, she used her powerful attainments of the Law Of Death to keep her soul from disappearing. 

Gaining the identity of death itself afterwards. 

In my long journey of tracing her whereabouts and her plans I found that it took her years to actually recover her state which she is in right now. 

Even I don't know how exactly how it works but I believe that she slowly started to absorb the souls of others to sustain her strange existence. 

Again I am no expert in this but by the natural rule and how Law and Order work, this was borderline breaking natural order and thus it should be very hard to do. 

Makes sense why it took her so long to take action. 

Not sure again but apparently she somehow became capable of interfering with the world of living somehow around 500 BCE. Her goal was to disturb the natural Order as much as possible. And get stronger. 

So she influences a powerful wizard of that time.

You might know him by the textbook name of Herpo the Foul. The very first dark wizard of all time. 

She gave her own power of death to him. And taught her a spell to infuse with her own power, a spell so powerful that no other spell compares to it, no other spell can stop it.] Merlin said.

"The killing curse," Orion filled the blank immediately.

[Huh hmm... and let me tell you. It wasn't out of the good of her heart that she shared her powers.

It was a trap, she planted a seed of discord back then. Dark magic gave both wizards and witches the power they wanted but at the cost of their own souls and the people they killed. 

All the victims who either die becuase of dark magic or use dark magic have the same fate. They ended up getting absorbed by death. 

Their souls get consumed by her. Making her stronger. 

From then on, her powers continue to grow. But no matter how powerful she gets, she can't come back to live with just having more power. That was irked me the most back then. 

Why She is doing this ?

By the rules of the Law and how Order works in the world. There is no way that she can come back to live. There is no reason to do what she was doing. 


That was only what I thought until I actually realized what she was after. 

She wanted to use the very rebirth of magic itself to once again break the laws of Order and bring herself back to life.] Merlin said with a solemn face.

"Rebirth of magic ?" Orion asked with clear confusion on his face.

[Ah that's another part which I need to explain, well in short it's a magical phenomena which happen only once every One Thousand years.

This was when all the planets came in a line in such a way that the planets lay lines to come in a particular order. 

Which is when Earth receives powerful magic to replenish its magical power from the sun and the stars. 

Although no one knows why this happens my personal guess is that this is something done by the ancient beings who lived on this planet before, in the hopes of one day recovering the magical power of Earth.] Merlin said.

"Holy shit you mean to say that those ancient wizards were capable of directly harnessing the power of the sun. Like that level 2 or level 3 civilization shit right there," Orion eyes widen.

[Yup, I wasn't joking when I said that they were advanced. But let's focus on what's important here. 

This entire phenomenon is called magic Rebirth because this is the thing which refills the chaos level on Earth back after all the energy is exhausted by normal births or wizards using magic. 

Becuase in the end, both creation and destruction are a part of Chaos, giving birth too. And I can't see how well this thing is working considering the increase in population and more than that, the continuous use of magic from Wizards.

You see back in time it used to take a long time for a wizard or a witch to use magic, a perfected and simple system like now didn't use to exist, let alone wands. 

So magic was sacred, not like how it's been used now. And that is why it surprises me how much the current wizarding society has been regressed.

Anyways, she has been after this powerful magic for a long time. Since 500 BCE. And that's when I realize that I was not the first one to find out about her.

There exists a line of Wizard and Witches who decided to prevent Death from getting her hand on the magic rebirth.

This fight has been happening for the last 7000 years.] Merlin said with a serious face.


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