
I get Caught In a Pot...

Hades POV:

I underestimated how long I would be waiting after Rock Zeus joined us in Dad's belly. After all, in all the myths I can remember, Gods tend to grow up much quicker than mortals. In the birth story of Artemis and Apollo, Artemis helps Apollo be born, giving her the Divinity of Childbirth, taking the domain from Eileithyia, Hera's daughter, and Athena jumps out of Zeus' head in full battle armor. So when months turned to years, I genuinely worried about when we would be freed from this place. Although, I suppose that I think that Zeus would need something of an upbringing if he could not only trick Kronos into hiring him but also make it so the most paranoid being in Greek mythology, except Zeus himself, trusts him enough to drink his elixir.

So, I'll admit to being very relieved when the walls that had spent my entire time here attempting to destroy my very being began to shake and weaken, leading to lightning-like cracks forming in the malicious gold surface, allowing for a bit of my Divine form to seep through the cracks created, the space provided allowed me actually to make use of my Divinity for once. So I did what any Divine being would do if their parent swallowed them would do, and caused a tiny bit of my Divine energy to char the inside of my father's stomach, just as a classic act of child rebellion, a finale fuck you for causing me to suffer for being born.

It was once I was finally done leaving a Divine ulcer inside my father's stomach when I was violently ejected from my acidic home; the familiar discomforting sensation of being passed through a hard surface rattled my incorporeal form as I burst free from my father's stomach like a miserable version of the Kool-aid man.

Being the third of my siblings(And yes, I'm counting Rock Zeus as a sibling) to be regurgitated from father's stomach allowed me to be able to see Orthys for the first time indeed, the walls were all made from pitch-black marble that simultaneously gave off an aura of majesty and fear, due to the natural size of the Titan' the building was uncomfortable tall it made me feel like an ant, with high walls that would have been the size of a particularly tall mortal museum, fitted with colossal thrones that stood like towers, each throne shared a trait with the one occupying it, Hyperion' throne was made of molten gold and held rotating Suns at the end of each arm, Iapetus' was made of the same pitch black marble that made up the walls yet was littered with silvery splotches that glistened, Krios' throne resembled the endlessness of space with bright galaxies and stars rotating it.

However, the throne I had just been thrown at the foot of caught my eye. Lifted an excellent few feet higher than the rest of the thrones, made up of stones of pure black obsidian, with the cracks filled in with molten gold, fitted with a variety of jewels and diamonds, the backrest of the throne held a silver hourglass containing gold sand that seemed never to end and the arms of the chair had a sheath for the Scythe of the Titan king

And while I would have loved to continue to marvel at my dad's cool and edgy throne, he was, unfortunately, sitting on it, and as cool as the throne would have customarily been, when there was a psycho, murdering kin slayer sat upon it, it lost a lot of its excellent points. 

The big man himself, however, was too busy trying to work off any effect Zeus' special elixir was having on him, to you know, go all slashy, slashy with the cool Scythe of his, slumped over his throne hands on his stomach looking like the result of a night out, of course, the fact it was his kids and not sick that was coming out did offset the image slightly. Still, the image amused me so that I will stick with it. 

Before I could continue to analyze my father's state, the last of my siblings came flying out of my father's belly, leaving a calming sensation inside my soul, who I'm going to guess is Hestia. The loss of his last snack seemed to galvanize Father as he realized we'd broken out of his stomach prison. However, I felt a cold hand enclose my form before he could act on it.

Turning around, I'm greeted by one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen, and considering I'm in a room full of near-perfect Immortal beings, that says something. She still isn't as attractive as mother Rhea; I can see the appeal with a beautiful, athletic, feminine body, long black hair that flowed like waves past her color bone, and attractive regal features that scream I'm a queen. However, of all her features, it was the startling grey eyes that shined with intellect, looking deeply into my being like she was thinking of a hundred ways that she could destroy me; it was these same eyes that I'd heard described a thousand times in the books in my old life, the eyes of Athena...

However, as the woman whom I had now identified as Metis grabbed me, I heard a menacing roar of the awakening Titan' before I could even begin to panic, though, I was quickly bundled up into a group with my fellow stomach pals before being unceremoniously dumped into a clay pot, that looked like it had been graffitied by a group of toddlers using a golden sharpie. Before I could begin to protest my rough handling, Metis started to whisper in an unrecognizable tongue that sounded like a bunch of different croaks and groans; once she finished speaking, gold energy seeped into the walls of the pot-like fog entering my very being before quickly retreating. Confused, I was about to try and take a physical form and ask what the hell that was before my vision flashed with bright gold light, and I was gone once more, hopefully for the last time...

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