
Chapter 193 : Messed UP

A huge blast resounded in the halls of Hogwarts. The sound was so loud that it made everyone in the castle snap their head in panic while those who were not in the castle but still close enough to hear the blast, started to run towards the place where the blast took place.

Merlin at this time was only shaking his head for those unfortunate enough to be caught in the blast.

Back in the DADA class everyone, besides Orion, was now lying on the floor with a shaking body, the colour of their faces was pale like someone drained all the blood from them. 

Many students passed out by just the shocked waves of the blast while those who didn't were still shaking with terror in their faces.

Professor Lupin might be the only person besides Orion and Nick, who was currently in his right mind. There was a tremble in his heart after seeing the entity in which the Boggart turned into.

There was no way that that thing was a Dementor, no dementor has the right to command that kind of feeling. A presence which eats away light itself. 

Lupin tried using Patronus but there was nothing. Even Patronus couldn't touch the thing which Boggart turned into.

Merlin when he saw this just wanted to slap the man if he could, the DADA teacher himself forgets that it's not really a powerful dementor but a Boggart he is dealing with. But it was too late. 

Just after seeing the dark entity in front of him, Orion froze up, there was a tremble inside him. This feeling. 

This was the same feeling that he felt back when he lost his hand. 

Everything happens within seconds. At one second that being almost froze up almost everyone in the class, even someone like Merlin. And on the other hand, Orion raised his hand up in panic, there was a glowing red light in his hand.

But this time the power wasn't restrained at all. Orion quickly draws power from his Space Law and does a quick Red Reversal Attack which acts much like Shindra Tensei. It was far from his real power as he hardly had time to accumulate power, he mostly acted on instincts to blast away the entity, not to damage it but more to push it away. 

There was a trance of fear in Orion, hell there was a trance of fear in pretty much everyone's faces. 

But maybe only two people there could know what kind of entity that horrifying figure was. And seeing their shock, they didn't want to meet the entity if possible. 

And the third second was when all hell broke loose. 

Orion even with haste was able to draw 50% of his power in that quick attack. Not only blasting the poor Boggart, who dared to turn into that grim ripper-like entity, to Oblivion but at the same time Orion Law Infuse power even blasted the Wardrobe and the wall beside the wardrobe as well. 

Thankfully for him, if there is a magical castle in this world then Hogwarts is the very definition of it, it was strong enough to still stand after a Thousand years. 

The Castle withstood the powerful attack at the cost of an entire wall of the castle blasted out with a giant hole the size of a freaking dragon. 

Fortunately, the DADA Class is conducted at the most outer section of the castle so Orion's attack hit the outer wall, this made most of the attack power not effect the castle itself but rather it got out of the castle and once the range of the attack was over its dissipated.

After all the range of the magic is also something a Wizard has to control with his intent, a spell works best if the target is nearby, holding the spell for a long distance is hard. Not that big of a problem for Orion with such excellent control over his magic but Orion wasn't intending it to go further. So the magic disappeared.

Another good thing was that there was no one in Orion's line of sight when he attacked. Only the poor Boggart and the castle wall.


Of course, what followed was a lot of fussing over what just happened, questions like who attacked the castle, are Death Eaters attacking Hogwarts?

Is this Grindelwald who is attacking? And much more followed which both Orion and Lupin, the culprit and the responsible teacher have to answer. 

"You are saying that this was done by Mr Ambrosius," McGonagall gasped with a terrified look on her face. 

She too knew that Orion was a very strong wizard, especially after his class in wandless magic. He made everyone in the class float, including the furniture. And she would have taken this line with an easy if Dumbledore had done it, but Orion is just a boy. He is not even 15 and he was able to do this. 

Of course, she was very excited about Orion's future, there is no need to explain that currently, Orion's name in the wizarding world is resounding loudly. 

The golden boy. They say. 

The real saviour of the wizarding world. 

His own popularity is much higher than someone like Rose's. And that's Rose Potter. 

She was honestly happy for her troublesome student. The boy she saw doing exercise in the forest has grown way too fast.

But nothing is always roses and rainbow. 

With a big name comes a big head. Orion was still young. It was necessary to give him a proper upbringing. So he can grow up into a proper humble gentleman. 

McGonagall was just happy that although Orion has a big name he is somewhat controllable as he himself is not that strong.

Well, how wrong she was. 

She was worried after seeing his power and even seeing Orion's performance in the wandless class she went to Dumbledore to talk about him.

Dumbledore though at that time was much more troubled by Orion's Focus Ring which he wanted to bring into the market and thus just consoled McGonagall's worries with a few words. 

But now after seeing What Orion was capable of doing, there was a tremble in her heart. 

Is she even capable of stopping the boy if he turns dark? 

While McGonagall was thinking about this, other professors were also there and were gawking at the giant hole in the wall. 

No one knew what to do right now. Dumbledore wasn't there. He was almost abducted by the Ministry of Magic of Spain after what Grindlewald did there.

Many Professors quickly send all the Students directly to the infirmary while Orion still remains there. 

Orion on the other hand remains still. He himself was surprised at how he reacted. The sense of fear and urgency that he felt there might be the strongest he has ever felt. 

But still, he shouldn't have acted like that. He himself knew what kind of destruction his own power could do when remained unchecked.

The sentence "With great power comes great responsibilities" never sounded more true to him than it does to him now. 

He was clenching his hand like he himself was unsure what that one remaining hand which can do magic would do if he let it go like, it wasn't under his control. 

Snape was the first one to snap at Orion. 

But looking at the boy's shaken face, even he knew that right now wasn't the right time. Later when talking with Lupin everyone knew what happened.

[This is what happens when so much power is in the hands of a child, someone who hasn't learned the weight of the power he holds.] Merlin nodded, he didn't blame Orion, he too knew that Orion couldn't control the sudden increase in power. 

Usually, this should take decades for someone to grow this strong. But Orion did it in just a few mere years. It's not that Darkmagic is inherently destructive in nature. Which it is but not that much.

The real reason why it seems so destructive is that the wizard or witch just can't control the sudden increase of their power, and the corruption in their minds just makes them go on a rampage.

While Orion's mind was intact, the level of magical power he could control was dangerously getting closer to its borderline. 

Merlin now was more determined than ever to provide some sort of fighting experience, that was the only thing which could make Orion understand the true extent of his power in the short term while also making him aware of how much power he should put and when.

Only then the jumpy personality of his can be restrained, after all, Orion acted the way he did just now not just before of the sudden emergence of that grim ripper, which Merlin for some reason reluctant to name anytime soon, but also for the fact that he still unaware of his own power. He never got a chance to see his full extent. 

Its like 5 years old suddenly put in a body of a 25-year-old boxer in his prime. He doesn't even know how much power to put when dealing with a 10-year-old or a 20-year-old. 

Not to mention even after knowing that he is stronger now, he becomes nervous when suddenly a 10-year-old challenges him. 

Merlin can't do anything but sigh with troubled face. If has to solve this problem soon, this time he was lucky that the destruction was reversible. They could not be so lucky the next time.


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