
Chapter 59 You are looking good.

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Sirzechs laughed when she heard the words of Issei and like an unruly child that made a mistake, she booped his nose.

There were few people who could treat Issei like a child and it turned out that Sirzechs was one of them now.

"You'd have to forgive me. That was the name that Michael wrote me. Either way, Issei-kun, with all that just happened, I think that I'll be running damage control for you and your show. I am just here for one confirmation before that all. Are you willing to take Riser's place as my sister's fiancée?"

The Dragon looked right into the eyes of the Satan and he knew that only the embellished truth could save him.

"Your sister asked that of me and I accepted. Therefore, yes."

Sirzechs smiled as she ruffled his hair.

"In a few days, you'd have an engagement party, Rias. That much, our parents were sure you'd lose. We'll turn into a party for your victory. Of course, Issei-kun, you'll attend as well?"

It wasn't so much a question as a formal demand.

"Of course."

"Great, then I'll best be off."

The magical circle opened and from her turned head, Sirzechs winked at the three teenagers.

"Akeno-chan, Ria-tan, I approve. And so does Fia."

It was always a rare but delicious treat to see the Ultimate [Queen] blushing and stuttering. Rias shared the same sentiment but they also got their own nicknames thrown at them.

Both Rias and Akeno saved that image in their mental databank and Issei hoped that he wouldn't be thrown for more loops.

Fighting all-powerful creatures was much easier than making conversation with them.

"I hope that I get used to meeting your sister. Because if I can be honest, Rias. That was terrifying."

Rias just winked at him and hugged him from the side.

"Don't worry, onee-sama meant those words. She approves of you."

He felt another set of tits around his arm and his attention turned to Akeno.

"And if she said that Grayfia likes you, she meant that."

Issei cursed his brain off the ideas in his head but he had to know for closure sake.

"Just wondering. Those two." It was unfortunate that he had to let his hand leave a valley of Gods but it was the best way to show.

His right thumb went between the lower end of his index and middle finger.

They had lived long in Japan to understand the Fig Sign.

"Yes." Both lamented that fact as they had learned that from a young age.

"Okay, that explains a lot."

Before the silence fell over them, the door flung open and the rest of Rias Peerage came rushing through.

Koneko wrapped her arms around her [King] but Asia barreled a way through to Issei as the former Holy Maiden wrapped him in a tight hug.

Kiba came in last and when their eyes met, Issei used his free arm to wave at them.

"Sorry, I couldn't save you three."

The [Knight] shook his head and was happy that Rias had lived through the Game though.

"It's fine, you did win the Game after all."

The hand went open and an open hand came through. The respect between them had grown tenfold during the game.

His eyes switched over to Koneko and back to Yuuto.

"You are looking good. Sure you should walk around?"

The [Knight] shrugged when he heard that comment.

"We were able to go through it. The Underworld's doctors were the best stationed. As soon we were capable of traveling, we came right back. We didn't want to miss this."

Koneko let Rias go and the open leg and lower half also got a tight hug from the [Rook]

"Thank you for winning, chief."

He ruffled her hair and when the cat looked up, she had a small smile on her face.

"That's what I was there for, Koneko-chan."

His eyes went over to the door and in the doorframe stood Kalawarner and Raynare. The Fallen Angels had also walked back to the clubroom and were ready to congratulate Issei for his win.

"Now, this is all nice, Asia, Koneko-chan but I think that a few others are also waiting."

The [Bishop] and [Rook] were reluctant to let Issei go and as soon as they did, there were two tight hugs from Raynare and Kalawarner.

First came the raven-haired girl who Issei let go and the teacher smirked as she felt his arms.

Both were incredibly grateful for the fact that Issei had not just protected Rias but also themselves in that fight.

"Where is Mittelt?" The question came after he let Kalawarner go who had the decency to look sheepish.

"She, eh."

"She is into hiding. When she saw what you did to Riser, that was enough to make her crap her pants. She'll be back later but for now, let her be." Raynare followed up to which Rias raised an eyebrow on that note.

"That is something we should keep in mind." Issei turned around and looked over at her.

"Now, we are all here, well, most of us. Rias, I believe that we need to have a discussion."

The Dragon walked over to the desk and sat on that and leaned forward in it.

That was the cue for Kiba to leave.

"I'll be outside. Call me when it's over."

He had a love for Rias, Akeno, and Koneko but it was a love as storge and he really didn't want or need to hear this discussion.

He closed the door and would be the stalwart watcher while Issei made the note to thank him.

"Look, I'll go out on a limb here. All of you here, have feelings of affection for me. Am I wrong to assume that?"

"No!" The chorus came out loud enough for him to jump a bit.

"Okay, all I needed to know. You all know my stance in regards to where I'd like to go with this."


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