
Chapter 31: The Military School Enrollment In Another World. (Part 2)

Upon stating that they were going there to enroll, they were allowed through the gates and entered the [restricted area].

It appeared that all the other vehicles around them were heading into the restricted area for the same reason. There were even those who were walking on foot, making their way towards the portal. 

Unlike them who were on their feet, Julius and his group passed straight through the portal on their car. 

When they passed through the portal, their eyes widened. 

They had been taken to a bridge that led directly to a huge castle-like structure on the edge of a cliff. There was a large forest below the cliff that stretched as far as the eye could see. 

Unlike in the previous world, the time zone here was completely different. It was dark, indicating night time, but there were two moons, one at each end of the sky.

Unlike it's normal silver color on earth, the moon in this world were purple.

"So this is another world…" Julius muttered as he looked around. 

"Yeah, it's awesome… this is setting my expectations quite high for the military school." Lyra added as she smiled nervously.

"It was a good idea to come here." Ava continued as she grasped her sword tightly.

Behind them were the portal and other cars, and further down there was what looked like a tall wall with a gate from where the bridge began, preventing them from seeing what was beyond.

Despite being curious about what lay beyond it, they opted not to worry about it for now, and focused instead on the castle at the end of the bridge instead.

They noticed that all the cars that had come through were parked inside just ahead of the gates.

"Why are they just parked there?" Julius asked. "They all look like taxi cars, is there a benefit to staying any longer?" 

The driver in the front shook his head.

"Nope, there's no benefit at all. They stay because they have to. There's only one portal to share. Right now there are people entering, they'll have to wait for everyone to enter. Once that happens, it'll switch over and we'll be able to leave while those trying to enter have to wait." 

Julius nodded, having understood his explanation. 

'Ah, so that's how they manage with only one portal… It's quite troublesome but it probably isn't normally this busy. I would guess because today is the last day of enrollment.'

"Ah but also… there are students who fail and the drivers waiting to charge them extra on the return trip." 

'Business is business… wait-'

"Did you just say fail? I thought there weren't any entrance exams to enroll? Even kids from the slums could do it?"

"Well yeah, in the past. But they've changed it recently, I've heard rumors that there's too many students and not enough ability orbs. What they're looking for right now are those with some level of talent or a decent ability at least…"

The ability orbs were spheres that contained abilities. Consuming it would allow one without an ability to inherit and awaken the ability within.

The military schools were receiving so many students as of late because of these resources, they were useful for those who weren't able to awaken during the apocalypse.

Powerful abilities were hard to come by, so most of the orbs handed out were the ones with weak potentials.

'It seems like right now they've stopped trying to fill up the military schools but are now searching for some decent talent. It'll be hard for those without an ability to enroll now.'

Although the girls didn't seem to mind the exam, Julius felt unusually nervous as they approached the castle at the end of the bridge.

'What type of exam is it? If it's a physical exam, I'm fucked… but well, Nightmare is powerful, I should be fine…'

Upon reaching the last gate, they handed over the invitation letter. However, unlike previous times, this time it was scanned by a phone-device.

A green beep was heard once the scan was complete. And after counting the number of them in the car, he handed them four numbered chest tags.

[Number 378]

[Number 379]

[Number 380]

[Number 381]

"Pin this against your chests, if you lose it, you're disqualified." 

Those were the only words the man said. Once they did as instructed, the gates opened and they were allowed through.

"What's this for?" Ruby asked.

"Probably to identify us, they don't know anything about us." Julius responded.

"Yeah, that's exactly the case." The driver responded as he stopped the car. 

And just like that, they were by the huge palace's parking lot. It looked even bigger from up close. 

Julius and his friends got out of the car and got their rucksacks from the trunk with the driver's help. Ruby was the only one without a large bag.

Unlike them, she had a small pouch that could hold just about anything. They weren't sure how it worked, neither was she. It was like a large portable inventory.

Apparently, she had gotten it as a gift.

Julius wanted to conduct some tests on it but he hadn't had the time as of late.

"Want me to wait for you in case any of you fail?" The driver asked as he stood by the door with a grin. 

He'd been wearing a driver's cap which covered his face, even till now Julius didn't know what the driver looked like. 

"Nah, it's fine. We're all going to pass." Julius declared with a nervous smile.

"Alright then, good luck." The driver responded as he pulled out a cigar.

The group then set off to the entrance, where there were several other people standing with the numbered chest tags clipped to their chest.

There were people of all ages, from young to old and they were all there for the same reason… to enroll.

Ruby could see it from under the hoodie of her cloak, the auras surrounding them. Many of the candidates had awakened, but there were some who hadn't.

Those who hadn't awakened looked very strong, they had shredded physiques only acquirable after years of hard training. They were most likely after an ability orb.

But they were going up against those who had already awakened, would they truly be able to hold their ground in the exam?

'Well it's none of my business.' Ruby thought to herself before shifting her gaze to where everyone's attention was.

It was on two people who stood before the group by the palace's entrance.

One was a tall muscular black-haired man, wearing a black uniform with a sword on his waist. A scar ran down his shut right eye, and he wore a grumpy expression. The other was a granite gray haired woman standing there with her arms crossed in the same black uniform. 

They both looked middle-aged and wore badges on the arms of their uniforms. They stood there silently, waiting for something.

Julius looked at his group before letting out a sigh.

"Looks like we're going to be waiting here for a bit." He said. "It shouldn't take that long…"




"It's been half an hour… how much longer are we going to have to wait?" Julius asked as he stared at the two stood in the front.

Several other candidates had arrived since then, and chatter ensued amongst them as they tried to get to know one another.

Julius and his group however remained silent as they waited for an announcement of sorts.

"Some of the cars started leaving, I'm guessing there won't be any new candidates arriving." Ruby stated.

And shortly after she said that-


Suddenly, the man in front cleared his throat, attracting the attention of all the candidates.

"Hello candidates, today is the final day of the five days you were given the opportunity to enroll. I am Zuke one of the examiners who will be overseeing your enrollment test. There are currently two hundred and sixty seven of you gathered here today. I'm sure you're aware of this but unlike in the past, most of you will most likely be sent home."

Despite not shouting, the man's voice was somehow heard clearly by everyone around.

"I am another one of hte examiners who will be overseeing your enrollment test. My name is Tyra. If your number is called, step forward so that the exam may begin." 

The same could be said for the lady's voice. It felt as if they could hear their voices right beside their ears.

Next chapter