
Chapter 21 : Ancient Magic And The History Of Magic

Both Orion and Merlin were getting more curious about Nick Iron.

Although they know that this is an alternative world and not exactly Harry Potter from the books and Movies but still.

Someone who looks surprisingly like Harry appearing and even knowing where the Chamber of Secrets and Room Of Requirement are is troubling.

Orion after pondering about this matter for a few seconds just shook his head.

'There is no point thinking about it right now. Even if that person is the original Harry Potter from The Cannon or Thanos reincarnated after turning into dust in the end game.

Orion has nothing to do with him. Not like he can stop him even if he is a bad guy. 

Right now he can't even stop some Slytherin bullies.

Right now his goal should be just getting strong.

Today he came here to practice learning more about runes and figure out what exactly made a broom fly.

So he immediately started his work.

The first stop will be to observe the broom to find out how it holds magic.

He knows at least this much that this broom holds the magic of their own. It's mostly multiple witch or wizard magic. In other words, use the magic which a wizard puts inside the broom efficiently and focus it on floating and flying.

But that is just him assuming things.

He after finding nothing interesting on the outside of the old broom. Started getting deeper.

He had all the tools to break apart the broom and see what was inside.

McGonagall already gave him a defective broom to begin with so there is no pressure on him about destroying the magical tool.

So, after 10 minutes of hammering and tearing apart, Orion finally found what exactly made a broom float in the first place.

He was right in his assumption that a broom holds its own kind of magic which allows it to convert the magic of a witch or a wizard into floating magic.

He looked at the complex runic array built inside the small hollow part of the broom.

Thanks to Merlin's teaching him about Runes and Runic Arrays. He has a very good understanding of what this array is about.

At this time Merlin suddenly speaks.

"Remember that not all Brooms will necessarily have a runic array like this one. There are many different ways to achieve a certain result. This one is just done with the help of a Runic Array. But this is a pretty old broom.

I believe that new brooms are the work of direct charm and intention," Merlin said.

Although Merlin tells Orion that he will not help him in this assignment, he can't let Orion's thinking get stuck to only Runes or just one application of magic because of his inexperience.

Orion after hearing this nodded.

"It's just like you said. The Modern methods taking over the ancient style," Orion remembers what Merlin said about the ancient magical system and modern magical system.

"Yes, and here is a question for you. Which do you think is better? The modern style which uses just a spell or combination of spells with intent mixed into it or the ancient style with this runic array," Merlin asked with a knowing smile on his face.

Orion after thinking about it finally said.

"For short-term purpose or ease of use, the modern method is good. The problem is that that kind of broom will not last long. 

There is a possibility that their magic will run out in just under a century or maybe in just a few decades. Not to mention, they are not as efficient in using the magical power as this one," Orion said after pointing towards the broken broom in front of him.

"Yes those are the negatives, what are the positives then," Merlin asked.

"Simple, Modern style is easy to use. Broom makers can make 5 brooms with modern style at the same time they make 1 when using the ancient style," Orion said.

"So do you think that Modern style is better," Merlin asked.

"No, although harder, ancient style gives us more control over the magic. By just looking at this broom here, I can tell that it's easily 400 to 500 years old. This runic array preserves this broom's condition for a long time. A magic which can last for such a long time is surely no inferior to modern magic," Orion said.

"Good, meaning you were listening to my explanations. And this might be the best time for me to explain what is the real difference between Modern Magic Style and Ancient Magic Style to you," Merlin said and Orion was ready with pen and paper to write down any important point.



"Let's start with what magic is. Magic is the chaos which brings changes to reality. This strange power was a gift from the higher beings to the lower beings.

This happened many many years ago at the dawn of history. Well before men even started walking on two legs.

These lower beings later passed this gift to many magical animals and even some humans.

The first humans who got this gift became somewhat similar to demigods and spirits. In fact, you can consider them as purebloods. 

The Real Pure Bloods or you can call them the Royal Blood to identify them later.

Fortunately, there are none left in the current earth. Otherwise, they could have become the gods of the world.

Animals which got this gift of chaos later passed on their bloodline for many years, their line still remains in many magical animals.

Later humans, not related to the Royal Bloods mind you, started forming packs with these lesser magical creatures.

And almost the entire line of wizards and magical we see today came from there." Merlin said and waited for this much knowledge to get digested first.

"This is also a reason why wizards nowadays have similar magical cores as magical animals.

Those who form this blood pack could be considered Pure Blood. But their descendants now are nothing more than a mere shadow of what their ancestors were.

Some of the wizards who were able to break these shackles of blood weakening and chaos in their blood dying out in recent times are Dumbledore, Grindelwald and Voldemort. Even in the past, there were wizards who did it like the founders.

Everyone achieves this status in their own way. Like Voldemort used many dark rituals etc.

This Level can be called an archmage or grandmaster. Remember when I told you the different levels among the magicians." Merlin said and finally asked the question.

"Yes, Grandmaster is level 5 according to what you told me," Orion replied.

"Exactly, usually level 4 "Master or Mage" is the limit of what normal witches and wizards can achieve in his world with just hard work and talent.

To achieve the status of an Arch Mage or Grand Master. One must find their own path. To increase their magic to that level. 

This never used to be the case in the past, however. In the past the magical power was in abundance, maybe not close to what it used to be when the Higher Being and Lesser Beings used to stay on this earth but still it was much better than what is the case today.

There are two very important events that happened in the world which destroyed the natural Magic of this world.

First was the great collapse which made the Higher Beings and Lesser Brings leave the earth.

And then there is the second collapse. Which destroyed the last remaining natural source of magic from the face of the earth.

In fact, the second collapse happened quite recently, only a thousand years ago.

This led many of the real pure blood to die and contempt the world to slowly use up all the remaining magic until magic permanently extinct from the world." Merlin said and waited a little.

On Orion's side, this all information was new and pretty interesting. But he caught the last words Merlin and started to connect the reason why Merlin said that the wizarding kind is getting weaker.

It was the lack of magical power. 

The last remaining magic in this world is like a natural resource which wizards are digging out, exhausting.

" I will surely explain more about the ancient times but not right now. Just understand that magic deficiency is the reason why even reaching the level of a Grandmaster in magic is so hard in the modern era.

Above that is Level 6 and 7 and maybe even more which I don't know. But that we will discuss later.

Let's start with the Modern system. As you have already seen the modern system is pretty easy, even a child with no magical knowledge can do magic after learning a few hand movements with his or her wand and getting a spell.

But the problem with this system is how bare-bones it is. Remember that Magic is nothing but a witch or wizards communicating with the chaos inside them to bring forth changes or impact in the real world.

How big of an impact you can bring defines the power of the wizards but how efficiently you can bring that impact defines how well you can communicate with that chaos. 

Expressing to your chaotic power, what exactly you want to do is magic.

Wizards for a long time have used numerous things to achieve this like making spells, hand movements, and using a wand, you name it.

It's just like having compatible and feature-rich software is essential to fully take advantage of powerful hardware.

Like the games you used to play. A controller can give you a good command of a car but a car handle will be always better. 

And that's what the modern system lacks.

You can only so much define what you want to do, to your magic with intent and simple words.

To do anything more complex or use the power you have more efficiently, you need a more complex language to communicate with the magic.

And that is what Ancient Magic is.

Why do you think that I was said to be the greatest wizard of all time?

I was strong no doubt about it but they never say the strongest wizard.

They say the greatest wizard.

This is because of my command to make my magic work exactly how I wanted it to. 

You will be learning more about ancient magic from me soon.

Once you have the right command then you don't need a spell to do something.

You can directly tell magic what you want and magic will do it for you.

You want to form a Rasengan like that Ninja anime you like to watch. You can do that.

You want to fly in the air without any broom like a Superman. Sure why not?

You can even leave this world entirely and go to another dimension." Merlin said and Orion was practically drooling by this point.

He immediately wanted to learn Ancient magic but Merlin won't teach him.

Saying that he needs more magic first. Stronger magic before ancient magic.

"Don't be impatient, I will teach you when the time is right. And remember what I have to teach you is just my own learning about magic. I don't want you to just follow my path. To really follow magic, you need to make your own path.

Level 7 was my limit back then. That level is very close to what those Royal Blood I told you before achieve. 

But that was my limit. 

You have to find your own limit on this scale, my friend," Merlin lastly said and left Orion and readers with what is yet to come.

Knowing one thing if there is anyone who can surpass him then it's ORION.


A/N : Sorry for the history lesson but this kind of informative chapter is important for the story.

Hope you like the chapter and know just how much stronger Orion can get as time goes.

Yes he is weak now but not for long. I promise

If you want to read up to 20+ Chapters in advance, check my Patre on


Guys please give me stones really need some stones

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